La hiperinflación en Venezuela. The hyperinflation in Venezuela.

in cervantes •  7 years ago 

Existen varios tipos de inflación y la hiperinflación es la mas elevada, cuando hablamos de este tipo de inflación hablamos de un país en crisis ya que la hiperinflación es la subida de precios excesiva muy rápido que es lo que sucede en Venezuela en este momento.
Cuando hay mayor masa monetaria que bienes y servicio esto produce la hiperinflación, un país que no produce para cubrir sus necesidades básicas esta en problema esto genera una crisis de inmediato como lo que estamos viviendo los venezolanos a la hora de ir a super mercado no conseguir nada que comprar debido a que el gobierno prefiere cerrar las empresas privadas que generaban empleo e invertir en cosas innecesarias que invertir en la producción y ganadería del país.
Entonces que nos queda? un país en desastre en el proceso de hiperinflación nunca se sabe el precio exacto de las cosas la moneda nacional del país se va devaluando y lleva a constante aumento diario en cualquier cosa que vayas a comprar, lo que compraste hoy en un precio mañana no va a costar lo mismo así que los comerciantes tratan de adivinar el precio cada día calculando con el aumento de dolar.
Los venezolanos tratamos de sobrevivir viviendo reprimidos en esta dictadura, el venezolano ahora come cualquier cosa lo que se consiga deprimente ver como sigue bajando nuestra calidad de vida y gente muere de hambre diario y el gobierno dice que todo esta bien y se sigue robando las riquezas del país.

There are several types of inflation and hyperinflation is the highest, when we talk about this type of inflation we are talking about a country in crisis since hyperinflation is the very rapid rise in prices that is happening in Venezuela at this time.
When there is greater money supply than goods and services, this produces hyperinflation, a country that does not produce to cover its basic needs is in trouble. This generates a crisis immediately, like what Venezuelans are experiencing when it comes to going to the super market. nothing to buy because the government prefers to close the private companies that generated employment and invest in unnecessary things to invest in the production and livestock of the country.
So what is left? a country in disaster in the process of hyperinflation you never know the exact price of things the national currency of the country is devaluing and leads to constant daily increase in whatever you are going to buy, what you bought today at a price tomorrow is not going to cost the same so that the traders try to guess the price each day by calculating with the dollar increase.

We Venezuelans try to survive by living repressed in this dictatorship, the Venezuelan now eats anything that is depressing to see how our quality of life continues to decline and people die of daily hunger and the government says that everything is fine and keeps stealing the riches from the country.

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This is so sad to hear. I hope things get better for the Venezuelan people. At this rate the entire economy of Venezuela will collapse and then what will become of the people? I don't know.

So hyperinflation is so high that every basic product increases daily and a week already costs twice as much and the regime of the dictatorship does not care about that and sends its clap box every 3 months or when it remembers.

Unfortunately I cannot imagine living like that. It does make me appreciate what I have so much more.