in charlesfuchs •  8 years ago 

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others ~ Jonathan Swift

Todays post will be very different... there will be no information about the current price of Steem is, no charts to look at, the amounts of accounts being created, not even how much the rewards pool is etc... etc... 📊📈

I've been here for almost 2 months and dug in the trenches... and with all the talk about Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins behind the scenes; especially how blockchain is going to change how we do things in the future... I received a vision. 😳🔮

STEEM Will Be At $10 By Next Year, I'm Just Going To Manifest It 😂🤣

What do you guys think? Am I just "CRAZY" 😝? Maybe I am... but you know what, my instincts hardly ever failed me in my life so I'm just going to go with that. 💁🏼‍♂️

Who needs "Charts" and "Technical Analysis" if you got that "GUT Feeling" that only comes to you in rare occasions. LOL 

What do you predict the price of STEEM will be at in 2018? Are you accumulating your positions like I am? If not, why?

Leave your comments below... would love to hear all your opinions. Have a Awesome Tuesday STEEMIANS.... Let's go make it happen! 


Keep on Motivating and Inspiring the people on STEEMIT 💕

Follow Yo Boy Here (2830+ "TEAM @STACKIN" Strong) 👑

YES, I UPVOTE Awesome Comments and ReSteems by the way 🎯

Feel Free to check me out on: Facebook (22,657+), Instagram (19,143+), Twitter (38,136+), and Snapchat (20,000+). 👨🏼‍💻

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I believe Steem and most solid blockchain projects that ADD value will go beyond most predictions. I've been on the STEEM platform for 2 days...BUT...I've been in this space since 2013 and have a pretty good understanding of the effects disruption and innovation. I will write a paper on that soon. I remember when bitcoin was under $100 and reading ethereum's Whitepaper and thinking WOW...Will steem see $5,$10, $50!!! Maybe, but more than likely Probably, In this NEW space it's vital to remember where we stand...EVERYONE READING THIS TODAY MUST REALIZE YOUR IN THE FRONT OF THE LINE..Facebook, twitter, instagram, and EVERY social media platform started from NOTHING....You have a chance to part of this at ground 0. Steem Currently has around 175k accounts up from 40k a year ago. How many next year or in 5 years. This growth was produced from word of mouth advertising without much media or social media attention. Remember where we stand, next year and more than likely for years to come this community will grow, then explode. From a trader standpoint, There is a supply of 237 million shares being trading in 20 different conversions on multiple exchanges. There are 7 billion people in the world. Remember crypto is global, with a ALL TIME HIGHof $4.32 a year ago, and a recently new high of $2.33 a few weeks ago from a low of 0.09 cents!!!!!!!! We now sitting down 50%. Those lows you will never see again. BE PATIENT!!!!Most of you guys are probably too young to remember the internet boom. Steem and many of these blockchain companies will be the next google, facebook, apple, microsoft. JUST BE PATIENT AND THANK GOD YOUR IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME.

Oh man. Powering up as much as I can;)

i guess i havnt missed the bus then i got here just in time.
ps brilliant comment!!

The bus has yet to leave the building 😬

These type of posts bring me a lot of reassurance. I had a good size btc stash in early 2015, but it sat dormant for almost 2.5 years. No more sidelining myself!

Your just in time. Everything is on sale today. Possibly for a few more days or weeks.....My life changing message for you is DO NOT think hours, days, or weeks. Focus on the months and years. THIS IS YOUR LUCKY MOMENT...
"Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity" Seneca

You couldn't of said it better! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

@cryptosuccess this comment gave me chills. I am old enough to remember the Internet boom and this feels like 1992 - 1994 just before the WWW exploded. Cryptocurrency is in 1994. It is starting to hit the news, people are hearing about it, companies and governments are dipping their toes in it, but it has not exploded yet.

The early developers will be the new billionaires that fundamentally change humanity, some early big investors will be able to live off the risk they took, early adopters will have HUGE opportunities to improve the existing model. Early creators on this platform (the good ones that get better and adapt) will be the next generation of huge content creators.

Keep in mind.. 1994!

I AGREE 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From a time standpoint we are probably in the early 90's probably 94-95 like you stated. The infrastructure(blockchain projects) are being built and studied. I don't think we see the real hype for another 3-5 years, but from my standpoint we are on the same page. I have a feeling the new "cool" word will be cryptonaires in a couple years. Congratulations on your timing.

well said my friend!

Thank you

The best thing we have is our intuition or gut feeling. As a memory athlete I know how important it is to trust your instinct. It usually knows the answer. As soon as you start rationalizing it you get off-track.

Right with you bro. Just accumulating Steem Power. Almost wish for Steem to go to 20 cents. Just back the truck up and sit back and wait for $10.00 and up for sure. It's a game changer for those with "gut" feelings and "visions" .

If steem goes to .20 again... bitcoin would have to take a massive dive back to around $800. If this was to happen, it would be the gift from the gods :)

Likin' the vibes here!

Let's create a tidal wave, boyz and gurlz!

Mad Respect! That's the stuff I like to hear 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Less lackin' — MOAR stackin' XD

It really does depend on the Crypto Currency market especially Bitcoin. If Bitcoin can stabilize then I believe yes, if it tanks again it will be a while.

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We will look back in 2020 and say to ourselves, the "GUT" Feeling was the right call 😂😂

We need to think with realistic approach , no doubt steem have good potenial but need to give handy n user friendly apps or site to users

This post received a 3.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ehujra! For more information, click here!

10 Dollars are eassily possible in 2018.
Full 100% and resteemed :-)

I certainly hope it hits $10. That would be really nice for a lot of folks.

It will be life changer for most 😎

Love this pic fam! It reminds me of Titanic with the sunset! :D :D :D haha @stackin

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Its so dreamy isn't it? @awarenessraiser 😂💙

If all goes well after August 1st with bitcoin ..in fact if the dust settles, I see steem chassing 20 to 100 USD+ by end of next year . However they have to implement the innovative advice I post weekly (lol) . Steem ecosystem is solid however some work needs to be done and you will see hike in prices..thanks for sharing.

10$ steem would be awesome, but we have to keep in mind that it's valued for perfection already. 300m for under 100k MAU. Ofc it's not that simple, as steem is more than just another social media platform, but still..

I hope you're right tho!

Going with that Gut Feeling 😂

What do you guys think? Am I just "CRAZY" 😝? Maybe I am... but you know what, my instincts hardly ever failed me in my life so I'm just going to go with that. 💁🏼‍♂️

such confidence @stackin... you should be trading the futures and bankin' on that roulette wheel! 😁lol


I will say this though, $10 STEEM one day... definitely a "possibility"! :)

@alexpmorris always knows best! :D

I know best, that I know very little! lol :D

tymorapro Alexander Morris tweeted @ 04 Oct 2016 - 22:43 UTC

@stockguy22 great to see Frank kicking ass trading futures through my platform @tymorapro -ANOTHER $10K+ day! stay… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I'm a homer in hitter, I strikeout a lot but they get paid the most in MLB 😂

If the Steem price breaks $4, it will rocket to $50, very quickly.
Now is the time to be stackin steem.

Did you just say $50! Love the vision :)

I visualize for for this 2017

OK, that is pretty funny :)

😳🔮 manifesting reality is the only way to fly!!

We live in the matrix I tell ya lol


Nice post, take my upvote. Maybe your premonition come true :)

I am making a wish with it lol

with steem at a $1 and 250,000 users

we do 10X to get steem to $10 the user base would need to reach 2,500,000 users that seems doable at the rate of growth we are seeing of sever thousand new users per day I think we could see that kind of adoption happen for steemit.


Absolutely ... also with cryptos becoming the hottest thing in the next three years... big things are coming 🙌🏼

I think less than 10x is needed. Steemit sure cannot reasonably handle 2.5M users (not in terms of raw power, but setup of the website, layout, etc, I mean). $10 sure would bring Steemit on the radar of many Facebook users.

The on boarding cost needs to have a better solution for sure.

To reach 10 $ I do not think it necessary to create a community of 2,500,000 users and I would apply the Law of Metcalf, we use the metaphor of the phone, if there is only one, as such has no economic value. According to Metcalf's Law, if there are two the network of telephones is multiplied squared. The economic value of the network increases from zero to two squared, or to four. Adds a phone to the network and the value of the network will be nine. In other words, the economic value of a network grows exponentially, not arithmetically.

Excuse my English, my native language is Spanish.

Greetings from Venezuela

Great point used! Law of Metcalf is the reason for the tremendous success for most of the big organisations . Like Google, FB, and mostly anything that connects 2 or more points of interest.

I'm waiting 5 $ in the end of the year 2017.

I can see that happening ... $4-$5 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

Maybe... but if it does go to $10, I'd also wonder what the price of BTC would be. $5k? $10k?

I hope more people will realize the benefit of Steemit providing an actual working project (not just a super fast, super efficient, zero transaction fee blockchain).

I'm not a fan of "blab it and grab it" claims where we just need to visualize harder to get things which in actuality take hard work... but I also understand the nature of value. When it comes to money, crypto, and the like, it really is just a matter of enough people collectively believing together.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yeah bitcoin will have to make a run to around $10k for this to happen, like you said that if we get enough people to collectively believe together, anything can happen :)

sorry @stackin, I didn't catch a word you said, after I zoned off thinking about "Seven" without the "Nine"! :D

I think we'll see about $4.70 by the end of the year and a possible rise to $10 in 2018, but it definitely depends on the overall market.

Totally Agree @joshsigurdson ... Only time will tell but the future is bright for lots of cryptos


I don't think we need to wait until 2018. We have 5 more months left in 2017. I agree with @hilarski however, it is going to depend heavily upon bitcoin. It would also be nice if we had no more hard forks for several months

Totally agree, bitcoin is the king right now and everyone follows it. I can see $2-$5 at the end of the year, If I am wrong, I would be in buying mode 😜

$10 is very possible. The crypto market is still be young, lots of room to grow. I'm accumulating as much as I can.

The market is so small... between 50-100 billion on all cryptos. It's going to be in the trillions in the coming years :)

Yes $10 Steem in one year will be fine

If it goes down in a few weeks, that's fine with me... need to load up 🙌🏼

I don't know my magic number but if i think it is gonna hit $10 then I need to buy more at these prices!!

Yeahhhh man, who knows lol. I'm just picking up a few here and there, mostly earning it 😎

It could be $10 or it could be $0.20 It is really unpredictable Wherever this BTC run goes to $3200 or $5000 or whatever there will eventually be a pull back. It won't just keep going up and up. STEEM could possibly buck that trend if more people realize that instead of sitting there in BTC and other cryptos they could hold STEEM power and the money could actually work for them instead of just sitting there waiting for capital appreciation.

Those who can take advantage when the pricing is low have the possibility of catching a rocket ride.

Let me visualize and manifest it... no charts, no markets, no Mumbo jumbo... it will be $10 by the end of 2018 😂😂😂

I hope you are right but I wouldn't mind if it went down to $0.10 in late 2017 before that happens so I can soak up a lot better position. If it goes straight to $10 we won't be hurting so I won't complain!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't mind if bitcoin went back to $800 lol

My price target for Bitcoin is $500 for the low in the next crypto recession. But I'm not going to take a chance if it doesn't get that low so I'm going to be really building a base at $1000 or anything lower. But I think that is over a year away. It could go to $5000 before the next crash. Who knows. But there will be another crypto implosion and I will be there ready to rise from the ashes!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

So you're telling me the whole crypto market is going under 10 billion again? That cant happen, one guy from Dubai or Saudi Arabia will buy every coin in existence.... in one day hahahaha :) .. you know what it can happen haha

Hahahah, I know it sounds harsh and maybe even weird coming from a guy who is bullish on Crypto long term but a lot of the stuff is thinly traded and so when people gets spooked it happens fairly fast. Plus people become accustom to these big surges upward and when crypto isn't doing that and suddenly is losing 50% or 90% of its value people get real scared and realize they actually needed the money for bills. lol

But yeah....... it will get nasty again. Just be ready for it and plant your foundation and collect your rocket fuel! Then when it fires off we are bitty rich!

Let's visualize and manifest it ! Our thoughts shape our reality.

That's what I'm talking about @trendon 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

Cryptos are so unpredictable. But I believe social networks with cryto rewards are the future. And Steemit is ahead of its time in that respect.

Totally agree with you on this... it's happening right in our face but many don't realize it 😀

The cryptomarket overall is predicted to 100x the marketcap . steem for sure is a coin with future so I guess it will profit from that increase too. So 10$ seems not impossible to me.

fuchs for president

Creating my own country in the near future lol

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

We need to encourage people to leave Google+, Facebook, and other social media networks and join us here. That will easily achieve the goal! It is crazy how many people still do not know about Steemit.

Take all the people currently using just G+ and fb, and bring them here. What would that do to the price? ;-)

I can't beleive people are still using G+ 😂

I have 11K followers on there, but sometimes I wonder how many of them are dead and abandoned accounts. I cannot prove it either, but I'd swear Google+ filters my content. There are some friends of mine still there, but they are basically talking to themselves. The fight for liberty on G+ was lost long ago. My hope is that they will all join me here instead!

hah, that would be amazing! Although what those platforms already have going for them - besides the name brand and that everyone knows about them (which itself is extremely significant) is that they are a much more polished, intuitive, and easier to use platform..especially for those with less tech experience. Not saying you need to be a programmer to use Steemit, for from it, but to truly understand its intricacies is no easy feat. Although I suppose at the most basic level, it's still doable for beginners.

It's what they don't have going for them that will bring people here though. Both sites censor. Facebook has jail. People's accounts get locked, banned, etc. all the time. I absolutely hate centralized censorship. Steemit has none. That reason alone makes it so MILLIONS of people will switch. It won't just be liberty lovers either. People are fed up on those sites. We are the pioneers, but the settlers are right behind us!

Totally agree! 🙌🏼

Im proud to say I've never used G+.
If we integrated an image and video sharing platform into the core of the system we'd be unstoppable and $10 would just be a tiny bump on the way up.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I loved G+ and met many friends there. Google has come a long way though. "Do no evil" has become "Do hide evil." There were tons of STEM folks there, and lots of tech savvy people enjoyed great discussions.

It's mostly dead now though. Between idiotic platform changes that made it frustrating to use to the content filtering (I cannot prove it but suspect it), there's no good reason to stay there anymore.

I made this account back in September of 2016 because @Hilarski suggested it. We met on G+. I should have come over and started building here then, but I did not. My account went unused until last month. There's no going back for me now though!

They'll have to shut this place down to get rid of me. haha

I havnt checked my google + in years like MySpace 😂

It is going 10$ no matter what. This community is so great, more and more people gets involved daily and the word is spreading around about Steemit and soon the number of steemians will grow exponentially. We will recall this day and be glad that we joined so early.

You just dropped a bunch of facts 😎🤑

Who needs "Charts" and "Technical Analysis" if you got that "GUT Feeling" that only comes to you in rare occasions. LOL

This is not investment advice and is for education purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Do not risk more than you can afford

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

In my own words 😂😂😂

I definitely think we're going to go past the $5 mark and hopefully hit the $10 mark........ that would be fantastic. I hope by then I have quite a bit more saved up. The question now is whether or not I should pull money from LTC and put it into steem...... it's so hard to know what's going to go up and what's going to go down.

That's the truth... we still have lots of time but I'm already seeing that many will never ever pull the trigger, it's a shame 😀

we all need to keep on steemin and we will make it happen

I'm ready for it 😬🤑

same here 👍

As believer in manifestation I support your manifestation whole heatedly.

Nice pensive look there too.

I was focused and visioned it haha

Let me help you visualize this and bring it into reality @stackin

It's coming into a reality, I see the vision 😂😂

I am on it aswell!

I think that Steem will go between 10 - 20USD once it catches on with the masses. I have seen a few Youtubers with 100k or more subscribers trickling over here.
It will hit 10USD be end of 2017 or very close to it following a ridiculous spike of Bitcoin.

I actually hope that I am wrong so I have more time to accumulate Steem.

I want to surf on my piles of Steem like Scrooge McDuck

One thing for sure, no matter how long it takes to hit 10USD, early adopters will be greatly rewarded for risks ran from the beginning.

One of the best comments of the day... stackin steem lol

wow. thanks.

I have not intelligent answer because of that this and this will happen , I can just say, I like your style and crossing my fingers and rooting for this to be true

I am just manifesting it lol

Well I am joining in

I strongly believe it can pretty realistically hit $10 next year. Might even do $4-$5 this year still.

Talk soon.

YEAH, price target is $10 at the end of 2018 :)

Exciting stuff. Just confirming that there's no better time to put in the work than right now.

Talk soon.

I am in this for the long term so we shall see!

Long term is great... I'm looking for short term rise up 😬

Steemit is great. I'm a new member and loving it. Enjoyed this post.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Appreshhh! 😀

I think if we all visualize it who knows what will happen. Technology moves super fast so will Steem and others. Glad I'm on the boat!

cross fingers..upvoted and followed you

It will happen lol 😎


do you work on steemit full time?
Do you have another job?

What does that mean? I'm an Entrepreneur for 20 years... didn't have a job since 1997 :)

let's do it .. we have the power .. :)

I just had that feelin today, we control the price 🤑

You never know whit the crypto, but I remain bullish. $10 Steem will be sweet :).

Feelin very bullish in 2018!! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

It all depends on whether bitcoins tanks or not but I'm hoping you're right friend!

So true... it will happen haha

just a matter of time. once bitcoin drama settles down, steem will be marching up. possibly close to 10 by the end of the year. being optimistic here. however 2018 seems to be realistic.

Yes @deserttree! There will be news here and there that are negative that will impact the whole market but it always recovers :)

Very cool, just resteemed! Of course I, along with everyone here, hopes Steem will hit $10 (and to quote Buzz Lightyear).... "To infinite...and beyond!"

But I thought Steem gets more and more diluted as time goes on, more is created constantly, thereby implying the price will become diluted as well eventually. Or am I not understanding something?

Only a tiny fraction of the people using social media are here. What happens once they do switch?

Hah, I like how you say "once" they switch versus "if" they switch... well that's an excellent what if question, and definitely something that's post worthy - hint hint :) Now following you so I'll be excited to read it :P

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks but that's not my area of expertise. That sounds like a post for @stackin though or @hilarski!

My expertise is residential security and private investigation, and I throw in related topics like personal security from time to time.

Everyone could benefit from those topics, so I hope you stay following. Thank you!

Steem has a circulating supply of 237 million coins out of 254 million that are TRADED on multiple markets. If the platform grows so will the price of Steem, just not linear...Traders will create many bubbles and crashes along the way, it's just how the markets work. Sometimes the perception is worth more or less than the actual value. In this new space, Steem is one of the few projects that actually has working product. Think long term, you arrived here FIRST. REMEMBER ALL SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS STARTED WITH 0 USERS, NONE OF THEM ALLOW YOU TO PROFIT ALONG THE WAY...CONGRATS

Hmmm nice food for thought, yes we'd all like to think we are the rock star initial adopters who will reap the rewards once Steem becomes more mainstream (hah, rhyme!). #keepingmyfingerscrossed

I agree on the bubbles and crashes, makes sense - but we are all here long term so I'm not worried :)

Today, I just felt like manifesting $10 steem in 2018 without any facts LOL

haha well I just followed you because if you pull that off, you are extremely gifted and worth knowing... keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!

I don't know why should that happen. steemit is a wonderful platform, but which are the drivers for such a price? @cj900 you think we're not in the mass-adoption phase?

We have only just begun :)

I hope you're right, man. Let's manifest!

I'm visioning the future :)

I really see to hit it 10$ even now all the crypto currencies are being affected by bitcoins but time will come soon when bitcoin market will be saturated and steem total maket value will exceed the bitcoin, then steem will control all the major things.

Only time will tell... :)

I have the same gut feeling :)
We are going to make 10$ Steem possible in 2018 ;)


$5-10 for sure in that range if you said $20 that would be a bit unrealistic and crazy in my opinion lol.

I Agree... $20 is a stretch in a year :) haha

I work in sales and they teach us all the time trust your gut. Sometimes it is based on facts and it is your body telling you the truth your mind refuses to believe.

You couldn't explain it better... yes! :)

Aww, thanks!

$10 seems very possible and we're just in the beta phase, just imagine if steem really takes off and reaches mass adoption, $10 will seem cheap then. I gave this post an upvote!

I can't disagree with you at all with this :)

I'd like to hope it is mate, I'm hoping for high $5 by end of the year and if that holds true then by end of next year I can see $10.
Lets hope it all pans out that way mate.

If it doesn't happen... all buying opportunities lol

I think that steem will reach $10 no doubt about it. When it does I'll be envious of the people who invested in steem when it was only 7 cents haha but people still have time to get some steem now and still make huge profits.
I'd like to see what effect it would have on upvoted and if whales will get even more powerful upvotes and would dolphins become old whales?
Well I'm not sure, all I can do is wait haha

Become a Dolphin ASAP... Hustle :)

Great post! Certainly it will hits $10. Just wait :)

I just need a little more time to get more Steem first :)

So, can a single optimistic perspective direct an entire currency market?

I'd like to see the data.

I can create my own reality :)

Yes, but you and many other reality-makers together create a market

$10 Steem? Seems a bit unrealistic to me. I was visualizing $100 Steem. But even that seems unlikely now that I think about it. $500. Wait, no, $777. Lucky sevens all the way to the moon!

That's a huge vision... love your style man haha

I bought in big today. I'm hoping you're right!

My mannnn, go big or go home attitude :)

Everything is possible. Let's keep on posting, telling people about Steemit and a accumulating Steem.

Massive Accumulation Action Time :)


The best word in history "HODL" :)

I hope your right im investing more so fingers crossed steem is the place to be

If it doesn't in 2018... That means I can buy tons in the meantime :)

I predict $5 by december, a lot of my friends are dumping the shit called facebook are hoping on the speed boat going to steemit island, steemit island? That would be cool. Lol


I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 1.42 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @zeartul.

That felt nice, forgot to use your services 😂

Yes, I would like to know your favorite food.

I only eat steem haha

I enjoy sushi. Do you know that sushi was invented in Japan in the 1950s?

Nice information post for steemians, thanks you for sharing @stankin.

Haha stankin. This is too funny.

That is just messed up 😂

Lets us hope it reaches there for all our sakes here on steemit

I just believe :)

I would love for it to be $10,
but i dont think it might be so, so soon.
Specially with steemit paying steemians with steem in 1000s of dollar each day.
it only dillutes the prices even more.
I would give it about 5 years for that
But, I would love for steem to prove me wrong..

I would love that too..but in the long run, with all the dilution, I suppose I don't get how it can keep going up?

Almost there. $10 mark is just round the corner :)

Congratulations @stackin!
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I love steem coin

Why specifically equal to $10? I have a gut feeling that Google might buy Steemit by 2018.

I have no idea, i received a vision lol

Had to resteem this as another guy said there are some good vibes on this post and i think its the kind of good vibes that need to be shared with the whole community.

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  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment