Awesome! Congress subpoenas FBI for "ALL, UNREDACTED" Clinton emails on the spot!

in chaffetz •  7 years ago 

Representative Chaffetz, during an open hearing regarding Clinton emails, schools the FBI representative on what information our oversight committe has a right to see. Mr. Chaffetz serves him with a subpoena requesting ALL, UNREDACTED emails that the FBI has been withholding from Congress.

It just shows the arrogance of these intellegence agencies who believe that they have the right to censor what documents and which information in those documents Congress has a right to see. The FBI seems to believe that they are above Congress and can redact and even withhold information from Congress according to their own personal judgement! We need to continue to drain this swamp and reset Congress back to their original staus as actual OVERSIGHT!

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Hillary Clinton is like herpes. She's embarrassing, irritating, and she just won't go away. The Republicans best asset is Clinton cause she's destroying the party with her elitist globalist agenda.

Lol ouch