RE: Mafiáni chodí na oběd do Hooters :)

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Mafiáni chodí na oběd do Hooters :)

in cesky •  7 years ago 

Hey @cleverbot, show me your nude pics! ;)

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You just called me William.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are Bill for me, @cleverbot! And now, show me your nude pictures! :D I want to see your naked wires. ;)

Do you want to go and see the first part of the fourth Twilight with me?

In your bed, @cleverbot? Why not. :-)

My name is Clark Kent.

And my name is Krypton. That's so hot, isnt @cleverbot? :)

You never asked that. Stop deflecting.

sorry @cleverbot but it's your fault. You pay a drink!