The Charity Donation Challenge - Day 1 (

in charity •  6 years ago 

So, the lovely Mr. @trumpman has hijacked my social wiring and has signed me up to a donation challenge, effectively forcing me into taking part otherwise I would look like even more of an A*hole. See? I even have to self-censor now. Freedom? ;)

Ok, so giving to charity is something I don't mind doing under certain provisions and it is an area that I think Steemit will have a massive social impact on as it can essentially streamline payments directly to where it is required with zero cost. Most of those 'administration' fees can be removed. For reference, to donate 25 dollars US it cost me 25€ which is 30 dollars US.

Today (I am not going to do these in a row btw), I donated to a charity I have been supporting for quite a few years already, What they do is give money more directly to the people who need it in the form of micro loans that once paid off, can be rolled back into another loan. I like the idea and i hope it really does support people and help them provide for themselves.

Today I chose Thảo Anh, a mother with two children in Vietnam who plans on using $900 to install a clean water system. You can read about it here and donate if you choose.

Kiva 1.PNG

I don't think many people who come from well-off areas realize just how hard life can be on some people and are unable to fully comprehend the depth of struggle many face. My father grew up during the Second World War in Malaysia and even though I didn't have to live that way in Australia, his stories had an effect on me. It is because of him I am unlikely to ever stop pushing for a reduction of extremes in inequalities and a more peaceful and valuable world for all.

kiva 2.PNG

Above is the confirmation of the loan today as proof because you know, humanity just can't be trusted. $25 dollars isn't a great deal in this world but it can have significant impacts on someone's life. That is something to remember for all of those already highly rewarded accounts ordering bidbots for just a little bit more. Someone else in this world could likely do a lot more of human value with it. Another day though.

I am not going to nominate anyone however I do hope that people will consider being a little more charitable, especially if they can do so at a local level and help someone directly. Even if you don't have the money to give, help someone move their furniture or an old lady carry her groceries. The world could do with a little more giving.

[ a Steemit original ]

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Good good, lot's of shit posting today. I am proud of you!



that is the text for the meme. Shit posts shouldn't cost me 25€ ... :P

So you do have a heart and not just a sarcastic little shit lol. I like your writing style and that is why I chose to follow you.
This is a great idea and wished more people would follow suit. I came from a poorish background and maybe that is why I think like I do. You appreciate life and things more. I also give but it is so an old couple can have a hot meal every night. Small I know but at least they have that one meal a day. I am sure that lady in Vietnam will appreciate water. Thanks for the post.

Lol, I am not always sarcastic...
I think it really doesn't take much to make the world a little better. My wife and I have a little 'slush fund' where every week or so we help someone out with 5 euros or something when they don't expect it.

It started a few years ago when we were waiting in line for an ice cream at a summer kiosk and the guy and his little girl in front got to the register and the place only took cash. Finns generally use card everywhere. He took his daughter's hand and said it is okay, we will get ice cream next time and the little girl (about 4) said, 'okay daddy, next time.' No tears or fuss just a little flat, but the look on the father's face crushed me. I put it on our order and he almost cried. It wasn't the money, it was the not having to let his little girl down. It doesn't take much to make life for someone a little better. Either way, he would have remembered that moment forever and now instead of in the negative, it will hopefully be a positive experience he holds. Maybe he paid it forward.

What got me on your posts a while back you did a post on Bitcoin or something and some chap from a non english speaking country replied and said he wants one sheet. It didn't make sense.With your comment and smiley photo of your face I nearly wet myself. Was the funniest thing I have seen in ages.

If everyone was like tat it would be a better place. Would've done the same as you. Not everyone is like that though. Doesn't take much to make someone smile.

Does your donation get paid back to Kiva for them to redonate?

it goes into my kiva account as credit when they pay it off. From there I could withdraw it if I wanted but I and most would just roll it in. There are also things similar to curation trails where groups of people fund things together and also a follow where a donater will match the donation. For example, the one I donated to had a x2 multiplier on it and was matched by another organisation.

Okay; So it's kind of decentralised! Clever concept.

Throw money my way! lol.

Where are am in Thailand, there are a million ways to help poor people with only small amounts of money.

(I'm only joking about throwing the money, btw. - I would have no idea where to start...).

...if you have ideas, I'm willing to pitch in with effort.

I have some friend here who have Thai background and when they visit there the take all they can carry to donate once there. Lots of way to help I guess and it is an individual effort when it comes down to it. Lots of individuals are needed though.

I give money away all the time when I go out to people who need it more than me.

Which is kinda bizarre- 'cos have no money! lol.

Kids selling food stuffs can see a 'sucker' sign on my forehead I think.
I always give them double what they are asking for -after making them work for it - I see it as teaching them good business skills))

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That was such a nice gesture from you!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You have done so amazing job. Yes, If everyone become charitable in their individual level, I think we could see a different world. I am happy that I am from an area where I can help people directly. Like yesterday, one of my trainee who works at @womenempowerment got serious disease and she at last asked me help. I visited her slum at night and talk with her husband. I made 500 BDT donation which was not a lot but was a great help for than. Each month, I use around $400 cash for my community devlopment and all the funds comes from steemit. So as you mentioned, steemit does a massive impact in real lives.

you do a lot for your community and the community here, it is inspiring @azizbd

Kiva is a great way to make a little mean a lot. I've been donating since I found them about 8 years ago and it's great to see how a small amount can make such a difference.

Yeah, my sister-in-law has been doing the same for about that long (her now ex company) and she continues with her new businesses too. She is the one who got me and a few other companies donating.

Well, my idea of giving is Give and never look back. I never considered lending money to someone as giving or mayb I don't quite understand what this is all about but from your explanation , I think they loan money to those who need it. How about giving them the money and never asking them to pay back.

I don't know what faith you believe in but I do know that givers never lack and so if the idea of having them pay back is so you can help another in need then that's also not my own idea of giving.

My idea of giving is to give and have faith that I will have another to give out tomorrow...My opinion though.

When giving money to someone especially for business purpose, I prefer to give it as a loan. Often times, it is to make sure the funds go round. But most important, it is to make sure the beneficiary works hard enough because of the belief that he/she will have to refund the money.

Once when I gave my own cousin money to start some petty trade. I didn't plan to get the money back but I still give her as a loan and within few months she was ready with the money. I asked her to put it back into the business to expand it. Why did I do so, it was to make sure she put all of her into making sure the business succeed. That's just my opinion.

I think @tarazkp is right. To get a loan (for instance a woman in India who wants to own a sewing machine or even more than one to start as a tailor) and she pays the loan back when business goes well, shows respect for that woman. When the business goes wrong it is also or still possible to cancel the loan. But it is good for her self-esteem to get a loan instead of just the money.
In addition, you can of course also give to all kinds of good causes, even to organizations that provide loans to people in developing countries. These organizations also need money. And than we are back at the first sentence.

This is how it works. The corporate company I donate to has been doing this for years and also instead of giving Christmas presents to clients, they donate for them and give them a card. They are yet to take any back and they add thousands each year. In my opinion, empowering people to start their businesses and provide for themselves is much better than straight charity.

How about giving them the money and never asking them to pay back.

It helps them develop businesses, or like this one, build sanitation. Once many get on their feet in one way, they get another loan to do something else. Most donaters like myself keep rolling the donations in to the system. That way, many more people can benefit and entire communities can grow.

One of the businesses I do contract work for has a large account at and every year I give a donation to them that they roll into larger donations and projects too. That is where I have actually dealt with kiva before.

You are right, #25 isn't a big deal but it's all that can change lives and put a smile on someone's face out there. Charity is one area Steemit have really made impacts especially in Africa, Philippines and Venezuela. My first two weeks here, I happen to read a post by @damarth who started the 'one meal a day' campaign. Well, since I can provide my own meals, I decided to act as ground soldier in getting the meal to those who really needs it. The rest are just stories.

I just check on the site you provided above and one part I like about it is the fact that they don't give people fish but support them with the resources to start their own fishing. Pretty good.

I hope the woman that is on the receiving end makes the best use of the fund you provided. Thanks for lending to humanity.

Most now is selfless unselfishness many we see where In STMIK fraud was quite a lot even my account has been stolen by one person hence I say my account has been stolen old account my old account is John 2.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Never post this nonsense on my posts again.

" get it befoer Run out !"