in charlesfuchs •  7 years ago  (edited)



I wasn’t much of a coffee drinker when growing up. I never liked the taste of it until one day in college.

A few friends invited me to (the evil) Starbucks one morning and everything changed. 🤣

In my ignorance, I thought everyone who liked coffee just drank it normally in small cups while steemin’ hot.

My friends suggested that I get an iced coffee, black (nothing in it)... just ice and coffee. ❄️ ☕️

Guess what happened next? I’ve been addicted ever since! 😣

These days, I only drink organic iced coffee probably a few times a week from home when I need that extra boost to grind through the day.

Yeah, the picture above is me making 3 cups of coffee from my Keurig machine. I know what you’re thinking... “WTF Charles, 3 cups! 😂

I probably just chug it all down within 10 minutes! What can I say, I’m a very active person and got lots of shit to do today! haha

So mad respect to all the coffee lovers out there who grindin’ and huslin'... maybe one of these days we can have one together in a steem meet up!

Don’t worry, I’ll even pick up the tab. 😂

Keep On STACKIN! 💞

~ Charles Fuchs

For those who's interested in following my "Content" and "Daily" Posts... you can just follow me @stackin to get my updates.

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My Holy Grail of Coffee:

Double shot, over ice. It fuels my brain!

always best in the morning!

You are creative a man drink a coffee. Like this

Coffee + Fasting = Extreme Focus

You already know! Keep it on the down low, it’s a secret. 🤣

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Coffee+ Cigaret = Inspiration

Iced coffee with only coffee and ice? I always thought that there is also lots of sugar and milk...

I'm one of those drinking it steemin' hot out of small cups though :D

Give it a try, yeah just ice and coffee... all the other stuff are just calories. 😎

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I also got hooked on Coffee when I was in Uni. I was studying Mandarin in Shanghai at the time and it was quite exhausting trying to learn the tones. Finally I decided to give it a try, and I’ve been drinking it ever since. I haven’t reached your level yet though, 3 capsules for one coffee, damn ! If I did that I’m scared I would actually make i hole in my pants if I farted .

Your funny! Yeah man, three cups. I’m bouncin’ of the walls right now. 😂 ☕️

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Same here! Absolutely love it and can't live without it! The stronger the better and the more you drink it the better it gets ha, and now totally can tell when drink quality coffee, and so much bad tasting coffee on the market unfortunately 😫

Many years ago, I was even thinking buying high quality organic coffee beans and grindin’ them myself... then I realized, who has time for that! I like my fake coffee from my Keurig machine 😂 😅

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I did that actually but eventually got bored to do it every day 🤣😀 never tried Keurig thing tho 😀

Look up Camano Island Coffee. imported

Oh thank you, I will. I drink Lavazza now, also imported, really good 😊😍

  • @stackin Excellent rich coffee friend. I like it with milk. I enjoy it a lot too. We share a taste for coffee. Thank you for sharing your coffee with us. Happy Sunday, buddy.


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Like 28 Years ago I worked the Overnight Shift at a 7-11 and I have to say the Hazelnut Flavored Coffee is the Bomb..............@stackin

Awwww man, you gotta go organic 😂

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Its OK I don't drink Coffee now. It was just Tasty back then...........@stackin

hell yeah with milk

Right there with you brotha 💪🏻 6D9B971D-191E-4C40-9FF4-32555B3E41CF.jpeg


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great minds think a like 😎

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Addicted to it, its like socially acceptable meth

Christian Crank

Totally agree! 😂

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I’m feelin’ the evil powers of the coffee as I write this 😀

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Lol I can’t lie I love a good hazelnut latte with soy 😂

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I’m not allowed to have soy, it will feminizzze me 😂😂😂

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I got a little crazy with the percolators and french presses and grinding my beans. That lasted about a month before I was like, "This is too much work. Just give me a 12 cup pot of Foldgers."

Foldgers! Blasphemy! hahaha


The “secret” of grindin’

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Coffee achievers unite!


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I totally feel you there my friend 😉👍 Coffe☕ is my fuel ⛽ and I need it to get started in the morning and then the rest cause it's just soo good ☕☕☕😋 I do however have almost half coffe and half milk so.... Quite grown up... Not yet 😂 lol
Have a wonderful evening. Cheers! 🍻👍❤️

Nothing like a cup of coffee and some chatterbate.

You are so right 😉👍 ☕ best of all.. Lol

lol am I?

You should try three cups in an hour like I do hahaha

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Gotta have coffee from everything I've been through. Don't mess with Kurigs anymore. Wanna buy one?

I already own one 🤣

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Did you get the life warranty? :-)

hehehe once you get the taste of something good than it sure becomes irresistible ;)

I couldn’t of said it any better 😀

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for a coffee drinker, coffee can be a friend to chase away the personality and increase creativity, it can also be an adhesive for the relationship between fellow coffee makers. sometimes a glass of coffee can be enjoyed by two to three people and this is an art to foster the intimacy of fellow coffee connoisseurs

I hear you @stackin. Diet coke for me :P

I used to be but I slowly weaned myself off it a bit!

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You know I started drinking coffee for the first time about 4 months ago?? Lololol. I never did until I started drinking this smart coffee with nootropics. But yea, can you believe that!? Start drinking coffee at 40 years of age??? I know. Am I nuts? I think it's good for you. In moderation 🧡💛🧡💛

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@stackin Ya know, I haven't had coffee in ages, but I've been working from home lately and I've been hella sluggish and had some less than productive days. I forgot about the power of coffee. I may have to invest in me a home coffee maker! I remember when I start drinking coffee and an old job years ago I use to get a crazy boost and make it through the day! lol.. secret weapon haha

Coffee's a stimulant. Does @stackin need to be even more stimulated? :)


Screen Shot 2018-08-20 at 8.43.40 AM.png . I stick with what I call my Mr. Black, 4 shots of espresso with foam to the top, no milk.

Easy there, cowboy...

Coffee is addicting once taken its there forever hahah coffee lover spotted :D

I never drank coffee until I started working down in Spain. The coffee of choice in the canaries is called a 'leche leche'. Or a 'milk milk'. Really sweet and I loved it. I soon figured out it was condensed milk in the leche leche. I put on around 20kg from it! oops!

Does anyone else agree with me that nepresso isn't that great?

Its all about WaWa's.