Lake Chapala (Spanish: Lago de Chapala About this sound tʃa’pala (help·info)) is Mexico‘s largest freshwater lake. It lies in the municipalities of Chapala, Jocotepec, Poncitlán, and Jamay, in Jalisco, and in Venustiano Carranza and Cojumatlán de Régules, in Michoacán. It is fed by the Río Lerma, Río Zula, Río Huaracha, and Río Duero rivers, and drained by the Rio Grande de Santiago. The water then flows northwest into the Pacific Ocean. The lake also contains three small islands, Isla de los Alacranes (Scorpion Island – due to the unusually high number of scorpions found on the island), Isla Mezcala, and a third very small island next to Isla Mezcala called La Isla Menor. In 1819, the Fuerte Mezcala (Mezcala Fort) was built by the Spanish and used until Mexican independence in 1821. The island was then converted to a prison until it was closed in 1855. *Wiki
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