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Thank you so much for this!

For sure, you guys are doing amazing things and everyone needs to know about it.

The YouAreHope foundation is a wonderful idea
and i love to see it and steemit being promoted
with this incredible act of kindness.

I hope soon people will open there eyes and realize
the potential of this and other platforms.
I would rather see 100s of small foundations that are small
and focused on a area then having it host by an uncontrollable huge organisation were you don't know the money goes to.

Everyone on this planet in 2018 should be able to have the basic materials as food, water, clothing and protection from nature.

Thank @derangedvisions for your efforts to help YAH :)

I totally agree. There is so much that can be done with this platform.

Way to have a big heart! I love this thank you for your great works!

Thank you for your support. YAY has been doing awesome things all over the world

we are already changing the world

that's the power of steem and his community!

Thanks so much for this!! <3

A cordial greeting to the whole community, it is amazing the love and passion that is breathed here, since I started my little dream that I call DudeLand that translated into Spanish means Land of Friends, I have met wonderful and unique people who have filled my heart with happiness, one of those people is @sircork which I admire and respect a lot.

Since I started my project DudeLand I made donations from delivery of school supplies, food, memory games, books and shoes to the most needy communities in my country venezuela.

With the support of the @youarehope foundation, I had the honor of being able to donate kitchen supplies to a special children's school and the donation of 30 pairs of new shoes, which filled the entire community with joy.

Those children who have received these shoes are very happy and full of hope because thanks to a whole community they can attend classes again.

Of course I still hope to be able to help other children who also need that help.

Never forget this is very important, We can build a tower of ideas and turn them into reality, if we focus on what we want it sounds like something that only happens in movies but the truth is that in Steemit dreams can come true, with motivation and vision to the future to achieve what we want.

Within Steemit there are endless projects that have great ideas, others that are in full growth as well as some projects with more humanitarian purposes that really leave the name of steemit at the top of the world filling the entire community with pride . These projects generate enough energy in this platform to continue working on innovative projects. This brings a great responsibility, since our most loyal followers are waiting for good content and ideas that can help us grow as a group and we can share this knowledge with the other users that make up the Steemit family. @derangedvisions

That is awesome that you are able to be an integral part of the You Are Hope vision. I am looking forward to assisting all of you to help make lives a little better around the globe. I have high hopes for the future of this foundation.

That will be my good friend, let's continue building a community that represents hope.

I am partnering with @youarehope and we will work together promote humanitarian works and to help those around the world that are in desperate need.

We look forward to forging, and fostering many great initiatives with you!

Great things to come!

Thank you for doing this honey, very nice of you. Hope it raises a lot of money and helps where help is needed. 💚

Thank you for stopping by and giving it an upvote. You Are Hope is awesome and I am happy to be partnering with their mission.

Thank you for your compassion @derangedvisions :) so happy to give this my full upvote!
every bit helps!

Noble initiative... already gave you my contribution ;)

I checked this post, and undie plus mbc had already voted so I logged in w/mbc-meps and hit it w/100%


That is why you are so awesome @underground

Thanks for partnering with You Are Hope, @derangedvisions and for all the work you will be doing to level the playing field enough that everyone across the globe can have the basic necessities of life.

Happy to up and resteeming, FB/tweeting.

Good stuff man. Slapped it with 100% upvote. Sircork is doing a hell of a lot with this endeavour. Good to support it whenever we can.

This is so amazing my friend and such a great thing to do @youarehope is amazing. 100% upvote and more to come. Awsome initiativ. Cheers! 🤗

Thank you so much for your support. I am happy to be partnering with You Are Hope and looking forward to all of the good things that we are going to be able to provide for people.

it's a great journey.
thanks for this.

Thanks for supporting it

May you be richly blessed.

You as well. Thank you.

You are awesome Wes. Happy to support cause like this.

Thank you. It is always nice to have your support.

A great lavor @derangedvisions, I will wait until I have 100% of my voting power. please help me with my grandfather's treatment, I have no money to afford it, and I want to know if steemit community is up to help me.

Amazing. Keep it up. So much potential.

This initiative deserve a 100% upvote from everyone!
Raising awareness through steemit platform about those needy people from different places is great.

I run my charity organization as well so I know how important it is to have support from other people in any ways. Thank you @derangedvision!
All the best to you @sircork. Looking forward for more projects of yours through @youarehope.

Upvoted 100% and Rsd to get the word out about your random act of kindness @derangedvisions

Great work serving humanity god bbless you ..

Thank you so much for this!!@small11

Either you or someone who valued your post shared this post on Pimp Your Post Thursday in the Steemit Ramble discord. Looking forward to you visiting us again.

When I was a child I imagined myself as a Superhero, of those who can fly like Super Man does, but I've grown up and I see things differently.

In the real world there are Heroes that are worth Gold, Very good work@small11

You Are Hope foundation is doing amazing things that give us hope for a brighter future. Keep doing what you do and you have our support always.

It is one of the finest articles I have published