As more people keep adopting Cryptocurrencies, there is a superfluity of cryptocurrency exchanges in the making today to enable us to exchange Cryptocurrencies. This is the main reason why users are able to exchange Cryptocurrencies or trade.
The first step into the cryptocurrency world will most likely occur through an exchange. It is through an exchange that you can exchange your fiat into Cryptocurrencies.
An exchange allows you to directly convert your UGX, US Dollars, Euros, and other currencies into cryptocurrency.
They are also important for exchanging from one Cryptocurrency to another. like from BTC to Ethereum.
In all the cryptocurrency exchanges out there, Changelly pretty much stands alone in terms of speed and convenience.
What is Changelly Exchange?
Changelly is the world's biggest and most famous cryptocurrency exchange which allows users to purchase a multitude of popular digital assets easily.
Changelly is a brokerage, meaning that instead of buying Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies from other users, you are buying directly from Changelly
What Makes Changelly the Best Cryptocurrency Exchange.
Registration is free:
The registration on Changelly is 100% free for everyone. Unlike other cryptocurrency exchanges, one does not need to submit a lot of information to get registered on Changelly. There is no need for using the KYC (verifying your identity) to be part of the exchange. One can register with Changelly using their social accounts like email and Facebook for free. Unlike other trading platforms, the whole registration process is less than 1 minutes. With Changelly, you can register for free in less than 1 minute. Therefore part of the Changelly network for first free services.
Exchange fee is 0.5%:
When choosing which an exchanging platform, exchange rates are very important to in your decision. You would not want to join a cryptocurrency exchange that charges draconian fees for transactions and exchanges. You would not want to be part of an exchange that is not fair to you financially. Unlike other networks which charge very high exchanging fees,Changelly will only charge 0.5% fee on an exchange. This fee is fixed. Meaning that It does not get affected by the amount of money you want to exchange. It doesn't matter whether you are exchanging $1 or $1 million, you will pay the same percentage. This fee is flexible on Other cryptocurrency exchanges, which means that the exchange fees increase with the amount of money your exchanging. Which makes a loss to investors due to the high costs of the transaction.
Fair policy for everyone:
With Changelly all users are treated in the same way. It does not matter whether you are a small or a big investor. The same policy is applied to all users. Unlike other cryptocurrency exchanges with do not offer equal features to all crypto investors, Changelly knows all people deserve to be treated in the same way. This is one of the reasons why you would choose changelly than other exchanges.
Zero commission fee:
Charge commission is a very common habit in cryptocurrency exchanges. Every time you withdraw money from an exchange you are changed h. Most of the times, this commission depends on the amount which you are withdrawing. Due to high commission, investors have lost a lot of his earnings. With Changelly, there is no commission fee exist on exchanging crypto assets. One can buy digital assets using Changelly easily without worrying about the commission fee.
Changelly is fast:
The process of buying digital assets through Changelly takes very few seconds. Unlike other cryptocurrency exchanges, which sometimes may take your days of waiting to get confirmation of your currency, you only need a few seconds of your time to exchange with Changlly. This period of time may affect your crypto investments. But with Changelly, all need is to have to currencies to be exchanged and a wallet. Within just seconds your trade will be delivered to its final destination.
Buy Cryptocurrencies with fiat currencies:
In countries like Uganda, it is not easy to purchase assets directly by deposit your money using a bank account, debit card or credit card, etc. Most crypto exchanges required you to first purchase BTC and then convert them into other desired digital currency like Steem or SBD. Changelly is the only exchange that let you buy all type of digital tokens on the directly depositing money through the bank account. Changelly has made it easy for one to buy other altcoins on the platform and also sell you altcoins without first exchanging then in BTC. This allows you to save money and time which you would have to pay for the double transaction.
Details user account:
Changelly will not only just let you purchase your altcoins and transfer to the wallet but will also provide you many features to their users including the details of your account. One can know one's transaction history by just log in on to their Changelly account at any time.
Changelly is legit:
One of the biggest worries about before crypto exchanges are to whether the web is a scam or not. Do Not transact with any exchange before knowing whether its a scam or not. You may lose you all money. Changelly, is one of the most trusted cryptocurrency exchange in the world today. This is so because there are thousands of customers around the world using Changelly. This crypto exchange has been mentioned by very many world’s popular websites which gives you a guarantee that this is legit. As for me, this was the first crypto exchange to transact business with. I have never seen any negative review about the legitimacy of Changelly.
Real time exchange rates:
The Changelly allow you to purchase any digital asset on its original current rates which are being in the trade. You can purchase altcoin at the time when the price of your desired currency is stable or decreased. On other crypto exchanges, the rate of buying a digital asset is usually high because by selling coins high. Are you looking for a place to buy the digital currency at the same rate which is being in trade, open an account with Changelly for free now?
Supported Currencies
The following are the crypto assets that are exchangeable with Changelly to day;
Bitcoin (BTC), US Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Ethereum (ETH), Monero (XMR), Zcash (ZEC), DASH, Ripple (XRP), STEEM, Ether Classic (ETC), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), FantomCoin (FCN), Steem Dollar (SBD), Synereo (AMP), Aragon (ANT), Ardor (ARDR), Basic Attention (BAT), Bytecoin (BCN), Darcrus (DAR), Decred (DCR), DigixDAO (DGD), Edgeless (EDG), Expanse (EXP), GameCredits (GAME), Golos Gold (GBG), Byteball (GBYTE), Gnosis (GNO), GOLOS, Guppy (GUP), LBRY Credits (LBC), Lisk (LSK), Lunyr (LUN), MaidSafeCoin (MAID), Melon (MLN), NAV Coin (NAV), NuBits (NBT), Gulden (NLG), NXT, PIVX, PotCoin (POT), QuazarCoin (QCN), Radium (RADS), Augur (REP), (RLC), SingularDTV (SNGLS), Stellar – XLM (STR), Stratis (STRAT), Swarm City (SWT), Syscoin (SYS), Chronobank (TIME), Trustcoin (TRST), Tether USD (USDT), WAVES, Wings DAO (WINGS), Xaurum (XAUR), DigitalNote (XDN), NEM (XEM).
Create an account with changelly and start exchanging all your crypto asset now.
For more details: Visit;
Changelly Website
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The information contained within this post shall not be taken as financial advice. I am not a financial adviser and none of your investment decisions should be carried out based on any information presented here. You can lose all of your money by investing. The information presented in this article is for educational and entertainment purposes only.
Batte Billy Jackson.