in charlesfuchs •  7 years ago  (edited)

If you want to do something, just go do it! Procrastination can delay or destroy all your goals ~ Charles Fuchs.

What's up STACKERS!

I'm going to have to get a little real here today, as you guys know that I've been consistently posting on Steem for about 7 months and I don't think I've even missed a day without logging into the platform at least once. 👨🏼‍💻

However Today was different, I felt a little "Burned Out" and was procrastinating for hours if I even wanted to do a post or not but then reminded myself, No Excuses! 

We all go through these times of "burnout" on the things we do on daily bases such as working out, dieting, tasks we do etc... etc... (blah, blah, blah... I can list hundreds).

I then reminded myself what one of my mentors told me many years ago that it just takes a person just a few minutes to talk himself out of doing something that he or she wanted to do. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Just think about it, how many times a day do we all go through questioning ourselves if we should do something or not to do it? In my experience, we go though thousands of these "little decisions" a day.

So I took a few minutes to gather my thoughts and asked myself, "Am I really burnt out or just making excuses?" Guess what happened? I was just making excuses and talked myself out of posting today. 

Another thing that popped up that was very interesting to me was that I found out the main reason why I was "feeling" this way. Most people would call it, "A Moment of Clarity". 🤣

My damn "Goals" was not high enough... then I started to write down why the hell I was on Steemit. I was here to talk about crypto, earn"Steem", help and build the community, motivate and inspire people, become social, make new friends, and stuff like that. 👨🏼‍💻

You see, I lost my way (even if it was for a day or two), but at least I'm aware why I was thinking this way and now I know what to do if this happens to me again, lesson learned. 💁🏼‍♂️

Where am I going with this? 

Regardless what happens to us on a daily bases, if we have high enough goals and meaning... we all can motivate ourself to be consistent everyday.

I truly think a lot people can relate to my experience and learn from what I was going though. Heck, I hope it motivated you... like it did myself.

So have huge goals, stay consistent, stop making excuses... and let's all start winning together in this funny "Game" we call life. 💞

Keep On STACKIN! 💰

P.S. Steem price is up huge today! (Maybe that motivated me to do a post). 🤣

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This is the post we all need.
It is a booster to hang in there and Steem way high.
Your post stands high among others to say highly.

Surrounding with like minded people like yourself @pouchon helps everyone become more motivated and inspired! Let’s go! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

Thats for sure. It doesn't take too much to feel over whelmed and lose focus.

Boom💥💥💥 Ouch dude!!! You got me right between the eyes 👀... I started on Steemit a little while after you did, and bought 1,000 Steem, and put it all towards Steem Power, did a few posts, then fell off the side of the Earth. Got busy with the family and life in general, when Steem hit $7, was like cool, I made a little money, but still didn’t do much. Then with about a week left in 2017, I told everyone I would do at least 1 post a day, then stopped on my second day... I have been doing well with trading and my private Wealth Mastery Group is up to 450 people, but Steemit has been my Achilles Heel... I watched one of Jerry Banfields videos last night and got all pumped up, and did a couple of posts... It really is time to step up to the plate and put my account in the Six, then Seven figure range... Thanks for the wake up call😃

You shouldn't feel bad at all, we all go through the same stuff lol. We both need to step up to the plate, we will strike out a lot but guess what, we will soon be hitting Home Runs :)

Thanks for the motivation. I'm on Steemit everyday trying to make it happen!

I completely agree with you. My brain does rebel on me and from time to time, it decides that it wants to go on strike. What you say is true, goals need to be set and met. More importantly, they need to be prioritized, or else it will just get swept away.

I started Steemit 4 months back and have written one article a day, no excuses. Once it has become a habit, it gets easier. Steem on!

That’s some major consistency boss, keep grindin’, you got this 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

I totally agree with you, of course we all have this feeling of being "burnout" and we of course need to push ourselves to continue. Thank you very much for motivating us @stackin!


Regardless what happens to us on a daily bases, if we have high enough goals and meaning... we all can motivate ourself to be consistent everyday.

You just motivated me do another post tonight 😋💖

Wow! I am very flattered that I've motivated you @stackin! :) ♥ Will be waiting for your post tonight! :)

You were one of the first people I started following and I just got my wife on here to follow you too.

Once again thanks for all you do in this community, I upvoted this post 💯 % and RE Steemed

Consistency is always the key! Just how you are consistent with posting helpful and motivating posts! Hugs to you dear friend! <3

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great and motivational post boss..
Honestly I try to login everyday but school and it's affiliated stress prevent this.
With this post I'll try and make goals for myself and work hard to achieve them fully..
Nice one boss

PS : The price of steem has registered one wide grin on my face since the day began.

Thanks for that @ubongj .... you got this boss! Let's have that "No Excuses" Lifestyle :)

Yes, that's the spirit. Let's give no room for excuses. Excuses makes us weak and see reasons a thousand and one reasons why we shouldn't do the needful.

Surely man... We gonna ditch that

Winning Wednesdays require consistency! Great post as always..keep STACKIN brotha

Maybe I felt this way because it’s wednesday 😂

Consistency can be hard for many, you have to self motivate you on the struggles to continue, not every day is a day of highs. If you can do this on the lows you can do this anytime no matter what. But it doesn't hurt to take a break now and then in order to not get worn or burnt out. Refresh the mind and continue.

Took me an hour to snap out of it, back on the grind... I can rest next year haha

You can rest when your dead...lol - #Bonjovi

Inconsistency is definitely my problem. I'll be on a roll for a while and then nothing. Do you ever just come up blank and you just don't know what to post?

I will do a post about this tommorrow, try to document the things you do everyday instead of creating. So much easier to do, stay Tuned! 😀

I will! :) Looking forward to it!! :)

Having many goals is the new thing am adding to the list that pushes me to go beyond my limits. I've experienced burning out a lot of times, that sometimes I end up quitting what I started.
Let's reflect to this post guys, because there are a lot of reasons your doing what you're doing, and more reasons to keep doing it.

Spoken like a true leader! 😎

Keep stackin stackers. Everyone check out this new coin that listed on binance IOS Token https://iost.io

For any man to be the best, he must be consistent in what he does. Even when discouraged he must find a way to encourage and motivate himself. Thanks for the motivation @stackin

I couldn't of said it any better @profchydon! 💯

Lol... You kickstarted the motivation bro, now i'm all fired up. I just followed you and i'll make sure i never miss any of your post. I need more of this motivation each new day

I get stuck sometimes on what to write next. Especially when I've been working my normal job. I have been trying to remain persistent. Thanks for the continued encouragement. Hope to be like you when I grow up! :D

@stackin Well said. Well said. I have been writing about success and achievement since I started Steemit, and yes there are times where you have that feeling. I have quite a bit going on these days 😊 No mattter, always gonna be grinding. You are setting a great example! Steem on! ✌🏾

Man your better than me! After my burn out I gave up on Steemit for two months, but came back with a more intrinsically motivated mindset and began to grind!

You were the one who actually inspired me to make my goal of becoming a dolphin in three months and today I was blessed to wake up with 1500sp delegated to my account! Hardwork, faith, and consistency really does pay off bro! Now it's time to work my butt off to get to that 5000 sp!

Bro, you got this... by summer time, I will call you a 🐬😂


I was feeling the same yesterday, and not even burnt out on steemit, just didn't feel motivated after getting rained on all day at work and having some personal issues. I still threw together a post, touched up an old piece of writing and got it out the door, commented on all comments on my posts and ran through my voting power on some articles I enjoyed, throwing in comments when I felt like it. Staying motivated and consistent is key if you want success, and I want success here and for steemit itself. Thanks for this one man, good motivation during a down time!

That’s showing some commitment right there, regardless what happens to us in a day, we get it done. Great comment! 🙌🏼

Thanks man...I think huge goals are good but setting realistic goals along the way will help. My first goal on this platform is 100 Steem. Currently at 38. When i get that goal, I will set another one. Small achievable chunks for me.

Well said. I believe it was Tony Robbins who said he never negotiates with his mind. So when my mind tells me I'm tired, or makes the excuses I ignore it. No negotiating with my mind.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @stackin , you really put the i on the "I" :)....i really find myself in your experience although i'm barely having a month here( 3 months since i created my account). Each day i worked my ass off to prove (to me and to others) that steemit is trully a place where you can thrive, express yourself and you can contribute and help others too...for last month all i know since i wake up until i go to sleep is steemit platform and discord channels in which i'm engaged...i wish i could make it easier for me to be here but my situation doesn't let me afford the luxury to spend less time ...at least now:)..when i will be "bigger" i will have more access to time for fun or spend more with my kids....would love to have a new laptop too and hopefully i will get one soon through my dedication and hard work:). I love your initiative and your inspiration and 100% i'm following you! Goodluck dear steemian brother!

I know that burned out feeling, glad that you got on the grind and put a post out! Great content showing people what it takes, you need to be consistent. I hit you up on Facebook there, would love to talk more!

Guess what the secret was? % cups of Organic Coffee LOL jk

That's how it's done! Chat more on messenger if you're free!

Yes! I am sure I am not the only one who thinks this came with perfect timing. I am not sure my goals are high enough, but I am here each day. I agree consistency is key. Thank you.

Thanks @Freedompoint .... yeah hit a wall today but I think I'm out of the rut after doing this post :)

Thanks for your valuable and informative post about steemit.It is a new message for all steemians.
We can gather a lot of information by your post.
By dint of we can increase our skill that is beneficial for all steemians.
I will always visit your site & wait for your upcoming post.
Thanks .

Agree on that, we may lose ourselves from time to time, but these posts will act as a compass for us. It is not easy to keep stackin per se, but when it developed into a habit, the impact is significant.

You just dropped some wisdom 😎

Thanks man!

I think your totally right man, and this is such great advice, nothing comes free and you need to work for it, always making good and regular content here is the only way to have good long term success.
I've always been curious about @stackin are you in any way a precious metals stacker? because if so we have a precious metals community here at #steemsilvergold that is really growing quickly recently and totally worth checking out.

I really needed this post. I have thought to myself many times, why are you in steemit? For various reasons but now I will, set my goals (priorities) right. Thank you @stackin

So what goals did you come up with to get you motivated again?

You just gave me an idea, I'll post it up Tommorrow :)

wow excellent suggestions friend and it's true being consistent is a key to success in every field and no doubt excuses destroy consistency, so we all have to stay proactive and post atleast once everyday in steemit and it surely produce great results, thanks for sharing this useful suggestions with us, Stay blessed

its all about consistency brother... we gotta keep on "stackin" every day so we will make steemit a better place to be on :)


What’s up @stackin.
You’re completely right it takes time and effort. You gotta read and comment and make posts that are actually thought out, not simple things in order to make profit here.

But have another question for you. You have heard of the debate right now about pegging SBD to $1 right? If you haven’t you should look into it. I hate to sound like one of those people promoting my own post, but check out my post about why SBD should not pegged to the $1:


I’m a relatively small account. Not many people read my blogs. But i wanted to get this out there for people to read because i feel like it hasn’t gotten much attention. I feel like it has been pretty small news but everybody should know about it. It is something that will affect the platform majorly and i think everybody should have a say if it happens or not. I’m not asking for and upvote or resteem or anything, just that you look into it and spread the news of what might happen so more people are involved with the decision making. If this receives enough support, we make it not happen or if your opinion is that it should be pegged to the dollar then you can get support to make that happen as well.

I just want people to understand the situation and know what is going on

target we need to make a lot of effort to. VERY GOOD TIPS! Many thanks for... info @stackin

@stackin ,I stumbled upon ur posts as a newbie, the very day I joined steemit, I have followed you ever since, I must confess you r a big inspiration I look up to here on steemit, thanks for the consistent motivation and tips on how to make it on steemit, keep up the good work

I think steem will have a great future because his strategy is good in the digital currency world

So I should try and take over the world? :) lol

Thanks for information. Very good

Very interesting and motivating for me. Thank you for always providing valuable information to the Steemit community. clear objectives. Greetings

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you @stackin for making a transfer to me for an upvote of 7.21% on this post! Half of your bid goes to @budgets which funds growth projects for Steem like our top 25 posts on Steem! The other half helps holders of Steem power earn about 60% APR on a delegation to me! For help, will you please visit https://jerrybanfield.com/contact/ because I check my discord server daily? To learn more about Steem, will you please use http://steem.guide/ because this URL forwards to my most recently updated complete Steem tutorial?

Wow amazing post :) Thanks for sharing With us

Great Information Buddy. This way we know about a lot of information :) ]]


You got a 4.45% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @stackin! Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

This is motivating , I'm building this habit to write everyday . . . Its getting better . . Will keep this in mind for those days! Or I'll just take a day off hahaha

@stackin You only posted because STEEM was UP huge today.......

i learn from looking at you guys sir..my motivation is you.. :) thanks for everything you are doing on behalf of us

that’s the key! to be consistent! I’ve been bumping into that word for several times now in the last two weeks! Must be a sign from the Universe to become consistent 🤣.. but I can totally relate to what you’ve experienced! It’s good to experience it once in a while so you know you’re still human and not live an automatic life if you know what I mean! This way you can only become a better version of yourself, inspire yourself but also inspire others like you do to me with this post! So thank you!

stack on your goal, not make any excuse for failed, make it possible that you get as much as opportunity for it.

Great message for a tired mind

i m told myself the same thing every day...

I got burned out a bit near the beginning of January, but now I've been back full force :).

Yes, because steady firmly win the race

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I can surely relate to that, I had a steemitbreak for a few months, and I cant explain why, just stupid excuses everyday really. but persistence is the key, and today steemit is the first thing i open on my phone.
Not because im a huge whale or a medicore dolphin, no simply because steemit makes more sense to me than other socialmedia sites.

If you can dream it you can do it. It is that simple. Hold on to that dream, believe in it and love that dream. Set goals for that dream. They can be short, midterm and long-term goals. But NEVER NEVER NEVER lose site of the dream.

big effort for "small" time, or relaxing life with no effort but normal work like everyone..choose! i personally choose big effort to my goals!


ii am tring to understand this

not missed a single day till now ;)

Good on you for making the post anyway! You're absolutely right that it's all about consistency. It can be tough at times, especially if the journey is one that will take a long time to progress with, but it will be worth it in the end!

I'm from Indonesia. is this a contest. and what I am allowed to participate. .. ??



Thanks for motivation

So far in the almost 100 days that I have been in Steemit I have been able to post one article a day.
At first I went on the usual route of joining challenges and nothing wrong with those but for me if you are posting stuff like that on a daily basis you will bore your followers really quick and your engagement level will go down. besides you get mired down by all the others doing the same thing.

So 2 months in I decided to change how I posted . I write one quality ( IMO its quality haha) post a day, set out to change followers to engagers and swim a little farther and enjoy the community.

And boy have I reap the rewards. Been curated a number of times. Met some pretty awesome people that are like-minded, created a mentoring group that places uniqueness and quality of content as it's highest ideals and set out my goal of 60 reputation and 1000sp.
Sometimes I do waver and think of going through the easy route of posting 5 marvel posts and popping 5 bots on each one but I remember that what I want is organic growth that I worked for. I don't want bots to become a crutch because I cant make content.
The fruits of the labor will be sweeter when I work on it on my own merit and talent. I am not opposed to using bots and I use them from time to time to put me back to a trending page but to make use of it solely is just plain lazy for me.

I intend to hustle my ass off in creating content, engaging people and paying it forward by mentoring people to become motivated and be the best versions of themselves.

So no excuse but to keep on hustling and stackin!

Yes the price of Steem going up is always a good motivation.

Thanks for the motivation! I want to post everyday but somtimes I find it hard to think of worthy enough content to share. I'll get there eventually haha

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Im late on this post but it was the best one i read today!!! Great work and thank you for this post. Its really helpful @stackin

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment