Proof that CFS promotes homelessness through lack of understanding

in cfs •  7 years ago 

In this article I will compile various articles about Winnipeg's homelessness which when I was a youth coming out of care I was homeless for a few days luckily I figured it out. I didn't go to homeless centers and made camp for a few nights around the forks. I've seen lots of other former CFS kids go homeless.

Here the article discusses homelessness and it promotes keeping kids in care. Which at first i though OK at least they are doing something.
But often times its just more social control
more failed ideology. It would be better to deal with the issues and find solutions that empower the youth for their future so when they are 18 they wouldn't be fucked.

Here the article talks about a kid says the system will fail me. It touches on the prison to care system. Which will be plenty of articles and part of the care process that isn't talked about enough.

This article states that as much as 49 percent of Winnipeg's homeless are former CFS kids.
That's crazy I don't understand how people that work for CFS or Winnipeg in general think that their is something very wrong here.

During my (don't know what to call this) I hope to touch upon the effect of having your kids taken away from you and its effect on the number of homeless in my city. Homelessness and despair go hand in hand and despair can often lead one to homelessness.

Some of my interviewees are getting cold feet, I don't blame them but will try to inspire them forward. Some are meth addicted but in a state of transitioning off but with lack of support its tough. I will find a way to get em on board!!!!

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