Chase bank ruined my life

in chasebank •  8 years ago 

and it can happen to you as well. I bought a home in 2009-2010. I did not purchase this home with Chase. I went through Guarantee Bank. After closing, it took approximately two weeks before my loan was sold to Chase bank. Paid my mortgage in time and perfect for a year or year and a half or so. All of a sudden I get something in the mail that states my mortgage has increased to 1400 a month. I was paying 900. That's a 500 dollar increase. Most normal humans do NOT have that type of movement in their monthly budget. I knew they had screwed up my escrow account and couldn't get a grip on it. I attended NACA clinic in Milwaukee in which I was able to sit down with an "underwriter" from Chase bank. He basically told me that I didn't really NEED to apply and wasn't I sure I couldn't afford another $500.00 a month? If not I could apply for a modification. I applied. I received reduced mortgage payments for an agreed on amount of time which I think was about a year. I was told I would be getting paperwork for a "permanent modification" but what I got instead was foreclosure papers.
What they don't tell you.

  1. Chase has no want or need to work with you or reduce your mortgage. They are not doing you any favors. THEY WANT YOUR HOME. DO NOT APPLY FOR A MODIFICATION.....EVER
  2. All the payments you are making are held in a suspense account during your modification time. They ARE NOT applying this to your mortgage causing you to now become behind in payments. (even if you weren't to begin with and just couldn't afford the hike up)
  3. Now that you are behind, they can serve you papers and take your home.

I looked forward to owning a home but Chase killed my dream. After getting served papers by a very nasty process server who also called me a deadbeat when I told her to get off my porch and quit trespassing, I no longer have quality of life.
I had to file Bankruptcy to stop a foreclosure. Once done. I spent the last 4, that's right, 4 years paying on a bankruptcy which didn't need to happen. Why? Purely to stop the foreclosure. I owed no one else that much money and Chase didnt even file for the back money. What happened is Chase banks lawyers spent at least 3 years trying to figure out what they did to my loan. They couldn't so basically were forced by the court to restructure my loan.

I just got out of bankruptcy two weeks ago. Guess what? Chase bank already messed up my loan again.
I wish on a stack of bibles I had the mental tenacity to sue these people. I would need a pro bono lawyer in Wisconsin. Tough find. Probably never going to find one.
I want to sue them for the anxiety, the panic attacks that were made worse, the loss of quality in my relationship because of depression. I am tired of fighting. I want this house paid off and I want Chase bank to pay for the misery they've caused. Someone knocked unexpectedly on my door the other day and I couldn't bring myself to answer. I just stood on the other side of the door silently wishing I had the balls to open it.
I think they call that PTSD. I'm on medication and learning how to feel human again but Chase just keeps ruining my life.

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Keep up the great work @anxietymaven

Thank you!!

Djleo, I just don't feel I have the mental capacity left after they've sucked the life out of me. I am like yes, I know I should sue them but I just want a peaceful life but I also want to make them pay. I guess I learned to just let go and move on as tough as that is right now. I am a fighter. Always have been but just finding myself tired lately. Still have been searching for a pro bono with no luck yet. If its meant to be, then hopefully I will find someone who wants to fight along side me.