in charlesfuchs •  7 years ago 

“Never trust a person that tries to sell you their opinions... they usually have an agenda ~ Charles Fuchs.

Yesterday I came across something online that really pissed me off... we all heard JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon say last week that bitcoin is a 'fraud' and that bitcoin will eventually blow up... "It's worse than tulip bulbs, It won't end well. Someone is going to get killed". 🙄

Dimon even stated that he would "fire in a second" any JPMorgan trader who was trading bitcoin and that "It's against our rules and they are stupid". 😲

Well guess what, I'm not sure if this is facts or fake news but check out what this chart says... Say it ain't so. 🤔


Look who was one of the biggest buyers of Bitcoin ETF's in Switzerland yesterday... J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd. Are You Serious? 😡

Jamie Dimon is a damn slim ball 💩... calling Bitcoin a Fraud! In realty, he knows deep down inside that "Bitcoin" and Cryptocurrency will be the downfall of the banking system in the future. 

Here is a quick tip guys, have no fear! Cryptocurrency and Blockchain will be the future in our society, "Keep On Stackin" because by investing now... you will set yourself up for the rest of your life. 💰  

So what are your thoughts? Is this "Fake News"?... or do "These Corrupted Bankers" know that Cryptocurrencies will be a huge threat to them and they are preparing themselves now?

Only time will tell but in the meantime, (ABS) Always Be Stackin!

P.S. I had a few people hit me up the last few days asking me what Cryptocurrencies that I'm currently invested in... Stay tuned later today for my top picks.

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There is really no way to know if JP was making these purchases for its own accounts or for clients, but it still reeks that Jamie Dimon was saying bitcoin was a fraud while the bank is clearly in the crypto markets for one reason or another.

I believe this meme is appropriate:

Best Meme of the day 🤣

If you are thinking in long term You won't be afraid!

Totally agree, the saying is"Scared Money, don't make any" :)

That is a very good quote. I learned that the hard way in my early FX trading years. Very valuable lesson.

Oh yes!

Upvoted. If you want to know the REAL reason Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan called Bitcoin a "Fraud" (not what you think) check out this 30-second read: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@thoughtchain/viral-why-jamie-dimon-called-bitcoin-a-fraud-not-what-you-already-heard



long term is the best indeed... I read carefully JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon statement about Bitcoin,,,, He said that Bitcoin will not crash now but it will crash after it surpasses $22k ,,, which means if he really invested money in Bitcoin during the big dump caused by the fake news about Chinese authorities banning exchanges that means JPMorgan already make a lot of money by the time of writing this comment.
Believe in BTC and dont believe in any asshole ,, the last thing I would like to say is that we are not scammed... I bought BTC at $4200 and I still believe I will make profit,,, all the assholes who made the market crash temporarily in the past 3 days, when they see BTC up to the moon again they will buy in a higher price and soon the demand will be higher 10 times than the supply and you will see BTC around $10k then It will be hard to crash it by some shitty fake news again.

Agreed!... but currently I think we're in a bull trap and will refer the lopes before it pulls back to all time highs, however I may be wrong 😀


HODL!!!!! I'll see you on my yacht in 2030.

you should have atleast got good selfie :P


Just figures don't it?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sons a Bitches! Resteemed

I couldn't of said it any better 🤣💩

Lol, I am picturing you actually saying that (((OUT LOUD)))


Same here, I had harsher words 🤣

Any statements or news put forth by any financial institution is done so to further a specific narrative for one purpose and one purpose alone, "to make money." The FUD constantly pushed by the financial sector concerning BTC and crypto is general is laughable. They know crypto is the greatest threat they have every faced on one hand, but also know there is great profit to be made and they have the deep pockets to create massive swings in this market while the markets is so small. It's all smoke and mirrors.

Let's the truth be spoken, preach on with that knowledge 🙌🏼🙌🏼

A great buying opportunity, long term 10k+

The time is now... keep on stackin :)

@stackin I have to say it Jamie "DEMON" not Dimon is a SCUMBAG. He knows exactly what lies he Spews. At least we are not Fooled by this CLOWN. He is the PROBLEM and he needs to get what is coming to him. There is a SPECIAL Place for these Devils...........There I tried very hard to keep my comment "PG-17".

All governments and bankers are root of all evil LOL

Everything in life is a risk, making money should be the most beautiful one to take💰

I like those words 🤑

Jamie Dimon be like .........

Wow nice find on JPM buying BTC on that dip! Too bad the pumpers / haters at CNBC probably won't have a word to say about it. Gotta stick to the narrative fed to them by their masters.

Sadly this is nothing new as the big banks and hedge funds have been involved in the manipulation of the price of commodities and many other assets for some time now. A simple google search shows that the likes of JPM, Goldman Sachs and others have been doing this kind of thing for years and have already been investigated and fined over it.


I also suspect they were probably somehow involved in the short squeeze that occurred in oil starting in early 2016 as many of the major players in the futures market (MS, GS, JPM) had acquired massive short positions which helped drive oil down to $26 / barrel. They most likely began to cover them just before or right after the news that OPEC and Russia agreed to cap production (which meant nothing because oil production was already near all time highs). The timing of it was a little bit too convenient as the US stock market was at a critical level of support and was being dragged down by the falling oil price. I suspect there was massive collusion behind the OPEC-Russia news release (Wall street, US govt, other oil producing countries, etc).

Even though the oil market remained just as over supplied as it had been for months, the price of oil doubled in a few months due to the closing of short positions and opening of new long positions which was evident in the CoT (commitment of traders) reports at the time. And after oil had rallied nearly 75%, Goldman sachs "officially" changed its stance from ultra bearish on oil to bullish as reported by our friends at CNBC. I'd wager that they changed their net positioning (from short to long) in the oil futures market months before this piece came out.


My understanding of the existence of futures contracts was supposed to be so that producers can use them as hedges against price volatility and plan for the medium and long term as far as sales and profits go. But the big banks inevitably got their hands in the proverbial cookie jar and have manipulated prices to their advantage and to the disadvantage of the very business entities that the futures market was supposed to help.

They continue to manipulate markets and get away with it and now they've entered our beloved crypto currency market. This latest stunt involving Bitcoin and Jamie Dimon is just the latest in a long and obvious history of these Wall Street types manipulating whatever they can to make money regardless of the effect it has on anyone else.

The entry of these big players into the crypto market means there will be even more volatility than we have seen in the past and I'm sure they're doing it because they see it as a threat in the future and an opportunity at the present time as they have enough money and clout to move the entire crypto market. I'm glad many people saw this for the hit job that it was and were able to get some cheap coins (myself included) but I hate that some people panic sold and possibly lost money because of Dimon's hit job.

I wonder if Mr. Dimon will fire whoever bought all that bitcoin for his firm as he stated in his shameless rant.

I've followed you and upvoted. Sorry if I got a bit long-winded here (oops) but I really enjoyed reading this post.

This was long but so many facts that the average people need to read about. Comment if the day! 🙌🏼

"So what are your thoughts? Is this "Fake News"?... or do "These Corrupted Bankers" know that Cryptocurrencies will be a huge threat to them and they are preparing themselves now?"

Not worried @stackin

This is NOT my FIRST RODEO... :D my 3cents worth being Frank "NOT FAKE" "NOT NEWS"

(clears throat, urhmmm...)


Source: http://time.com/money/4938387/jp-morgan-ceo-jamie-dimon-id-fire-trader-in-a-second-for-trading-bitcoin/

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

THats the truth, not worried at all, in a decade or two... jp Morgan will become irrelevant. 🤣

(raises coffee mug)

Cheers @stackin!


Im holding because I believe it keeps money away from the big hands
Trading may give you profits but ot also allows the rich to get richer.

So many coins these days, I'm holding for long term... 3-5 years so I can have millions lol

Jamie Dimon or maybe Demon...likes BTC and knows very well all about it. I guess he has more BTC than all Steemians together. But he wants to strengthen the FIAT money (while he can) and in the same time he will get very low price for lot of crypto currencies.

I agree, only thing we can do is position ourself before the masses. I don't want to be the dude Years from now buying bitcoin in the tens of thousands lol

J.P. Morgan is just an asshole i he is secretly buying bitcoins and trying others to stop buying !

Well it did allow me rebuy back the 1/3rd I sold.

Don't sell 100% of your BAGS...


Now we can buy the cheap, however it may retest the lows again... buying opp! 😎

I think so he bought Cheaper

I know I bought back my 1/3rd Cheaper

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I hate sitting long in dips when i see others selling their crypto and buying double what they had few days later. However, the downturn just resulted in new players being onboard in the cryptospace. Possibly long term this was a good thing. Jamie Dimon is a hypocrite though. I wrote about him not too long ago, check it out if interested: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@attalis/how-to-loose-all-credibility-as-ceo-in-one-sentence
Upvoted anyway, good job!

Don't hate...


Thirds Rule Strategy

Yeah, I only buy on big dips. ISO buy when the markets are green but very little. Doing that dollars average investing haha

Great strategies used again! He knew that his statement will make many fear and sell, making the price to drop.

They do it with everything, especially with silver and gold for decades... it's a shame.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think they could be hedging their bets with buying while bad mouthing. Same thing they did with silver. But the ultimate goal is to wipe out any challengers and they will use every dirty trick they know to keep all the power with their fiat currency.

Yeah, they been doing that to silver for decades. They have there hands in so many cookie jars. The crypto space is so small and there been manipulation going on for years behind the scenes. All we can do is position ourselves on the big dips 😀

I always said they wouldn't put down Bitcoin so aggressively if they didn't stand to gain something. I think they just want to get in on the action.

That's the truth, if any banker, corporation or position says anything, it's usually the opposite 🤣

Wow dude, thanks for sharing!! You can never trust someone like Jamie Dimon...especially if they are selling fear.

Never trust anything centralized :)

Combined with the Chinese government those guys really created a lot of FUD, all that power downed BTC to under 3000, almost 2000 below his all time high.

This is obviously a combined effort to buy cheap, and it mostly hits unexperienced investors, new people in the market and emotional traders.

Whoever says bad things about BTC and is inside the world of finance and investment is doing that to buy more.

Well said! I think we are going to test lows down the road, I'm just telling everyone better buy on the big dips and stack 😎🤑

Eyy snap! Posted 10 minutes apart from each other haha.

Nice post. Am I the only one finding this funny though? :D The guy i solidly going to rake in a fortune if things play out LOL. Will be like Mayweather 2.0 xD

Mayweather is market a new crypto, centra! Might put a few bucks in 😀

Ahahaha these people think we're ignorant sheep don't they? It amuses me how transparent their manipulation is. Actually it's really not funny since they parasite off the populace to maintain their own wealth. But the universe has a funny way of balancing things out eventually. Anyway, it ain't gonna throw me off and I know you can see straight through it @stackin!

I agree, the only thing we can do is do our best to live our lives and be ahead of the game. 😀

I'm so shocked!
shocked I tell you.

Your one funny guy 😬🤣

This is "Gold"... So "they" obviously didn't know the power and transparency of the blockchain... Caught lying 🤥 Love it 😍

Those disgusting bankers lol

Blockchain is going to eat up two-faced JPM!

They will try to control it but it's never going to happen 😀

It doesn't surprises me at all... I knew something like this was going on between the fall of BTC.
same shit for the chinese who are supposedly 'blocking' the exchanges... just using their powers to drop prices and buy feeding themselves at count of the other's panic.

Totally hear ya... but I do t think it will be any destruction of btc, it actually made tons of people more aware what cryptos and blockchain are, keep on stackin 😀

Hehe. These banksters :-)
Full 100% and resteemed.


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Winner, winner chicken dinner lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This just means that crypto like everything on the planet is controlled by the elites, there is no getting away from them.

Totally agree, only thing we can do is be part of it until the majority of the masses come. 😀

"Never trust a bankster." -Taskmaster4450

You can use that one if you want. ;)

I will be gladly to steal this phrase and use it for the rest of my life lol

I'm not sure that Scammed is the right word. Perhaps it might be better to say that JPMorgan provided an opportunity for anyone that wanted to buy BitCoin (or almost any crypto money) at bargain prices.

Speaking the truth right here 😀

Thanks @stackin for the helpful information! I'm the first-grader in the world of crypto-currency:) Have a nice day!

We can all learn together, thanks for the flower lol

just don't listen others. we all know what will happens with btc in future, so no problem what the f.. they do. i just wait years and dadaaan! i will be rich.

Preach that truth boss! 🙌🏼

I have been doing research for a post about how much fraud, how many lawsuits and how many fines JP Morgan has paid for doing shady stuff.

Yeah, all bankers and corporations frauds people for 100'a of years, it just swept under the rug and. It talked about ever, they just pay there way out and it never makes main stream media, that's another story 😂

most people are affraid of new things

You speak the truth 😀

Whilst I believe that JPMorgan may have indeed bought on the price drop, I don't believe that Janie Dimon's comments caused the drop.

And the subsequent bounce back has come despite the news of a crackdown on Chinese exchanges and confirms yet again that the best strategy is buy and hodl.

Do not panic sell and eventually Bitcoin will reward your loyalty.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think it helped it with all the bad news already. Agreed keep buying dips and HODL for years 🙌🏼🤣

Those sneaky little savages! WE ARE WATCHING!!!

I need to be stackin more coins 😀

Don't we all! We will get our chance. Just keep scooping them up!

What othe coins do u stack, been stackin tons of omg and EOS lol

My focus has mainly been on EOS and STEEM lately but I was also stackin GOLOS for a bit and eventually I want to branch out to translating some of my main post and putting them on GOLOS. Also ZCoin. It is a speculative play but it is another anon crypto that works on different cryptography principles.
Then there have been a bunch of these top 20 cryptos that I trade in and out of and i'm not really stackin them at the moment. Just looking to amp up upward swings.

This guys are good at selling bad news. Newbies at cryptocurrency should learn not to listen at this people. We have to spread the good news of Bitcoin.

People will always based on emotional decisions, that's why 80% tend to fail 😫

bitFlyer just announced that they will be testing a blockchain technology called, Miyabi, with a major Japanese bank. This is big news for Bitcoin.

Will have to check that out 😀

The hare and the tortoise:
JP Morgan Chase market cap: $322 billion
Bitcoin market cap: $50 billion

For the moment, JPM are winning.

Wait in 5 years 🤣🤣🤣

Wouldn't surprise me one bit. Every other market is manipulated by giant forces I'd imagine cryptos would be no different. Wherever there's money to be made you'll find em. It's the reverse of a pump and dump @stackin. Gobble up all the cryptos during the dips, they will be

You do know what your talking about, that's is rare to find today 😀

He is also developing an own blockchain at JP Morgan... so he is a total hypocrite!!!

Totally, his people are currently at tons of blockchain meet ups lol

Hey Charles, yea I know and they also bought a nice amount of bitcoins during the drop. They don't want to loose the power. Actually this was obvious, wasn't it? The question is: Should we invest into Quorum, when we know that JP Morgan made it... at one side they have a lot of connections, but on the other side.... they are banksters, which I don't want to trust.

I have invested in bitcoin for long term. So no need to worry.

Yes! HODL for that long term gainzzz 😀

OF COURSE THEY KNEW! They must be crapping their preppy boy pants at the thought of a currency that does not need the traditional banking systems.

They might have tons of bitcoins already... shesh! 🤣🤣

Obviously they do! While telling us (the uninformed masses) how bad and evil bitcoin is!

This is why it SO important to find your own info and make your decisions. 💓

thanks for informing..

Bitcoin lifestyle! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

This coupled with the following seems to make the case that JP Morgan can not be trusted on this topic. ever ever ever!

Bunch of assholes... Hope in a decade they get shut down, corrupted pigs lol

Dont give him so much credit man. The USD market has got nothing to do with this crash, and its not over yet.

Agreed, I talked about it the past few weeks. 😀

Fuck that guy. We're goin to the mooooon.

Totally agree! Dude can eat 💩🤣

And then we are reminded what it means to be a "snake skin Wall Street Banker".

One would think something like this should make the news. "JP Morgan performs huge buy of Bitcoin". But we all know better.

If anyone still have doubts about bitcoin. this should shatter it beyond repair. The biggest voice to cry foul on bitcoin just made one of the biggest purchase in bitcoin history.

that enough should be what it takes for bitcoin to moon.

I think they are all buying bitcoins, all governments of the world and bankers... it's such a small market and they are buying tons of it with fake printed fiat money 😳

You are right.

I was made aware of something called Gresham's Law. thought up by some pomp English Sir in the 19th century but basically we are seeing in action today.

"bad money drives out good money"

what we are seeing is banks manipulating a dip by lying and buy in all the good bitcoin money is bad fiat money.

Kinda the culmination of snake skin Banker right?

This does not surprise me @stackin.

Also, lol, when I see ABS I immediately think of the Australian Bureau of Statistics given I used to be downloading their stuff all the time for my job. I like your version better.

Hey Now! Let's change it to always be stackin! 🤣🤑

yesterday was a black friday for me !!

Everything was on sale, just had to be up early 🤣

I said it before also , they probably buying the the low

More opportunities for us to buy the lows ☺️

charles fuchs / @stackin, once again you shared a v informative post which is very usful for steemians. this type of fraud cases never break the intrest of cryptocurrency. and the hope you given to all members is appreciated. my support as upvoted, resteemed and commenting

Appppreshhh Bossman 🙌🏼

I was discussing the same thing with my fellow here that the biggest enemies of crypto currency in general and Bitcoin in particular will be the ones buying the most during this current dip and after 24 hours, I'm reading this article. I'm not hating this guy named J.P. MORGAN rather my belief in blockchain technology has become firmer than ever before. Thanks for sharing @stackin.

J.P.Morgan passed away long time ago, now it's a corporation, I think your talking about Jamie Dimon but I get your point 😀

Cant wait to see your picks and always remember to buy into the dips.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Always buying the dips 😬

Crypto is a long term investment. What is your opinion about IFT and investfeed.com

On the off chance that you are thinking in long haul You won't be perplexed!

My rule: Do exactly the opposite of what the mainstream says. Works every time.

Contrarian action lol

Upvoted. If you want to know the REAL reason Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan called Bitcoin a "Fraud" (not what you think) check out this 30-second read: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@thoughtchain/viral-why-jamie-dimon-called-bitcoin-a-fraud-not-what-you-already-heard



Dimon calls fraud and JP Morgan buys the dip. Sounds like deep state stuff of "order out of chaos".

Was anyone expecting anything less from him?
Says one thing, does the opposite.
He says bitcoin is a fraud because he's projecting.

Jamie is a capitalist who profit by fooling people. I guess there is not such law that prohibit anyone from sharing his/her opinion about crypto.

Large corporations like JP Morgan are scared of Bitcoin because they can't exploit it (can't say they don't try tho)

Yes, they are terrified! Decentralization of the world is coming! 💯

Damn this dude...

What an asshole, right? Haha

Yeah haha but absolutely brilliant idea hahaha!!

If China shutting down Bitcoin exchanges doesnt keep the price down then I think Bitcoin and Crypto is here to stay and going any direction except down

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nope, they all went to Japan today haha

Thanks for the accurate information!!

I'm new to this. I don't have any crypto.

A Question - If bitcoin is the ' anti establishments' currency, and the main player of the establishment (goldmansachs) criticizes it -

why would bitcoin holders sell it on his statements?

It's not logical

It's a bit like taking advice off a great white shark on where the best places to swim is, surely ?

You do have crypto, it's called steem lol

hahahah - not enough to consider 'having ' lol

Spread the false news to buy it back at profit!

Lol. Time to bring back accountability. I recently learned about fractional banking. I wish I could do that when I am buying crypto.

Hi @stackin - Although I'm following you since a while. But this is my 1st ever commoent on your any post. Actually today's topic is so appealing and important for everyone in the cryptocurrency world. I think the saying 'Everything is fair in Love and War' fits here. Cryptocrurrency is a new thing so evryone is trying to get more benefit before it's legal launch in the world or replacement of existing ones. So your thoughts on this hot issues are totally correct a common man always got scammed but the powerful ones get benefit on the same thing. Great post. Keep posting!! Thanks

This post has received a 1.37 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @stackin.

+++ https://xbtprovider.com/ XBT Provider manages Bitcoin Tracker One and Bitcoin Tracker Euro. With these instruments anyone can invest in Bitcoin as ETN:s +++ go to hell FIAT

I'm not sure if i'm most surprised that he did not due it under another firm, or that people are surprised that he did it at all? - One thing is sure - he has a ton of taxpayer dollars to due it with - https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@gigabitguy/jamie-dimon-s-138-billion-dollar-scam

Yeahhhh, damn financial terrorsit! Haha

JP Morgan also had a big role in the 2008 financial crisis. https://shadowproof.com/2013/10/21/jpmorgan-to-pay-13-billion-for-causing-2008-financial-crisis/

This is just more of the same, stopping at nothing to get an advantage, regardless of the risks or impact on others.

absolutely sure you can not be anything. But who does not take risks, then does not drink champagne, as we say)


@stackin The online market place is a wonderful industry for truth of the matter and lies. Now it is actually quite challenging to acknowledge where by the reality is.

hahah come on people. you knew this was coming. once a crook always a crook

True that, there will always be corruption In any kind of markets, buying opportunities 🙌🏼

Banking cartels want a piece of the crypto pie ((((. ))))))

You never know bro , so don't follow , better be listening to yourself :) @stackin

Sadly, greed rules!

Very Nice, You kept it straight !
I have left my love and appriciation as Upvote :)
we will be obliged if you do the same :)

Some Points to make Good Money By learning Bitcoins !


Congratulations @stackin!
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Nailed it! But we couldn't deny it, Mr. Dimon is a very smart man

I agree, that's why he is the CEO of jo Morgan. To bad society is filled with brainwashed conditioned people to worship these types of people lol

Yep I agree with you. Well these companies pay hefty sum of money to the media for publicity thats one of the reasons for people being baited. Nyahaha. Hey Jamie Dimon being smart was a sarcasm bro, I'm not his supporter. Haha :)

"Only time will tell but in the meantime, (ABS) Always Be Stackin!", Good post @stackin.

Thanks for giving the information. Keep you profit like this

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

Yes we are scammed again. I don´t trust any word from an banker anymore.

Thanks for sharing @stacking

Suckers. I bought 575 bitcoin when it was down hope I don't regret it

He knows better than us that cryptocurrency is the future... He just wants to buy cheap BTC

Cryptos will always rise, they are, well said, "The Banksters Killer"
