Chapter 4

in chapter •  7 years ago 

The first blow of the sword of God will fall like lightening upon humanity. The mountain and all nature shall shake because of the disorder and the misdeeds of men.

Prophecy of Mary at La Salette (1846)

The warning comes directly from God and will be visible to the whole world and from any place where anyone may happen to be. It will be like the revelation of our sins and it will be seen and felt by everyone, believer and unbeliever alike irrespective of whatever religion he may belong to. It will be seen and felt in all parts of the world and by every person.

Prophecy of Mary at Garabandal (1961-65)

It is said that the oceans will entirely flood certain parts of the earth, and that from moment to moment millions of men will perish.

Prophecy of Mary at Fatima (1917)


I wonder how many people really believe the story of Noah’s Ark was an actual event. I wonder how many of these have traced the legend back in time as far as we can go to try to learn if it might happen again, or whether they simply rely on one source of information. I also wonder how many of those who don’t believe would believe, if we found the remains of the Ark. One thing all of the doctrines that originate in the Middle East agree upon is that the Ark came to rest in Turkey. Therefore, Turkey is a logical place to look for the remnants of Noah’s Ark for proof.

Christians believe the Ark is on Mount Ararat. They have sponsored several expeditions to the mountain. Many of their explorers have returned with stories of sightings acquired from the area’s locals. However, the explorers themselves have had no luck in finding the Ark. They say, “It’s because the Ark is hidden under a glacier.”

Unsubstantiated sightings by the locals carry a lot of weight with these explorers. They already believe the Ark came to rest on Mount Ararat. Their faith and these mortal words combine to create an illusion of fact. What they are looking for is a pristine vessel allegedly seen by eyewitnesses. They believe a glacier has protected the wooden structure during the passage of time. Indeed, I’ve even heard one of these Ark hunters say, “Wait ‘till we find the Ark. You’ll see that they had elaborate air conditioning and plumbing systems.”

Climbing conditions on Mount Ararat are treacherous. These conditions and the glacier are blamed for keeping the Ark a secret. Every few years the glacier is said to recede and provide glimpses of the exposed vessel. For centuries, pilgrimages have been made to Mount Ararat and people have come off the mountain with chunks of pitch to sell as talismans. In one case, a man came down with a five-thousand-year-old piece of lumber.

I’m not sure how they calculate the timing of the world flood, but I know the Bible faithful believe the flood happened somewhere around five thousand years ago. I am very suspicious of the guy who came off the mountain with the lumber because there were too many societies flourishing five thousand years ago for it to be the time of a world cataclysm. I smell a rat -- a little white lie to help bolster Christian credibility. I am inclined to believe a world flood is more likely marked by an event that had worldwide consequences like the Ice Age, and that was fifteen thousand years ago.

There was a time when I fell for the stories about the Ark lying on Mount Ararat. After all, the stories were told in no uncertain terms; some even said they saw it. My hope was that, if someone found the Ark, it would validate my beliefs. Hoping for validation made me gullible. I wanted the Ark to be found. I wanted proof -- tangible evidence the story of Noah was a fact, not just a fable that instills reasons for God-fearing people to be righteous.

Thank goodness for the age of communication in which we are living: I have seen the Ark’s remains. Mind you, it was on videotape, but videotape is the next best thing to being there. Given my financial and time limitations, I was happy to have the opportunity to vicariously participate in the discovery of the remains of Noah’s Ark.

Credit for pursuing with great tenacity, and proving to me the site holds the legitimate remains of Noah’s ark, goes to a man named David Fasold. You may have witnessed the tribulations he encountered bringing us the film, Quest for Noah’s Ark, or read his book, The Ark of Noah. Many people won’t be able to commit their belief to this being the resting spot of Noah’s Ark until they see boat parts. What proves to me this is the remains of Noah’s Ark are the ‘stone things’: without the ‘stone things’ there would not be the legend of Noah’s Ark. For me, the stones became more important than boat parts. I will address why the stones are so important later; right now, I’d like to tell you about the site.

In the film, when we look at the site, we do not see a pristine vessel. What we do see is the stuff that filled the inside of the Ark’s hull so many years ago. Many remnants of the Ark’s construction have long since vanished, but there might be bits and pieces being held captive within the cast of the Ark’s hull. Consider that cars have been around for only one hundred years, yet looking in scrap yards we can see what has become of those original cars. Most have disintegrated in less than one hundred years. To expect the Ark to be in a pristine state is extremely optimistic and less than likely.

At present, the site is referred to as an anomaly because in it is material that doesn’t exists elsewhere in the area. I had sincerely hoped Dave would be rewarded for his efforts by finding something that proves to the rest of the world what I already know: Dave Fasold recognized the remains of Noah’s Ark. His efforts to excavate were hampered by the fact the anomaly lies in one of the most volatile regions of the world. Kurdistan lies partly in Iraq and partly in Turkey and the Kurds are presently at war with both countries. It is unfortunate Dave did not have the opportunity to excavate before he died in April of 1998.

I think we must tally the coincidences and use our common sense to recognize that Dave has made us aware of the remains of Noah’s Ark. Here is a perfect example of when common sense can be useful in unlocking a truth hidden in history. There are three reasons why we can believe this is Noah’s Ark. First of all the dimensions are significant. Doctrines that preserve the story of Noah’s Ark give its dimensions quite clearly -- thirty by fifty by three hundred cubits. These measurements describe a rectangular craft. The site is not rectangular but rather elliptical like a boat. It is five hundred and some odd feet long and at its beam it’s over one hundred feet. Dave believed these cubit measurements were taken by ancient people many years after Noah’s ride. I agree and also think that doctrine scribes were probably verifying their own ancient legends when they sent a team to measure the site. I think they recorded the Arks’ measurements to the best of their ability; yet, most certainly, they did not possess the advanced math used to design the Ark.

The significance comes when the dimensions of the anomaly are calculated with the pi ratio. Both volumes are equal. This is a pretty wild coincidence? An anomaly of equal volume found in the mountains of Ararat in Turkey. There is a discrepancy between the math used to build the Ark and the cubit math quoted in doctrines. Dave took a Marine Engineer to the site, a guy who designs ships. I highly recommend Samuel R. Windsor’s web site for those who are interested in the specifics of the geometry of Noah’s Ark. Sam’s web site is: (you may have to search Dave Fasold’s name first; sometimes I get an outfit called “Eskimos North”). Proving the site is Noah’s Ark is the domain of others; the timing of this discovery makes me shiver. I don’t expect all of you to be sold on this theory. All I can do is provide you with a perspective with which to view your future findings. Forgive me for not giving you all the details for proving the past; each area I discuss is covered thoroughly in many very good books and the geometry of the anomaly is most comprehensively covered in Mr. Windsor’s web site. My focus is not on proving the past; my focus is on what the past may tell us about our future.

Dave used a molecular frequency generator to analyze the minerals in the anomaly and found iron was the only significant mineral deposit. A core sample revealed the iron has changed to iron oxide, the rusted remains of iron. This kind of concentration of iron is foreign to the surrounding terrain. I’d be willing to bet the anomaly predates the Iron Age and, yet, the purity of the iron is around eighty percent.

They marked out these hits from the molecular frequency generator, which formed straight lines. Straight lines from stem to stern and straight across the hull. The uniform geometrical pattern appears to be man-made and I suspect it’s a bolt or spike pattern. If this pattern is proven to be man-made, then it will be less than an anomaly and just plain ‘odd’ that the remains of a ship should be found six thousand feet above sea level.

The most important evidence at this site, and particularly informative to me, were the eleven huge stones. These stones are a long distance from the Ark but as you will learn we should expect them to be. In the Mediterranean, it’s been a common practice to use drogue stones to add ballast to a boat. The added weight of heavy stones hanging down into the water from a boat provides better stability in rough waters.

Dave believes these exceptionally large drogue stones were necessary for two reasons: one, they add ballast and stabilize the ship; two, they act as an anchor aiding in the landing of the ship without sail, oars or rudder. He speculates that, dangling far below the hull, they would prevent the ship from running aground. When the Ark was above sufficiently shallow water the stones would lay flat on the sea floor like an anchor, thus either allowing the ship to wait for the flood water to abate and gently land the craft or holding the boat in safe water until weather conditions were right to cut them free and drift into shore. Dave said the stones are mentioned in a variety of religious doctrines and quotes a Babylonian account that says: “There is no crossing death’s waters without the stone things.”

Considering my description of what I believe caused the legendary flood, and that I believe these same conditions will occur again, I expect it’s a safe bet the launch of the ark is pretty dramatic. Consider for a moment that we have built an ark. This could be a rectangular ark as described in the Old Testament, which, by the way, was mocked up and put into a wave simulation tank. The craft was stable and rode out the equivalent of two hundred foot swells. (What was not tested was whether the square front could enter a tsunami.). Or, it could be an elliptical ark like the one Dave found. An elliptical shape adds to a craft’s stability giving it better secondary stability. The difference is comparable to a punt’s stability versus a canoe’s stability. I choose the elliptical shape for its added secondary stability and more streamlined configuration for entering a tsunami.

The size is perfect for handling rough water. The cargo hold is large enough to bring supplies for a community to begin anew after the shift. So we’ve built the perfect vessel and it’s loaded with its precious cargo -- me for sure and maybe you. Perched on its stanchions, the ark awaits its launch.

The poles shift! The oceans come washing over the land. The first waves are killing waves. They pick up everything in their path, relentlessly tossing them all forward, tumbling everything into the ground over and over until all is smashed into smithereens. Our effort in building and preparing will have been for nothing if we do not survive the first onslaught of killing water. I have pondered this dilemma many times over the years in developing this theory.

My dilemma was solved with Dave’s discovery of the drogue stones because there is a third reason why drogue stones must be attached to the Ark. If we can figure out from which direction the tsunami will come, we can string out a line of huge drogue stones -- in other words, anchors. These will act as drag, holding the ship from being picked up and tossed forward.

At the time I learned of the drogue stones I initially thought the stones would pull the ship into the wave, piercing the wave. The wave could simply crash over the vessel with, hopefully, only sustainable damage. And, if the ship’s watertight integrity is sufficiently maintained, it should rise like a submarine popping out into the less damaging swells behind the killing surge. The boat will surf with the surging water yet it will continually be slowed by the drag of the drogue stones working the Ark into ever-calmer water (this picture will change considerably later).

Consequently, I think the Babylonian words that declare the necessity of drogue stones could be more accurately written like this: “There is no ‘entering’ death’s waters without the stone things.’ The drogue stones in the vicinity of the site Mr. Fasold and I believe to be the Ark are the tangible proof I needed. Without those stone things, there would not be a legend of Noah’s Ark. Those stones tell me that what remains of Noah’s Ark has been found. The legend of Noah’s Ark is no longer a myth for me.

I don’t want it construed that my speculation is in any way connected to Dave Fasold’s work. And I don’t want to taint Dave Fasold’s scientific approach to proving this is the remains of Noah’s Ark. He worked very hard to keep his efforts purely scientific and factual. I’m not trying to jump on his bandwagon and prove to the rest of the world this great discovery is Noah’s Ark. He proved it to me (and, I repeat, my focus is not on proving the past but rather focusing on the past’s importance to our future). I don’t expect the rest of the world to jump on my bandwagon either. Quite the contrary. I expect that, if I am right, after the upcoming pole shift, the legend of Tommy’s ark will be told pretty much the same way the legend of Noah’s Ark is told today.

Crime was rampant and most people mocked the guy building the big boat, and they died. Regardless of the indiscretions of my past, in time it will be said, “The righteous guy built the boat and God killed the undeserving.” Me, righteous: That’s a hoot! History will be repeated. Education will take a leap backwards again. Then people will once more be lulled into a false sense of security by time and come to believe the planet is stable. After thousands of years of stability, why should anyone expect a sudden drastic change? Most won’t!

If I am wrong about the dates for which I have found warnings, and the poles do not shift at those times, it doesn’t mean pressures beneath the earth’s crust are not building and the poles will not shift. It simply means my best guesses at the possible dates for the next pole shift were wrong. There are a variety of dates for which there are warnings; they can’t all be right. What I’m saying is, if one of them is right, someone had better be ready to bring a remnant of our species through to the other side. The geological record shows these shifts do happen at haphazard intervals; for a shift to happen in our lifetime it would be the fastest time yet between recorded pole shifts by five thousand years.

The sudden appearance of this anomaly some forty years ago, miraculously shaken loose from the surrounding ground by an earthquake (Coincidence? Uhhh, maybe), and Dave’s tenacity in proving this anomaly is the Ark and his recognizing the dilemma-solving drogue stones is indeed timely. The timeliness of it all validates my vision for me. Thus, my common sense and innate truth detector understand that my interpretation of the past and forecast for the future are not so far-fetched that they exceed the realm of possibility.

Although I believe that my interpretation from reading between the lines of history is correct, my thoughts regarding the future are more ambivalent. The poles will shift all right! But WHEN is the million-dollar question. We will see before I die if the words that came with the first theory shock were true. Time will also tell whether my anxiety about breaking-free from rational reality was really worth it.

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