Challenge - Puzzle carries prizes! 3 votes of 100 percent VP.

in challenge •  7 years ago  (edited)

The challenge is over, the winner is @kouba01 You can still read this wonderful puzzle.


Josef and Roi became friends of Sarit and they want to know when her birthday. Sarit presents them with a list of twelve possible dates:

January 14, January 15, January 18, February 16, February 17, February 13, February 15

March 13, March 15,

December 13, December 14 and December 16.

Sarit reveals to Josef and Roi, respectively, to each the month and to the other the day she was born.

(We do not know which of them she told what day\month.)

Josef: I do not know when Sarit's birthday is, but I know Ro'i does not know either.

Roi: At first I did not know when Sarit's birthday was, but now I know.

Josef: So I know when her birthday is as well.

So - when was Sarit's birthday?

לוגו מאריאנארט.png

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Lovely romantic puZZLE


Holly shit man, what is the answer. I just got back from University after 9 hours of study and not in a condition right now to use my brain again😆

Same here :D

nice post n puzzle i love it 😊

Well, I am not good in Math...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@amiramnoam - Total set of possible combinations of month and dates are :
possible data set:
{J: 14, 15, 18;
F: 13, 15, 16, 17;
M: 13, 15;
D: 13, 14, 16; ) (Thanks to @laurakodi for this summary. I had writting the same summary on a piece of paper but when I started typing my answer, I saw this summary. I thought - perhaps the answer is already solved by someone so I just took the summary and have worked out answer on my own. No issues about whether i get prize or not - It was fun!! Thanks for the brain teaser ) Anyway - here is my logic
Let us make an assumption that Joseph knows month and Roi knows date. For Joseph to say for sure that Roi does not know birthdate for sure, Joseph must know that the month he knows does not have ANY unique date (meaning all the dates in the month he knows have to be present at least in one more month). So, the months Jan and Feb which have 17th and 18th as unique dates are eliminated. Now, Roi, hearing Josephs statement, uses same logic and eliminates Jan and Feb. Then he says NOW he knows for sure. That means the date he has can not be duplicated in both March and December otherwise he would not know the month for sure. So, the dates 13 is eliminated from both December and March. Now, it can only be March 15, December 14 or December 16.
Joseph uses this logic based on what Roi says and then mentions he knows date too so, he is seeing only one date left in the Month he knows. Since this is only in March, the date is March 15.

Hope that logic is correct.



The answer is March 15

Roi is given the day and Josef is given the month. This is because Josef can only know the month is he is given a unique month but there are none. Roi can only know the date if he has a unique day, the two are 17 and 18. So if Josef says Roi doesnt know then the months corresponding to these dates are eliminated
Jan 14,15,18 and Feb 16,17,13,15 are gone

So we are left with March 13,15 and Dec 13,14,16 meaning Roi has either a 13,14,15 or 16. It cannot be 13 because there is not enough information. That leaves Dec 14 and 16 and March 15. It cannot be either December date because there is not enough information so the answer has to be March 15


Answer is March 15th.

Assume Joseph knows the month. Joseph says "I know Roi doesn't know". Joseph knows that Roi only knows the day. The only way Roi could know the birthday is if Roi knew that it was 17th or 18th (as there is only one month for those feb and jan respectively). So for Joseph to know that Roi doesn't know, we know that Joseph must know that the month isn't Jan or Feb.

Hence it can only be March 13th, 15th, Dec 13th, 14th or 16th.

Roi says "I didn't know, but now I know" because he didn't know before if it was Jan or Feb or not, but now he knows it's not Jan or feb.

We now know it's not March 13th or Dec 13th, because otherwise Roi wouldn't know if it was March or Dec.

hence it can only be march 15th, dec 14th or dec 16th.

Josef then says "I now know too"

Thus it can only be March 15th, because Josef knows the month, and if he knew it was dec, he still wouldn't know if it was dec 14th or 16th, but as he knows, he must know it's march and there is only one march left march 15th.


Das ist schwer

I don’t know the answer, but I know that Sarit tried her best to save herself from giving a party to Josef and Roi !!

But she failed 😂😂


It is March 15th?
Josef says: I do not know when Sarit's birthday is, but I know Ro'i does not know either.- This is true as he only knows the Month.
The only way that Roi could know Sarit's birthday is if she told him 17 or 18 as that would be Jan. 18 or Feb. 17.

Josef must therefore have been told March orDecember since this rules out Roi being told 17 or 18.

Roi says : At first I did not know when Sarit's birthday was, but now I know.
Roi must have figured out that Josef was told March or December. If he knows the full date, he must have been told 14 15 or 16 as if the was told 13 he would not know between March 13 and Dec. 13.

Josef says : So I know when her birthday is as well.
Josef has figured the possible dates are March 15 or Dec. 14 or 16. For him to now know, he must have been told March otherwise if he had been told December, he would not know between December 14 or 16. Therefore the answer is March 15?

My answer is December 13.
Joseph was told the months and Roi was told the dates. (Jan 14, Jan 15, Jan 18, Feb 16, Feb 17, Feb 13, Feb 15).
And Joseph replied: I do not know when Sarit's birthday is but I know Roi does not know either.
This means they didnot have clue til now.

(March 13, March 15).
Roi replied: At first, I did not know Sarit's birthday was but now I know.
Which means Roi know the date now i.e, 13.

(December 13, December 14, December 16)
Joseph replied: So I know when her birthday is as well.
Which means December 13 is Sarit's birthday.

@ amiramnoam..Since they say '' when sarit's birthday WAS '' i assume it must be in january and i go with january 18 because the are no other '' 18 '' possibilities, that's why both of them knows when is her birthday. Well I think the challenge should have more clues to find the answer

Jan18, she must have told Roi the date as 18. Josef initially did not know which of the date in Jan it is.
Roi saw that 18 only appear in Jan so he knows its Jan 18.
Josef hearing Roi statement looked at his list of date to see that 18 is the only date that appears once and that must have tip Roi to his decision so josef now knows the date too

17 also only appears once

great your steem post

13 december
( because 13 come after 12 and12th month is december)

Habe es selbst nie geschaft

Challenge awsome

I liked the challenges

If Josef knew that the month was dec he still wouldn't know when the birthday is, thus he must know that the month is March and thus the birthday is march 15th.

Well I think the challenge should have more clues to find the answer

nice post!!!

March 15

מהמשפט הראשון אפשר להבין שיוסף יודע את החודש, בכל חודש יש יותר מתאריך אחד לכן הוא לא יודע בדיוק מתי. ואם הוא מסיק שרועי לא יודע אז בטוח ששרית אמרה לו שמדובר בחודש מרץ או דצמבר. כי בינואר ופרבואר מופיע 17,18 שמופיעים רק פעם אחת ויש סיכוי שרועי כן היה יודע.

מהמשפט השני אפשר להבין שלא מדובר בתאריך 13 כי אז רועי לא היה יודע כי הוא מופיע במרץ ודצמבר, לכן זה יכול להיות 14,15,16.

מהמשפט השלישי אפשר להבין שאם יוסף יודע אז חייב ששרית אמרה לו שמדובר בחודש מרץ כי רק בו נשאר תאריך אחד.
לכן התשובה היא 15 במרץ

Chalanging post.nice job.

I give up, I did not find😑

@ amiramnoam...keep up with the good , as for people like us we will just let this pass.Well I think the challenge should have more clues to find the answer

Jan 18
It's the only number (18) that's not get repeated with the other dates she gives. : )

17 is also not repeated

Very Nice Challenge Dear @amiramnoam

its very difficult challenge.I will try...

i can match it fev one @amiramnoam thanks for shareing rubixcube challange

amazing post dear..i like it so much

Excellent puzzle post, thanks for sharing

Hahah well iam Pretty weak in mathematics,so i just sit back and waiting for the full answer by you or someone good in mathematics,my friend 😅😇

I accept it and lost the game 6 days ago. @amiramnoam
Now my answer is February 13.....

i love this !!! @amira thanks for shareing

wow very nice

keep up with the good , as for people like us we will just let this pass.

The first statement excludes Jan and Feb because there are two dates only occur once because roy would know if it was 17 or 18. And since jos said roy doesnt know it isnt jan or feb.

After the 2nd statement there are only three possible outcomes march 15, dec 16 and dec 14.because for roy to know the dates should only occur once.

After the 3rd statement the only possible outcome is March 15 coz jos only knows the month and it couldn't have been dec coz it had two dates.
So March 15 is my answer

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

fabulous one........

i am sure 100% are 13 february

Feb 17 it is
Josef knows the month (there are two months that have similar dates) ie Feb & March.
Roi know the exact date ie 17 that not match with any other date.
So 17 Feb it is... : )

It's March 15.

Ok, gonna try to explain as best as possible. I will quote puzzle and write how I made a conclusion:

Josef: I do not know when Sarit's birthday is, but I know Ro'i does not know either.

This shows that Josef knows the month and Roi knows the day. HOW? Jan 18 and Feb 17 are unique days, so if Roi was told number 17 or 18 he would know the answer straight away, but he doesn't. Because Josef knows the month, he with confidence can say that Roi also doesn't know the answer.

This also means that her BD is not in Jan or Feb, because then again there would be a chance that Roi would know the answer.

Which leaves us with 2 months. March and December.

Roi: At first I did not know when Sarit's birthday was, but now I know.

After what Josef said, Roi realized that Sarita wasn't born in January or February. Which leaves us with 5 dates -> March 13, March 15,
December 13, December 14 and December 16.

Because Roi said that know he knows, that eliminates repeating number (13). And leaves 3 dates - Dec 14, Dec 16, March 15. Again, because Roi was told number, in the beginning, he knows the answer himself. That's why he said it.

Josef: So I know when her birthday is as well.

As Josef was told month in the beginning if it would have been December, Josef still wouldn't know the answer because it could have been Dec14 or Dec16, but because he knows, it means it's not December, it's March.

hands (1).pngMarch 15!

Since they say '' when sarit's birthday WAS '' i assume it must be in january and i go with january 18 because the are no other '' 18 '' possibilities, that's why both of them knows when is her birthday. Sorry for bad English xD

It nearly gave me a headache ..


Good job my frends

The answer is go on google and type "birthday riddle" then pretend to be smart in order to get a 100% upvote.

Maybe 13th February.

thank you for trick,,,,vote/follback @derryichsan

I think this is a puzzling puzzle, the storyline and the end of the story that ends with a tricky question, but I will try to give an answer. the answer is when sarit mentions his birthday list to roi and josef each time his birthday is where roi and josef know the day year sarit. if I remember right on the date of January 18, sarit leak whenever his birthday. Thank you buddy.

או 18 בינואר או 17 בפברואר כי שני התאריכים הללו נמצאים רק פעם אחת ככה שלא היה סיכוי שהוא ידע אם זה לא היה הם
ובגלל שעכשיו הוא גם אומר שהוא יודע אז זה צריך להיות 18 בינואר

my answer : "now" february 2
the logic : twelve list dates from of sarit's just a possible only. even maybe sarit's birthday is not in list it. at first Roi not know when sarif's birthday. but "now" her know sarit's birthday. therefore josep so know when sarit's birthday is as well.


lol, me too...I had a long day so I'm just going to give you 100% upvote because that looks like a great game!!

I have here the craziest answer 😅😂.
My answer is I dont know, and I pretty sure that Roi andJosef doesn't know either.
Yes maybe they already knew thw month and date but they dont know yet the year of Sarit's birthday. It should have the year.

Sorry for my answer , 😂😅😭😭😭

@How to and @where i go to play this game boss?

February 17

its very difficult challenge. can't solve.

Didn't see that post in time so I couldn't take my chance in trying to solve it :)
But it does look like a nice challenge and the prize is really generous!
thanks Noam for doing this platform more fun and breaking the routine of posting-reading and so on :)