CHaz (Capatol Hill 'autonomous' zone) lesson to the future

in chaz •  4 years ago 

Among the many pieces of irony/hypocrisy preformed by 'black lives matter'? in occupying downtown Seattle Washington, some of which include 'there former opposition to countries having borders'


They used to not like guns-



Many 'No brainer' were adopted by 'antifa/black lives matter' when the thugs had to shape some sort of functional society

https://www. youtube. com/watch?v= KafIdOk8bLs
(look at the 2 min. time stamp) both antifa and black lives matter have finger prints on the disaster

But a big thing that I am thinking of is 'the concept of you use to not be able to vote unless you owned land keeps making more and more sense'

Although I currently do not own land, I am able to produce things of value



Those guy seem to have 0% real life survival skills. So you can understand that it is dangerous to allow people to say how they 'think' that things should be operated (that is what voting is) when in reality thoes people have little to no idea of how things work.

I know that there is a growing debate about how much the U.S. Adults should interfere in the 'Seattle mess' but I want to say this, 'if the current trajectory is followed some of thoes 'left-wing loons' are going to starve to death. Now death is an unfortunate matter, and starving to death would probably be an unpleasant way to die...with that said I want people to think about Thanksgiving. The left wingers are like the pilgrims that is seeing the poor effects of communism (back in the day of the pilgrims it was called 'mercantilism'. But the point is that I think that the 'left-wing loons' would be forced to celebrate Thanksgiving, like back in the day. I think the 'Thank' part in 'Thanksgiving' is 'Thank God the communist experiment is over, because 'communist/mercantilism gardens = starvation' and I am addicted to food!

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