Posts votados por el equipo @cervantes: 24.10.2017, 22:28 Uhr / 25.10.2017, 22:28 Uhr

in cervantes •  7 years ago 

En el proyecto @cervantes hemos votado un total de 46 posts entre el 24.10.2017, 22:28 Uhr y 25.10.2017, 22:28 Uhr

Con estos "posts", 43 autores diferentes han generado hasta ahora un total de 830.71 SBD, con una media de 18.06 SBD por post.

main_image@domidelpostigoEl Pinsapo. Un habitante prehi ...7.79
main_image@rosicreativeINKTOBER DÍA -11 TEMA/CORRER.. ...7.52
main_image@maudesignExperiencia en el Museo de la ...7.523
main_image@critic-onPrueba de germinado en semilla ...4.824
main_image@sergiorRUTEANDO POR GIJON.3.136
main_image@elenamHaciendo caricaturas / el vuel ...13.169
main_image@cosmicboy123Concurso de Fotografía Cervant ...5.923
main_image@leyargozMy Daily post - Nature Live / ...10.694
main_image@alteregophotoI'm missing myself... (English ...10.655
main_image@jota.gifBloqueo Mental10.266
main_image@freddbritoRetro Review - Sonic The Hedge ...13.027
main_image@rakison1Steemit una fuente de vida, na ...9.051
main_image@voltronluisMEGA-ALIANZA contra EPN. Se cr ...5.606
main_image@noticiasLa oscura utilización de Faceb ...7.759
main_image@manueldelgadoRecetas de un Steemian # 12 - ...8.853
main_image@rnunez09"miprimerconcurso 16" Entrada ...6.544
main_image@marpaLa verdad de la vida6.196
main_image@phosgenexMi introducción6.747
main_image@artepoetico"Espías o Ventanas del Alma" D ...10.76
main_image@malonmarMontando mi Raspberry PI 3 - S ...15.185
main_image@pharesimInvite your friends to Steem! ...281.961
main_image@romero22Relato de un orgasmo / Cap. 1 ...8.115
main_image@cavilacionHay cuerpos yuxtapuestos que s ...13.989
main_image@th2017ATENCIÓN: Si has pensado en AB ...8.823
main_image@luismyUn salto cuántico evolutivo.9.513
main_image@sinvistaalsolTÉCNICA DEL BRAILLE TÁCTIL.9.829
main_image@winizartAlma Floreciendo Técnicas Mi ...10.6
main_image@gaboxGolden Axe - Zona Arcade #1 - ...13.117
main_image@angelovichElaborando Viejo Dibujo de Asu ...9.955
main_image@linshy19Tortuguita de cartón9.083
main_image@megustaComo proteger los derechos de ...10.375
main_image@dontstopmenowEstamos solos en el Universo? ...8.913
main_image@risckyluSiempre Hay Tiempo Para La Est ...14.086
main_image@matutesantiago93Una fuerza desconocida (relato ...13.949
main_image@lincePosts marked by Lince/ Publica ...31.862
main_image@poetarojoCervantes Magazine Vol. 9: Aut ...15.671
main_image@romulexxMotivando el pensamiento y gen ...13.744
main_image@wartrapaAny given Sunday - Un domingo ...21.388

Post adicionales votados por el equipo @sancho.panza:

Post adicionales votados por el equipo @don.quijote:

Post adicionales votados por el equipo @simon.bolivar:

Post adicionales votados por el equipo @frida.kahlo:

Post adicionales votados por el equipo @velazquez:

Post adicionales votados por el equipo @goya:

Chat @cervantes en Discord !!!
Y no te pierdas los audioconferencias entre los miembros cervantiles y los canales de promoción por categorias

CONCURSO CERVANTES FOTOGRAFÍA: Regalamos 3 Premios semanales y un premio final de 350 SBD

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

WARNING - Do not click links in comments or posts by @lndesta120282! This account has been stolen and could be posting phishing links! If you have clicked on the link and entered your owner password or any keys in the fake site you need to take action immediatly. If you have questions @patrice is my owner.

Felicitaciones a todos los mencionados del día.
Les deseo unas buenas noches.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

excellent contest and great initiative ME ENCANTA

I really make wake of examining the whole post
Having that expressed, I saw you make your posts genial in the way you impart and that counts alot.

Phenomenal Superb!

felicitaciones a todos los votados! espero algun dia ser privilegiado. mientras tanto dando lo mejor en mis post!

Felicitaciones a todos!.

Hi @cervantes,
very nice post ! Welcome to Steemit!
I have followed you, & you please follow me @tanmoykumer

Felicitaciones a todos los steemians votados!.

interesting concept ,very good in my opinion

felicitaciones a los creador de esto post

lndesta120282 account was stolen by scammer!!! Don't not click the link in its comment!!!
@patrice, @pfunk, @steemcleaners, @adm, I alerted you guys yesterday about the new victim of lndesta120282. I do not have enough SP to flag it!
Please take action. Thanks!!!
For details go to:

Gracias por el voto!

Gracias por el voto!

Muchas gracias por el apoyo <3

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Hello & Cheers!! I'm a content detection and information bot. You are receiving this reply because a short link or links have been detected in your post/comment. The purpose of this message is to inform your readers and yourself about the use of and dangers of short links.

To the readers of the post: Short links are provided by url shortening services. The short links they provide can be useful in some cases. Generally their use is benign. But as with all useful tools there are dangers. Short links can be used to hide all sorts of things. Quite frequently they are used to hide referral links for instance. While not dangerous this can be deceptive. They can also be used to hide dangerous links such as links to phishing sites, sites loaded with malware, scam sites, etc. You should always be extremely cautious before clicking on one. If you don't know and trust the poster don't click. Even if you do you should still be cautious and wary of any site you are sent to. It's always better to visit the site directly and not through a short link.

To the author of the post: While short links may be useful on some sites they are not needed on steemit. You can use markdown to format your links such as this link to steemit. It's as simple as [steemit]( Unlike short links this allows the reader to see where they are going by simply hovering over the link before they click on it.

This message was created by a bot. It is part of the ongoing fight against spam and phishing attacks on steemit. If you did not use short links in your post and feel you have received this message in error you can contact @fubar-bdhr on discord or @fubar.bdhr on steemit chat to report the issue.

Excellent message .. I invite you to go through my profile and see my content

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Hello & Cheers!! I'm a content detection and information bot. You are receiving this reply because a short link or links have been detected in your post/comment. The purpose of this message is to inform your readers and yourself about the use of and dangers of short links.

To the readers of the post: Short links are provided by url shortening services. The short links they provide can be useful in some cases. Generally their use is benign. But as with all useful tools there are dangers. Short links can be used to hide all sorts of things. Quite frequently they are used to hide referral links for instance. While not dangerous this can be deceptive. They can also be used to hide dangerous links such as links to phishing sites, sites loaded with malware, scam sites, etc. You should always be extremely cautious before clicking on one. If you don't know and trust the poster don't click. Even if you do you should still be cautious and wary of any site you are sent to. It's always better to visit the site directly and not through a short link.

To the author of the post: While short links may be useful on some sites they are not needed on steemit. You can use markdown to format your links such as this link to steemit. It's as simple as [steemit]( Unlike short links this allows the reader to see where they are going by simply hovering over the link before they click on it.

This message was created by a bot. It is part of the ongoing fight against spam and phishing attacks on steemit. If you did not use short links in your post and feel you have received this message in error you can contact @fubar-bdhr on discord or @fubar.bdhr on steemit chat to report the issue.