in charlesfuchs •  7 years ago 



I’m a man of my word... I was feeling pretty tired today and had this little voice in my head telling me, “It’s ok Charles, you worked hard enough... you don’t need to go to the gym!” 🙇🏼‍♂️

I had to shut that inner voice up really quick and just went to the gym!

Sometimes that inner voice will convince you not to do things, you must have the power to shut it up sometimes! 😂

Oh yeah, I love @steepshot, I’m doin this post between my workout sets! 😋

Keep On STACKIN! 💞

~ Charles Fuchs

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Self motivation man its one of the key things people who are successful need. I often feel tired myself some days for a workout but its after I eat some times or if I do it at a different time of the day. Just gotta kick yourself in the butt and do it and you end up feeling better for it.

I just grab my gut in the morning and it makes me go to the gym haha

Good to see you pushing yourself man! Now I just need to find that motivation for myself :-)

Well I walked like 8 kilometers today does that count?

Yeah, that counts! 😂

Good work man. I need to be more dedicated to my workouts. The benefits are amazing when you do workout regularly.

You can do it! If my lazy ass can, anyone can do it 😂

Excellent now that we shut up that negative inner voice, drop and give me 40 push ups and 30 burpees :)

I think the days of getting a six pack for me is almost impossible 😂

That is really dedication my friend and great discipline to actually listen to that voice and ask it to shut up 😉 I do listen tooo much to that.. I'll do it tomorrow instead voice.
But I have gotten better but still not at all where I should be... Lol
Kudos to you 😉👍

Everyday I have to convince myself... but it’s so worth it! I feel great ☺️

I'm really happy for you and impressed 😊 great job!

Great self-discipline @stackin! ♥

I almost just stayed in bed all day! haha


Gives Hi5!!!!!

Just Do It!

Posted using Partiko Android

Everyday, almost 😂

You are very tall and manly. :))

HAHA, so funny :)

Keep going to gym and silent your inner voice express how strick to your commitment!

That some true wisdom :)

Never give up friend! Looking good!☺️

I want to have some drinks this weekend tho haha

Treat yo’ self! Haha cheers!🙌🏻

@stackin it's shows how good dedicated you are. Great work.. great dedication level

Aman is only as good as his word. And you kept yours.


I had been on vacation for about 10 days recently, on a cruise. I managed to go to the ships gym twice and logged upwards of 20k thousand steps a day but.........you can't outwork a bad diet and those cruise ship buffets are B A D. Taken me about a week since getting back to get the routine in and diet back in flow..........Stupid inner voice.


@stackin The hardest thing is to show up. YOU got this ! :D

What is the saying, its 95% about just showing up ;)

Good for you, man! I usually take that voice out for dinner... followed by dessert... and sleep.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey now, I want some desserts now! 😂

Your'e right, just do it, gym never is bad, haha you look great, greetings from Venezuela :)

I need to do better haha

Just give all the best and the best comes :D

Keep going on and on time to chase some goals back again : )

Yes boss lol

This is great, how many days a week you train?

Not that much these days, only 2 times a week 😀

This post has received a 9.71 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @stackin.

nice nice, get it in

Man I get that voice every day and it now just motivates me to f’n go and kill it!!! I am in week 5 of my Muay Thai camp and feeling better than ever, 5 hours of intense and insane training a day! Smashing it!
I just Posted my progress pic, looking better that ever. Fight videos soon, if you wana look:)

We can all smash it! Stay motivated! Hungry! War ready! Nothing can stop you can you an archive anything! With a strong mindset overtraining isn’t real... 😀👊

Nice picture!