That the periodical sinking and reappearance of mighty continents, now called Atlantean and Lemurian by modern writers, is not fiction will be demonstrated. It is only in the 20th century that portions, if not the whole, of the present work will be vindicated.
Madame Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891)
A world destruction as happened to Atlantis 11,000 years ago ... instead of Atlantis all of England and parts of NW European coast will sink into the sea, in contrast, the sunken Azores region, the Isle of Poseidonis, will again be raised from the sea.
Madame Helena Blavatsky
We are at the close of the cycle of 5,000 years of the present Aryan Kali Yuga or Dark Age. This will be succeeded by an age of light. Even now under our very eyes, the new Race or Races are preparing to be formed, and that is in America that the transformation will take place, and has already silently commenced. This Race will be altered in mentality and will move toward a more perfect spiritual existence.
Madame Helena Blavatsky
Do you remember my telling the story of my friend using a cutting torch and a theory shock alerting me to watch the little steel ball? While I was watching the thin grey crust rise and fall, I thought about one of the theories of Atlantis. I became convinced the earth's crust could behave in the same manner. Atlantis may indeed lie somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean's floor. What a thought-provoking resemblance between the words Atlantis and Atlantic. I wonder if in another language the resemblance could be a shift in tense?
I've also wondered whether the advanced cultures that predate the last pole shift lived on more than one continent as North America and Europe do today? For instance, one superpower may have lived on a presubmerged continent in the Atlantic and another lived on an ice-free Antarctica. Maybe there were many nations before the last shift and during the passage of time the other names were lost, thus creating confusion as we try to decide where Atlantis was located. There are a group of ancient texts from India called the Vedas. Veda means knowledge. These were written by seers who cognised nature. Some of the Vedas talk about a past that included descriptions of aerial combat, nuclear warfare, etcetera. This suggests more than one advanced culture on earth at the same time, both preceding ours!
In 1995, a book was released called When the Sky Fell, In Search of Atlantis, by Rand and Rose Flem-Ath; it claims Atlantis may have been located in Antarctica. I suspect the premise of this theory is linked to the mystery map that seismic survey has helped to match to Antarctica's coastline. Legends of Atlantis have traversed many generations intriguing both young and old. This mystery involving a vanished advanced civilization has caused an indeterminable amount of thought and debate.
I have not read the book because where Atlantis was is not important to me. What would interest me is proof Atlantis did indeed exist. Such knowledge would give credibility to my belief the pole shift is a recurring natural phenomenon. If this is so, then between shifts there are thousands of years of relative calm. The kind of calm that has existed on our planet for several thousand years now, punctuated by periodic natural disasters that should remind us that our planet is not quite stable. During these quite periods the human species has a chance to grow and learn, advancing our cultures and technology. The apocalyptic nature of a pole shift is immense enough to trivialize all we create during these times of grace. What is devastated during the cataclysm is then exposed to thousands of years of erosive elements. Thus, a legend of a previously advanced civilization that vanished without a trace makes perfect sense to me.
The writings of Plato describe Atlantis as a place of plenty with food and drink from around the world readily available in its markets. This sounds a lot like the supermarket-superstores we are familiar with in North America. Walking down the aisles we see bottled sauces from every continent. Liquor store shelves are stocked with the ambrosia of every country. The best of the best from around the world is available to us in North America within blocks of our homes. According to Solon's chat with ancient Egyptian high priests, this has happened before.
I believe Atlantis was advanced, like North America is today. I don't know exactly how advanced, but a legend of Atlantis describes a ruby as being the best lens for emitting laser light. How could this legend be exactly accurate centuries before we invented the laser? Simple lasers existed before. I do believe Atlantis existed and a cataclysm caused its demise and hid its remains. I also believe legends of North America will be a mysterious curiosity during the relative calm after this coming pole shift.
All of the monolithic structures around the world were constructed in direct lines with astrological events. Mainly lining up with the solstices in essence, these buildings were accurate calendars. I'd like to postulate that survivors of the cataclysm anticipated a loss of knowledge and built these buildings for their descendants. The building itself would be the classroom. They could teach where to stand within the structure to compare the rising sun with points on the building to ensure crops were planted at the right time for the local climatic growing season. A lineage of high priests would ensure that a long winter didn't deceive farmers who might otherwise blow a whole growing season.
These monolithic buildings seem quite an extraordinary length to go to, just to pass down knowledge. But then again, what is more important to humans than the well being of their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, et cetera, et cetera, especially if they've seen a cataclysm wipe out an entire civilization. What lengths are too extraordinary to go to? What is a better purpose for our time than protecting our descendants?
I think it's possible that their concern reached all the way to present generations and these monolithic structures also contain messages meant for us. These constructions seem to me to say, "Look what we were capable of and yet something happened that devastated our original society and scattered us around the world." To come to this conclusion, I am assuming there was an agreement among the ancient survivors to build these monolithic structures to last until a time when their significance might be determined. Or that they possibly owed their own survival to the same kind of structures and were simply repaying a debt to their ancients by leaving a message for future descendants.
My best guess at the message is this: cataclysm is part of the natural development of the earth. Knowledge is won, and then lost, as history repeats itself. If I am anywhere near correct, the ancients will have left a legacy far greater than just the building of huge structures. They will have helped in many successful harvests, not burdened the generations between cataclysms with a forecast of doom, and they will have provided a warning to the pertinent generation.
The sheer size of these structures ensures they would gain worldwide recognition when "education is increased and the earth is well travelled." The fact these huge stones were moved great distances, fit together with such precision, and contained complex mathematical equations provided intrigue for generations with less knowledge and inferior technology. Only in these last centuries have we known these structures exist around the world. Only in these last decades have we compared their similarities. I say it's about time we admit the builders' origins are common even if it means revamping all we've taught ourselves. And even if the common origin does not refer to a common place but rather to a time when the world's common knowledge was significantly higher.
A belief system begins to change with the development of a new perspective. A new perspective is a new way of looking at existing facts; this is how the learning process works. Seldom do human beings ever move from wonder to understanding in one clear concise jump; more often, we come to believe one thing, which leads to wondering about another. Understanding is a progression, perhaps an unending progression.
Those in the scientific hierarchy deserve credit for taking us to our present level of understanding. But I've heard stories where members of the hierarchy have halted promising careers of un-established scientists. The stories tell of stifling new ideas, stashing evidence in lockers and pulling funding. Members of the hierarchy do have the power to mute the voice of a fledgling.
Perhaps these cover-ups are not as malicious as they sound. Perhaps the resistance to change is caused by the hierarchy being committed to their own beliefs. Going against the flow of the status quo is a hard battle. Members of the hierarchy are not going to step down because someone shares an idea; anyone can gather a few facts and shed a new light on an old idea.
Look at me. How many scientists are going to read this book and drop everything they've spent a lifetime working on to say, "By Jove, I think this guy is right!" It's just not going to happen. However, it's too late for me. I've been so involved with this theory for most of my life, and especially during the last five years, that I've become a believer. Possibly I've brainwashed myself, but I am not so single-minded that I will go into shock if the poles don't shift in my lifetime; or that I consider pole shifting the solution to all the mysteries of science.
I'm not trying to compete with other theories out there when I claim "pole shifts are world cataclysms that cause what we call ice ages." Well that's not quite true. I guess for me to be right the current uniformitarianism theory about ice ages must be wrong. I've listened intently to the theories that have come from this basic belief because I am not about proving anyone wrong--I'm looking for the truth. Yes, they are very convincing theories but if we are to believe the poles don't shift, that rather, according to one theory the planet's temperature is lowered by clouds of increased volcanic activity, then I need to see evidence that the ice cap reached the same latitude (below the great lakes) all the way around the globe. I don't believe the atmosphere's temperature is going to be lowered to the point of causing an ice age, yet the jet stream is going to keep other areas of the same latitude free of ice.
I've been told that my demand for glacial progressive unity isn't realistic. Well, perhaps it doesn't have to be uniform but the ice does have to advance some on the other side of the globe. But then the mammoth mystery becomes even more mysterious. With the help of "Billy's Razor" the more simple solution is to flip Siberia back into the tropics--I prefer my solution.
However I am not saying the earth has not been inundated by periodic meteor impacts. Huge craters are evidence this happens. I am not trying to solve the mystery of why the dinosaurs disappeared. In fact, I agree that the one hundred-eighty-mile-wide meteorite crater that was caused by a six-mile-wide meteor that landed in the Yucatan is the most likely cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs. However, I do think pole shifting is the reason we find tropical dinosaur skeletons in extreme north and south latitudes.
For many of us, new age spirituality is a place of awe and wonder where sacred mystery is in the realm of the Unknown-Unknown; and the study of science is helping to reveal what is going on around us. This is the first time in recorded history the masses have been educated and we are not so easily told what to believe. We are becoming comfortable with what we don't know. This is a huge change from the 'stifling stranglehold' of worshipping within the Known-Known doctrines that got their foothold when the 'unheard-of majority' were illiterate. I think we are at a place in time where we can be open-minded and tolerant towards more than one truth.
With this changing tide, it's no great trick to predict that much of what we've been taught will be revamped. Have we learned recently anything about our past that might shed light on our future? I did! If you did too, then possibly you can see it's already begun and, like a snowball rolling downhill, it'll get bigger and bigger and come at us faster. Watch the paradigms change before your eyes, say I. Evidence for many of these paradigm changes is behind lock and key and has been for years. Our view of history will change and so will our expectations for the future.
At one point, I thought I might glean some knowledge of what to expect during a grand alignment by talking to an astronomer. A couple of phone calls guided me to the National Research Council of Canada, specifically a branch called the Herzberg Institute for Astro-Physics. I was pleasantly surprised and impressed with the accessibility of Canada's leading scientists. With less than an hour of my time invested, I talked to two scientists who were quite patient with me.
Each scientist listened carefully to my dissertation and concern regarding planetary alignments and pole shifting. The first was an astronomer. After he had heard me out, we discussed the sources of my research when suddenly he balked at my mentioning the film, The Jupiter Menace. The astronomer said he had taught two men who had written a book regarding planetary alignments and its gravitational effects on the earth and sun.
The two authors created quite a stir with their claims. They alleged planetary alignments do add significant gravitational pull to the sun's and moon's gravitational tugs-of-war over our planet's equilibrium. Their statement rocked the science community, causing a bit of a panic. Scientists rallied together and asked the authors to prove their claims. The authors' numbers, when challenged, did not add up; subsequently, they were forced to recant their declarations.
The astronomer pulled himself back on track, addressing the issues that concerned me. He admitted the Sun and Moon do have a very strong effect on the Earth's tides and moving crust and that there is some additional gravitational pull caused by the other planets in our solar system, particularly Saturn. But he compared the additional effect to two people being in a room: because they are there, they are exerting a force on the earth's crust beneath them; then a third person enters the room and an almost imperceptible force is added.
The astronomer likened the other planets' additional gravitational pull on the earth during a grand alignment to this relatively non-existent force. Planetary alignments are not a concern to this particular astrological community. As I thanked the scientist for his time, he recommended I talk with his colleague, an astronomer-geophysicist more qualified to talk about pole shifting.
My call was transferred. I introduced myself and outlined my ideas, asking for any opinion he could offer. The second scientist agreed with the first: to credit the planets with any involvement in shifting earth's poles is ludicrous. He added that sunspots are caused solely within the plasma of the sun and do not affect the rotational spin of the earth (I had no idea what he was talkin’ about). While he did reaffirm that magnetic pole shifts are a fact, he didn't think the whole crust slides around the core.
He suggested the global warming trend might be a more plausible factor for the plot of a novel about world cataclysm. His scenario was that global warming could cause the melting and break-up of polar icecaps, in turn causing flooding and tidal wave conditions. Yet he was quick to add this scenario would only fly in a work of fiction (I know this second warning is redundant but I think he was worried about being misquoted). The effects of melting ice caps, he said, would be of little concern except in low-lying coastal regions. Hardly the world cataclysm I described during our introduction.
Personally, I hope his rather unexcited stance on global warming is strictly in regard to flooding. Because, if there is no pole shift or other world cataclysm, we will have to deal with global warming. I am aware CO2 levels have risen from 240 parts per million to 340 parts per million and as a result earth's vegetation increased by 10% in the last forty years but the world population increased by about 15% in the last thirteen years. Having just come through El Nino and then El Nina, we should all be aware of just how destructive global weather patterns can get when one area of the ocean's temperature rises or falls a few degrees. As the atmosphere of earth heats up, surely the water temperature will also be affected.
Can you imagine year after year of these billion dollar catastrophes? Throw a 1930's dust bowl into the mix and things look pretty scary. I think insurance companies would fail and then governments. Eventually we wouldn't be able to help grief-stricken areas in our own countries let alone rush to the aid of a third world disaster. It's a huge problem! The temperature is up and little is being done to bring it down. Global pollution treaties aren't including the world's worst offenders. I think the swift blow of a pole shift would be far kinder than trying to survive a future with our atmosphere's continuously rising temperature--it'll be like suffering the legendary "death of a thousand razor cuts."
In closing, the scientist briefly discussed his views on world flooding. He knew of silt deposits in Mesopotamia where floodwaters would have exceeded a hundred feet to create such a thick deposit. And a legend from Africa where people took their livestock and climbed a mountain, sheltering high in its caves to survive a great flood. The geophysicist was aware of great flood legends as well as evidence of large floods around the world. But he believed they record different floods at different times. I thanked the scientist and bid him farewell.
I felt sorry for him: like religion, science limits itself. Both have a rigid basis for committing belief although their bases are opposite extremes. Religion clings to faith with such reverence any divergence from "the word" is considered blasphemy. Science, with its "just-the-facts" attitude, shades itself from the mysterious forces within the universe until it understands them.
I don't know whether the geophysicist is a member of a religious organization. I do know that, if he is, he'd be sceptically critical of the stories within his religion, most certainly the story of Noah's Ark. Poking holes in a modern version of the ancient legend will make it hard to believe that any part of the story is based in fact.
I am convinced that, at this point in history, the majority of those who do believe in the story of Noah's Ark do so with the proverbial "leap of faith" required to follow their respective religious teachings. They do not question; they simply believe the words they read. To be able to trust so implicitly sounds very peaceful to me. What does one wonder about if the past, present and future are already spelled out in three hundred and sixty-five pages?
In hindsight, I realize I should not be surprised at the government scientists' lack of concern that we might be on the brink of a world cataclysm. Scientists have to kick over the right stones and view their findings from the right perspective to bolster a theory. If they are looking to prove one thing, vital contrary evidence that might help bolster other theories will be discarded, destroyed or shelved. While working within the parameters of a current belief system, scientists confidently proclaim their accuracy. How often has science dispelled a notion that did not agree with its current theory of how things work? They wield their theories like swords of fact because they are scientists and we are poo-poo!
Yet, time and again, science textbooks are rewritten to conform to their newest discovery or their own more plausible theory. I wonder if the current theory for calculating a grand alignment's effect on the earth will ever have to be re-evaluated. The scientists' conclusions were based on mathematical theories and not proven facts. And who knows what the dynamics are that they don't know about yet. No one alive today has ever witnessed such an event and I anticipate a very big "Oops!" in their best guess.
Both scientists did say there was an effect on the earth from planetary alignments, although they believe it to be almost imperceptible. I am not about to lay aside my plans to build an ark because of a human-generated, computer-calculated jumble of numbers that mean squat to me. I'll bet if I had mentioned the theory shocks to the men of science, I'd have been ridiculed or possibly given a new theory of how I was affected by some magnetized, polarized, subterranean belch of energy caused by the anatomical link from ground to air or some other such hooey.
I didn't necessarily expect to find validation for my theory from the astronomers, but I did anticipate they might share some bit of information pertaining to the planetary alignment of May 2000. After all, this alignment will be the most significant--the biggest--alignment our solar system is capable of having and it will happen during their lifetime. I did expect the astronomers to be waiting for this celestial event with bated breath.
I was quite surprised that the stargazers seemed to be almost unaware of the impending event. After some thought, I can see why I should not be surprised. The prophecies are quite clear the change "will come like a thief in the night" without warning, catching most people unaware and unprepared.
There will be no warning from the trusted earthly powers that be. Governments will not hire wildcard scientists who might incite fear and panic to man the phones--indeed the opposite is more likely. Government employees, especially those who come in contact with the public, will think along straight and narrow lines of thought. Like in all the great conspiracy movies, they would be the buffer between the masses and the informed elite.
With this said, if you'd like to view the calculations of the gravitational effects of other planets on earth, I found them at click on calculations; you can check them out for yourself. This pole-shift believer has the most comprehensive web site concerning pole shifting I've seen; and after looking it over, I'd guess he's also a bit of a scientist.
I conversed with him through e-mail and found him to be quite a smart guy. Like Einstein, he bases his conclusions on scientific evidence. I took exception to his statement "that nothing would happen on May fifth, two thousand." I said I wasn't totally convinced 5/5/2000 is going to be the day of the pole shift--but I was concerned that there might be a piece of the puzzle missing in his calculations.
He wrote back and asked what I thought that piece of the puzzle might be. Well, without too much thought on the matter, I've had one little idea that if our solar system is flying through space as is said; and our planets formed a straight line into that particular direction; might there not be a kind of slipstream effect, like in a car race? Or decreased friction like a parachutist produces when he dives with his head down and tucks his arms in close to his sides?
In a race, cars inside the slipstream can almost double their performance. A cosmic slipstream might cause a slight change in gravity. The planet could even potentially change its orbit and, WHOA, inadvertently explain ancient calendars that don't add up to a 365-day cycle. Such an effect would not need added gravitational pull because it would be the decreased resistance or absence of gravity that would surely play havoc with the revolutions of the planet. (Why did the toppling of governments become known as revolutions? Is it because revolutions had ties to toppling the planet?) And yet, we'd have to credit the alignment with the resulting pole shift.
I am not a scientist, so someone else will have to get out a calculator and do the math. I must admit the theory looks like it might have some merit now that I see it on paper. But then again, I must realize that all the numbers used for such a calculation will be based on someone's best guess at what happens within the universe. Therefore I won't get terribly excited about the outcome either way.
The currently accepted theories on which it might be based are Einstein’s theory of relativity, or Ron Hatch's theory that corrects Einstein’s miscalculations, or quantum mechanics. Most likely is the theory of relativity with Ron's corrections because it deals with big things like the universe. Quantum mechanics deals with atoms and such.
However, these are the theories science accepts even though they contradict each other. What these theories lack is something that unifies them. Thus far there is only one promising theory capable of this and it is called string theory, which is years away from being proven if indeed it can be. Regardless, something is missing and whatever it is, is not in those calculations.
Coming out and saying it will not happen on 5/5/2000 is a guess and should be qualified with the words "I think." If someone believes in pole shifting, then the fourth and sixth of May, as well as every day, are possibilities. Then why is it not possible that the fifth, with its tiny little extra pull, is not a tiny little bit more likely than the fourth or sixth? I can testify that a two hundred pound adult male who is somewhat off balance can be pushed over by his twenty-five pound, two-year old son.
This extreme outer edge of science is like religion in that we must at some point choose what we are going to believe about what we are studying. It is not black and white like some people think once they've decided what to believe. For me, the importance of understanding the event is secondary to surviving it. We don't need another reason to put off preparing for a pole shift.
As advanced as we consider ourselves to be, technological advances are made almost daily. I can only consider us toddlers where knowledge is concerned and still learning. Presumed knowledge shields further scientific probing in areas that are perceived to be irrelevant. Funding for scientific research to answer questions already believed answered is hard to find. We can assume this present opinion about the grand alignment will stand, at least until 5/5/2000.
I think that, despite the astronomer's calculations, a recurring cosmic event is a likely trigger. I think such an event might be the starter's pistol that sets in motion a series of calamities--calamities that have been lining up at the starting gate ever since the last pole shift. When conditions within the earth are right, I think a grand alignment or some other recurring astrological event can in someway induce the catastrophic release of pressure. When I tried to date the worldwide, world flood stories I decided that they must refer to a time when the world was affected by one event. I assumed this event is likely the Ice Age.
As I try to decide when the next pole shift will occur, I find myself thinking 'that an event that is outside the normal operation of the solar system' is a logical time 'for an out-of-the-ordinary event to take place.' I know I've assumed a lot, and I did see the "Odd Couple" episode where one of them points out to the other that assuming can make an ass-(of)-u-(and)-me. However, wouldn't I be the biggest ass if I didn't do anything about all of the things I've shared with you? I could only hope that I see the wall of water in time, so I could ask the person standing next to me to give me a good swift kick in the butt.
I hear a lot of predicting and see very little preparation; and this concerns me. On the other hand, just because someone prepares does not guarantee survival. I've seen some pretty lame attempts at surviving an expected cataclysm. One that stands out in my mind is one I saw in the film, The Jupiter Menace. The survivalists' group leader, the infamous Jim Ellis said, "God sent them to this remote location in the woods to survive a cataclysm."
Old Jim toted a Bible in one hand and a Machine Gun (capitalized to respect the equal importance placed on each) in the other. Indeed they practiced daily in order to kill God's hungry children expected to come after their private food stocks after the "troubles." The tree line surrounding their compound was cut back for two hundred feet to allow an unobstructed line of fire towards the marauding hoards. The compound consisted of a bunch of buildings made up of piled rocks mortared together. The rocks were supposed to be a good building material because they were bulletproof. The place looked very un-pole-shift proof to me.
There will be warning signs. As I've said, there will be an increase in both the number and magnitude of seismic events caused by the colic conditions under the earth's crust. "It will come like a thief in the night!" echoes in my mind. The violent upheavals will come suddenly.
Those who do survive will have followed insight, intuition and common sense; others will be just plain "old fashioned" lucky. Almost all who have not prepared and all of those who have prepared poorly will perish. Then, survivors will find themselves standing alone at their positions around the globe, either in a group or very, very alone. Perhaps at some point in the future these loners will be found. They'll likely be babbling a bit like ol' Ben Gunn, the marooned lunatic in the novel Treasure Island.
To survive alone is a fate I'd not wish on anybody. Can you imagine having a front row seat to view the pole shift on a manned spacecraft? Then suddenly awe and wonder shifts to horror when you realize there is no safe way down.