whoever pardon and do good is rewarded by Allah 용서하고 선을 행하는 사람은 누구나 알라에게 보상을 받는다.

in character •  6 years ago 


A person's heart is easy to change. There are various factors that trigger these changes. Sometimes someone wants to forgive but at other times want to also berate. This needs to have its limitations. Then, what are the limits of forgiveness and scolding?

Allah Almighty says, "Be ye forgiving and call people to do the makruf, and turn away from the ignorant," (Surat al-A'raf: 199).

When this verse goes down, the Prophet (s) was asked by the Companions about the excellence of forgiveness. Then he said, "O God, where is the anger?" It means how to forgive and not rebuke anyone?

Then Gabriel comes to the Messenger of Allah and says, "Forgive those who wrong you, connect the silaturrahim with the one who breaks off and gives something to the one who refuses to give you, and applies to the one who does evil to you."

Allah Almighty teaches us great faith questions. The person who opposes God's teaching will suffer in his religion, harming himself and his afterlife.

God tells us to help those who are physically and weak. We must help the elderly who will cross the road, as well as the blind man walking, he must be saved from the hole that will plunge him.

This is the Characteristic of Islamic Character

4 The Morals of a Muslim To His Brother

Is not the sufferer in matters of his character, his soul, and the Hereafter more should we forgive?

Allah SWT says, "And those who restrain their anger, and forgive (mistake) people. Allah loves those who do good, "(Surah Ali Imran: 134).

When people do evil to you, surely you will be affected. This outward influence must evoke a reaction. There are people who are able to hold back, save, and muffle it but there is something that accidentally explodes into a retaliatory action.

Restrained anger means storing and muffling it in the heart without giving birth to a reaction. Just like filling a balloon with air and storing it.

There are those who can restrain themselves and remove anger from their hearts by forgiving those who do evil to them and repay them with good deeds

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