Heal your body and soul naturally through 7 chakras

in chakras •  6 years ago 

  Chakra means wheels in Sanskrit. The concept of healing the body and soul through the chakras were developed in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism anciently. Our body consists of 7 Chakras and is used as various focal point for meditation.  

  Everything on this planet revolves around energy. The main source of energy is the sun. Every life on earth can be denoted as energy. No life can exist without a form of energy. We strive for our fitness of body and soul but in today’s world, it’s hardly achievable. Long back in the ancient times, the practice of energizing the chakras in our body was exercised. It is believed that our body comprises of 7 Chakras which are the source of energy to our body. Charka means Wheel in Sanskrit and it has an old connection with religion like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Chakras can be activated in our body by proper meditation and. Rotation of these wheels in our body ensures smooth flow of energy and thus life. If any of the 7 chakras do not work properly then the quality of our life decreases by means of health and soul.  So to practice proper meditation and to energize the 7 Charkas in our body we must know the Chakras, their point of origin in our body and the ways of practicing such healing meditation. 

  · The Root Chakra- is located at the base of our spine. It represents our feeling of security and feeling of being grounded. This is imagined in a bright red color during meditation. The Root Chakra heals our body by eliminating toxins and wastes from our body.  

  · The Sacral Chakra- is located in the abdomen, two inches below the navel. Sacral Chaka is responsible for the feelings related to abundance, well-being, pleasure and, sexuality. It is denoted by a bright orange color. This Chakra is also responsible for healing body parts like kidney and bladder.    

  · The Solar Plexus Chakra- is located in the upper abdomen. It is denoted by a sunny yellow color. It deals with emotional issues such as self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. This Chakra also takes care of Body organ like the digestive system. So whenever we are overexcited or worried, we feel a sudden motion in our abdomen.  

  · Heart Chakra- is located at the center of the chest just above the heart. It is denoted by Green color and represents our feelings of joy, happiness and love. It also signifies our relationships, love, and jealousy and other emotions.  

  · Throat Chakra- is located in our throat and is denoted by color Blue. It energizes our power of speech, ability to communicate nonviolently, openly and honestly. It also portrays self-expression through truth. This meditation can help you before going for a public speech.  

  · Third Eye Chakra- is located between the eyes and is denoted by dark Blue color. It represents the synchronization of the brain and visual system. It helps to think beyond your sight and increases concentration.  

  · The Crown Chakra- is located at the epitome of the head, and is denoted by color Purple. It deals with inner and outer beauty and related to cosmic connection and spiritual bliss.  

  Practicing meditation to stimulate and energize the 7 Chakras of life will help us maintain a healthy balance in our everyday life as well as the well-being of our soul and health.  

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