Multiverses are literally real! even ones where u believe they dont exist lmao!

in channeling •  4 years ago 

5- lol fucking  ok-6.png

basically to put this in a fan simple way beyond 100% of your dreams youve ever remeber having or wil have all exist already! and are beyond 100% real because the place i am typing this from is a dream of the infinte aka YOUR FUCKING SELF!
Pretty fucking amasing! So this means everything you can possibly every imagine already exists in some form not that u cant create new forms but wowsies! This is fucking beyond super dope awesomes!
One suepr cool example is you can actually teleport entire cities to other worlds... easy way the entire city is a ship theres actualy a fuckload of these just in our local galaxy clusters!
As a collective im saying sure some beings are reolplaying more focused awareness that dosent make them inferior or dumb!

Text from image i channeled/typed
Thats already trye if multi dimensions didnt exist no change could occur and u couldnt even move or even think about anything so lol its a good thing! besides if u have done pyschdelics u know theres other realms because u got to see them ltierally or u know ur dreams count to u do psyedlics everyone does! some verions of us are in realms that aer super magical not there here isnt in its own right or anywheres! but i mean like there pineal gland and higher chakras awarreness are more fully or fully activated and can literally see b4 them different dimensions and beings and objects going in and out of dimesnions right around them 24/7 all the time ! so to them its awsome and amasing the variety . ALso its pretty normal as well and not like holy fuck shocking in a negative way... cuz amasing things exist even the belief/experiances of them not and extreme limitation for positive growth of experianceing urself from competly new perspectives!

so u can think of each of these number pages as different dimensions , theres one where ur a unicorn, a dragon a reptile, a bi-pedial dog, a car , a cat anythin gu can imagine yes object shapeshifting is a real thing and super common everyday thing in the multiverse actually! ITS ONLY RARE IF U THINK IT IS OR ANYHTHING IS RARE BECAUSE URE BELIEVES 100% DICKTATE WHAT REALM U EXPERIANCE ALWAYS! POSITVE THING because u can fucking choose anyone you can allow urself to imagine which is essesntially infinte bcause theres infinty combionations to try and experiance and enjoy ! or pretend to suffer and etc in temporarily.

Or time travel not only is real but everyones doing it already! just some arent fully concoiuusss of this but some are u can actually just teleport and dimesnionsal jump anywhere you can iamgine yourself to be and truely believe it and know your there yes and fly to if u can imagine it u can do it right fucking now!

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