@timcliff answers a Question of mine about How decentralized steemit really is, on a completely separate post! He had no idea he was answering my question of "Is Steemit really decentralized?"

in chainbb-general •  8 years ago  (edited)

Ok here is a great post by @timcliff who posted this incredible answer to this question on this @zer0hedge post here

[-]timcliff71 · 6 days ago
Steemit can, as they operate the Steemit.com website - and they can control what gets displayed. What they can't do is censor what is stored in the blockchain itself. Anyone is able to create their own instance of a blockchain viewer, to present the data that is stored in the blockchain. (Even Steemit.com's code base "condenser" is open source, so it could be used to produce a site that didn't censor, solong as someone was willing to host it.)
$0.02 6 votes"

(Noble Rot, or me on steemit in the future)

Which answered my question I asked here

(chainBB link) https://beta.chainbb.com/steemit/@ackza/is-steemit-decentralized-i-have-a-deep-question-and-clarification-i-hope-to-be-make-surrounding-difference-between-decentralized-steem-crypto-currency-and-very-much-centralized-steemitcom-website-and-future-of-steemit-optics-viachainbb

So even if steemit.com was hijacked by bad guys who tried to censor us, we woul dhave steemd.com an all sorts of backup websites that showed its own version of the steem blockchain! Like here on chainbb where we organize all the related topics in the same space! We can always make our own website, an find someone to pay for the hosting,or use our OWN steem block explorer apps an we could theoretically not even need a server or a website, to post, vote and get rewards and transfer money to and from our steem wallets!

Soon we will be in total Ghost in the Shell or SnowCrash CyberPunk William Gibson NeuroMancer Territory! We are already wire heads! Adding money that just becomes more and more valuable into our internet addiction surely didn t help! LOL Now its like we HAVE to stay online in order to make enough to save enough bitcoin not not miss out on this massive crypto wave coming! FOMO Fear Of Missing Out a HUGE factor in crypto! We should all specialize in Crypto Psychology for Obsessive Crypto Currency Disorder which we all have OCCD

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Glad I could help :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

oh shit son there he is! @timcliff ladies and gentlemen! oh shit i think i just heard the sound of .142 SBD going into your account! And there it goes!

Thanks :)

Yes, @timcliff is very smart and if he's into it, usually I am too. I did like his answer about how the condenser works. :)

could it be? a positive up beat comment from @intelliguy ?!?!? Maybe I broke through to him after all!??!?!?!

Interesting read