How to raise a child with good behaviour

in chainbb-general •  8 years ago 

I read a post from internet which to remind ourselves talking to the children.

Teaching children good manners begins with us showing them respect. “Some of the disrespectful ways adults treat children have been said and done to children for so long, we are often unaware they are disrespectful”, says parenting expert, Pam Leo. When you were a child did any adult ever:

Prompt you to say please and thank you?

Insist you say you were sorry?

Force you to share your toys?

Prompt you to say hello or goodbye to visitors?

Demand that you hug or kiss family members or friends when you didn’t want to?

Give orders instead of requests?

Talk about you in front of you as if you weren’t there?

Can you remember how it felt to be treated that way?

Now go through the list again and see how many of those things you have said to your own children. Like most of us you probably found that you ended up with a high score. This shows how much we are conditioned by our culture to control other people’s behaviour, especially children’s.

We are probably just repeating what our parents did to us and our children will do the same to their children if we don’t break the ‘chain of disrespect’, but the good news is we can! It boils down to respecting people’s feelings, no matter how old they are, and there’s a golden rule… if it’s something that would be disrespectful to say to your best friend, don’t say it to your child. If it’s something you could comfortably say to a visitor in your home or an adult you love, then it is fine to say it to your child, and you will be teaching her respect and good manners, without even trying.

People, of all ages, need to be treated respectfully, and they hurt when they aren’t. Although children are younger than us and in need of guidance, they are more sensitive and more easily hurt than adults. They are also learning from us how to behave, by watching everything we say and do.

The artical from

We always find that it's difficult to communicate with youngsters and children. So I would like to share this to all of you .

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Thanks for your kind sharing!
I have been involving in training and tutorial activities of teenagers since senior secondary school years. It is certain that the way we behave and treat children could have affected their growth and the building of their self esteem, and that's why I agree with a communication way based on respect!

Yes ! This is a complicated issue of teaching them and develop their personalities. I have friends being a teacher and they need to continue studying and learning the way being with their students. And I love reading these articles. I'm happy my share could help you. 💪🏻