Christian Pastor Makes Headlines After Sermon Calling Out ‘Stupid White People’ For Charlottesville Protests

in charlottesville •  7 years ago  (edited)

"Christian pastor Glen Berteau has made headlines after giving an impassioned sermon criticizing the protests at Charlottesville, saying it was done by ‘stupid white people’." Please watch the 2 minute sermon and pass along.

"The essence of what the pastor said- that racism is wrong and that those who believe that God hates other races which He created and are in danger of condemning themselves- is exactly what we have been saying at in nearly the same way."

The same Nationalist Socialist Propaganda existed since the beginning of time. Was in Jesus's time as well that the Nationalists murdered him because he was fighting racism and believed racism is wrong. Jesus Christ came to preach the truth and purify God's word.

International Socialism/Communism is whacked out #DemocRATs who lie in the name of Wealth. #NationalSocialism is focuses on Race as a Religion and more dangerous because they mix truth with lies that fit their propaganda, doing what they can to win followers through the hearts and minds in objective stance.

"Both groups are evil and want the exact same ends, and as the 20th century has shows, it does not matter if it is Socialism of the International or National type, all end in eugenics and death camps."

The powers that should be are Deliberating Dumbing Down people in school, media, etc. Please check out the book written by Charlotte Iserbyt.

#Transgenders are really Homosexuals.
"Transgendered is just another way to justify mental and spiritual illness because the assumption is that basic human biology can be changed at will because a person “feels” that is can be changed."

Doesn't matter if you make this and that change, which is really a counterfeit twisted up version. In reality, you're still born a man or woman at birth, created in God's image. Transgenderism is a mental and spiritual disorder. Feeding into it with the countless marketing schemes by the Illuminati to create their version of the Baphomet, has both sexes.

Then, why transgenders have increased diseases and suicide rates increase by over 40%?
Another depopulation agenda via eugenics.

Jack Donovan. He is a homosexual Nazi, but he is OK because for them, he is a “masculine” homosexual, not a “feminine” one. LGBT is for the left, LGBT not the T is for the right. But L, G, B, or T, all ways lead to H-E-L-L.

"National Socialist focus on Masculine Homosexuals, while the International Socialists are Feminized Homosexuals. The issue is not whether homosexuality is evil, but rather how that homosexuality is presented. As we have said, the National Socialist is pro-LGB, just not the T.
National Socialism never died, it simply became #OperationGladio. One cannot understand the rise of National Socialism today without understanding the events of Operation Gladio."

There's a video of Ted from Shoebat, who debated against Martin Sellner, who is a major leader of the National Socialist movements in Austria and all of Europe.
Addresses questions: "It is to ask them why they think it is OK to have sex with teenager, or to ask them why they feel that defending the “white race” means carrying around pagan symbols such as the swastika, rune symbols, or the black sun disc. It is to ask them why they are against Islam but are working with groups and governments who directly aid the mass immigration of Muslims to their own nations."

"The way to defeat the National Socialist is to attack the philosophy itself- that any form of government, philosophy, or ideas that deny the intrinsic dignity of man or those who support such ideas are unacceptable- is the way to win the argument as well as to avoid being pulled into the propaganda machine.

So in this time of division when facts are used as tools to propagate evil ideas, one simply should keep in mind the simple words of Pope Pius XII:
“Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community – however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things – whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.”

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