The Charlottesville "Zupruder film" decoded: From SonofNewo Youtube ChannelsteemCreated with Sketch.

in charlottesville •  8 years ago 

Awesome Citizen Press report from the SonofNewo YTC* RUPTLY livestream:
"The Battle of Charlottesville is an entirely staged event that was designed to achieve two goals: to pave the way for President Trump's ouster, and to foment hysteria necessary to impose Stalinist reforms on speech and public protest." SonofNewo YTC

Published on Aug 24, 2017

Ford Fischer began LiveStreaming video 7 minutes 40 seconds before the charlottesville car attack. His video is an absolute bombshell for the following reasons:

  1. He films the murder vehicle (a Dodge Challenger) on Water Street 7 minutes before the attack.

  2. He films the maroon van involved in the incident 5 minutes before the attack. It is already at the intersection of 4th and Water. Ford's video shows that it does not move in the intervening 5 minutes, despite being able to. Nobody appears to be in the front seat.

  3. Ford abandons the protest and the neo-Nazis he claims to be following and waits on 5th and Main St for 3 minutes before reacting to the attack. Why is he waiting? He seems to know that something will occur nearby.

We need to look at Ford Fischer and his video very closely. Some questions to consider:

Did Ford Fischer know about the attack before it happened?

Was Ford Fischer using his livestream to signal vehicle locations to people watching it?

Who were the other 'reporters' waiting with Fischer by the green awning?

Why were Police in the parking garage but not at the protest?

My prior video on Charlottesville:

Ford Fischer LiveStream on Youtube:

Ford Fischer Livestream on Facebook:

Faith Goldy Periscope:

Car Escaping on Market St:

Published on Aug 18, 2017

"The Battle of Charlottesville is an entirely staged event that was designed to achieve two goals: to pave the way for President Trump's ouster, and to foment hysteria necessary to impose Stalinist reforms on speech and public protest.

The deep state apparatus has dropped the mask, spreading lies about what President Trump said and condemning him for something he had no involvement in and for which he bears no responsibility. Senator Marco Rubio is acting like a Stalinist, and Senator Lindsey Graham blatantly slandered the President.

Both sides of the Battle of Charlottesville are controlled by the deep state. The neo-Nazi white nationalists are led by FBI informant David Duke and CIA asset Richard Spencer. The feral leftist group Antifa is funded by George Soros and his Open Society groups, which are responsible for revolutionary movements overseas and are associated with the CIA.

Moreover, the Mayor of Charlottesville and the Governor of Virginia deliberately allowed the violence to occur. The police funneled the neo-Nazis into where the Antifa had gathered and stood by and watched as chaos erupted, because the Mayor and the Governor told them to stand down and to not make any arrests.

Why did they issue the stand down order? For the same reason Senator Graham slandered the President -- to achieve a political end and to hurt the President."

Exposing Charlottesville False Flag> Who Owned The Car? | Conspiracy ... Beforeit'

Charger III.JPG

These are some very important questions that we must demand answers to! We can't keep getting false flagged and let it slide! There must be an equal and opposite reaction...and we need the 100th Monkey!

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The driver of the murder vehicle was NOT a Christian fundamentalist or a neonazi, but a member of the American Vanguard, a far-left Communist group! (One of the deep-state/Soros crowd!

Vanguard American is a white nationalist group. Not a communist group.

The secretive organization has been emerging publicly since the presidential election, starting with white nationalist fliers on several college campuses and recruiting on a website that vilifies Jews, racial minorities, gays and multiculturalism.

Group members have been rallying alongside neo-Nazis, white nationalists and white supremacists, and its members have been seen in images on social media — faces often blurred — as groups of young white men waving black flags and wearing black hats emblazoned with a Vanguard America white eagle logo.

Thanks! I Googled it and found the same thing (I wouldn't believe the WaPo if they said the sun came up). The whole "Vanguard" thing threw me off- you know the "Vanguard of the Proletariat" Sorry it took so long to respond, it took a while to find the article where I read it so I could leave them a comment setting them straight (I'm sure it will do a lot of good). Thanks again.

The fact that miss "faith" says: "where the hell is the police?" Right after the hit happened, says enough... Even she doesn't get it...
crazy shit and pure negligence by the authorities...
I can't stand to see such utter cruelty by the "higher" powers

Add to this that the car that smashed into the cars near the protest is not the same car that they stopped later when they arrested the guy.

So, there were two black challengers there.

Also, the first black challenger seemed to have driven all over the town, never once being stopped by police for dragging its bumper. (there are many reports of people seeing the broken challenger driving past; all over)

Fantastic job, @citizenpresscorp.

Excellent post and questions. The analysis of the video is well conducted and throughly laid out by the narrator. Here are additional links that highlight the connections between the mainstream media's main personality at the event - Brennan Gilmore. The links show that he is directly connected to the US State Department, Tom Perriello who is a co-founder of Avaaz which was used for regime change in Syria and Libya, the Kony 2012 psy op campaign in Central Africa, and the Soros Foundation which partnered with him for the Invisible Children campaign in Africa. It's fascinatingly coincidental that this individual was the main go-to person for the media to talk to after the event in Charlottesville. Of course, Soros is also involved with Avaaz and MoveOn.

Hey y'all, it means allot to me your taking time to chime in on this. Something very rotten in this story. Reposting to my contact s on LI so they can read these great comments!