The "Basket Bearer"?
Interpretation: the upside down woman whisp-errs to the ear of the basket bearer.
In 1646 the first North American patent was filed and granted to Joseph Jenkes. The entire composition omits the use of the suffix "er".
"pforme, oth pson" some examples of the author's logic and perspective.
Constructive air, destructive err?
The camera was in my hand, as I walked the shutter button was unintentionally pressed. When I looked over the photos, the laptop monitor in the sombre room was captured in motion yet the "image" intended is stationary. My best wild guess? ..conduit through human palm/meridians captured by a Nikon light sensor of twenty-first century design.
AH! ..correction, there is wielding command of the basket in hand. Alternatively one who errs may "bear" the basket on the head.
The complementary of a positive diamond (air) can be a negative spade (earth) piling on adversity. With positive air (conscious breath) fueling exothermic fire, poolings of emotional response evaporate condensing at the mind to be expressed as a tear freed to make its way back to the belly (seat of emotions) from whence it originated. :)
A short compendium defining the correlations collected among four of the ancient elements (the least scientifically oriented composition)... Recovery and the Four Elements
After five years I finally noticed the size of the bag/basket first I could not entirely accept what I had been looking at. Not being sure what to do with the information, it simmered for five years ..till an individual said "LOOK HERE" (flashing neon letters). I had some previous correlation of significance from accepted ancient Akkadian lore. There are two baskets as I said, the load one perceives and that which is beyond one's perception in the given situation.
Thank you Graham Hancock for going out of your way to mention the ancient handbag/basket mystery which continues to reappear throughout ancient records.
Why the pine cones? ..forming straight and square faux-stone required technology to produce metal tools. Making straight, evenly planed lumber allows the forming of faux-stones a "sheet of paper will not fit between".