The hateful behavior is not everywhere!

in charlottesville •  8 years ago 

It is so easy to get caught up in the events going on in the nation where violent protests erupt. I don't deny that it is happening. However, I refuse to let myself go about handling my business in public with those events as a leading force dictating my attitude towards others. As I'm typing this on my smart phone in the store right now (please excuse the typos) it is apparent that we as people in America already coexist. That one world religion coexist bumper sticker is deceptive and will lead to far more nefarious ends, but I digress. At this point in the store, the biggest aggravating factor is the unruly children. That's it. Maybe one more thing....the terrible music blasting through the speakers. Wait, I spoke to soon, they are now jamming DeBarge "I like the way". It is all good again. As we move about no one is calling the other person a racial slur or "cussing" them out due to their religious belief(s). At least not openly. Probably in their heads though. We, as people, for the most part do okay with each other. It is when the media (TV shows, news, etc.) plant images and generalities in our minds. We then begin to make unfair judgmental characterizations of other people. I will be the first to admit that I do it and have to catch myself.

Guard your heart (your mind). Protect and guard the portals into your mind; the eyes, the ears....


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Yes, the propaganda machine news will make it worse than it is and maybe it is all actors like in sandy hook. We have to calm down and really look, then ask oneself is this real or not?

My spidey senses kicked as I watched the videos of what transpired. I asked the question, "is this staged?". Some of the areas had a movie set feel. Now, I have never been to the place so I don't know what the streets look like. Something does seem a little off about the whole thing one way or another.

Look for the video on Youtube called, Charlottesville: Violence in the Streets | Faith Goldy and Stefan Molyneux by Stefan Molyneux. It brings for light on this. Remember Anti-Fa and BLM are funded by George Soros. George Soros is part of the deep state and need their "order out of chaos."

I will look for it. Thanks.