George Soros' open borders Group 'Sojourners' was behind the violence at the #Charlottesville "Race Rally".

in charlottesville •  8 years ago  (edited)

Progressive Liberal George Soros' open borders Group 'Sojourners' was behind the violence at the #Charlottesville "Race Rally".
Now after seeing this screen grab from the website you go and google "Sojourners and George Soros". Now you can see the ties are not only undeniable they even brag about it
Now take into account on the scene eye witness testimony with pictures like this and you can tell that the left setup the right in Charllottesville on Aug 12th to look like a bunch of violent thugs. When in fact it is Black Lives Matter and Antifa that stirred the violence.
I totally denounce the violence that took place yesterday on both sides. I also condemn White Supremacy and Black Supremacy as well and no one can tell me that Black Supremacy does not exist when we have members of Congress even calling for their very own "All Black Political Party".

Next thing you know Maxine will be demanding blacks get their very own water fountains too.

If you can't see where America is going...... you might want to ask your democrat rep to google it for you.
I mean if they aren't already blocking your access to them.

blocked by hank.JPG

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