This is Marketing - Book Recommends

in cgboss •  6 years ago 

This book is a collection of writings and interactions from the The Marketing Seminar Online Workshop Run by Seth and his team.

The main key 🔑 point:

Real Marketing is about trying to make the change in the world. Who do you want to serve not just serving more ads to that tribe. Don't hide behind the spreadsheets or numbers of Mass marketing.


If you have been following Seth Godin for a long time since his early books like purpule cow. This books bring a culmination of the thoughts and observations he has had over the many years and through running the Marketing online courses he has distilled it into this one handy book.

This is not a book on tactics or the latest Social Strategy methods, rather its about trying to get you to see something bigger than just the latest marketing buzzwords.

I had a good listen to it on the Audio Version. If you have trouble to sit down and read getting an Audio version is just as good. Read by Seth.

Get it on Amazon.


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