We finally had our first production meeting tonight! Finally, after weeks of searching for a producer, working out the two scripts and two different shot lists, we now have a plan of action.
Beginning with a table read of the scrip, we are going to be producing a lot more updates. You'll be hearing a lot more from Mark as he begins to share control of this Steem account and the other Distant Signal social accounts.
New videos will be coming, now that there is actually movement, and Mark will also make appearances there!
For now, our strategy is going to run both a @fundition and a more traditional crowdfunding simultaneously if it's allowed on the other platforms. One thing I promised myself is that I would plan for success, rather than failure, so we won't be able to just rely on Fundition alone. I am hopeful that through our process of crowdfunding, we do bring a lot of awareness of Steem to everyone in my circle and beyond, but I must keep and protect The Tear's possibility of completion. Failure is not an option.
We've already managed to cobble together some capital for the sizzle, which is going to be a challenge in and of itself, but this should make things easier and help us produce something that is truly eye catching. We're aiming for an October shoot, once Mark's stint directing Big Brother concludes.
Continue the discussion on Distant Signal's forum's. Powered by Steem!
If you want to know who I am and what Distant Signal is, check this out. It's sort of a manifesto. The TL;DR is that I've won an award for producing, make a lot of reality TV, live in LA and think that artist and media incentives are misaligned and serve large corporations and not independent artists.
The fist horror / thriller film made on and with the Steem blockchain. Use this hashtag to find out all about it!
WEBSITE: https://www.thesignalisstrong.com
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/adistantsignal
LBRY: Direct LBRY App Link!
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/distant_signal/
GAB: https://gab.com/Distant_Signal
MINDS: https://www.minds.com/DistantSignal
In 2019 the goal is to produce the short horror film, Changelings, the world of that story and to build a community of filmmakers that are enthusiastic about filmmaking and crypto currency.
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/abatecolasan/
WEBSITE: http://www.philabatecola.com