CHAZ - Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone - Seattle WA

in chaz •  5 years ago 

A series of pictures and short comments about CHAZ.

Depending on who you are and your political view you might think they are heros, weirdos or dangerous, but there is no doubt they have caught everyone's attention.

If you have no idea what I am talking about:

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ or the Zone), also known as Free Capitol Hill, is a self-declared autonomous zone in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. The Zone, covering approximately six city blocks,was established on June 8, 2020, after Capitol Hill's East Precinct building was abandoned by the Seattle Police Department.

Local governance in the Zone is decentralized, with the goal of creating a neighborhood beyond policing. Purported demands associated with the Zone include rent control, de-gentrification, police abolition or defunding, funding of community health, and the dropping of charges against protesters.

From their wikipedia page.

I've been watching this group from it's humble beginning, a group of Seattle kids, mainly likely street kids. Their first leader a 18 year old Lesbian who immediately was accused of abusing her girl friends and that drama kind of pushed her out of leadership, in what could only be described as an emotional outburst.


I'm not showing you this to make fun of them as much as to point out this really isn't or wasn't a Antifia group, but more of a little batch of young kids, high on emotion and acting like big shots.

Once the CHAZ group got attention of course that attracts new people and RAZ a want to be rapper came in as the new Warlord and leader.

Raz's reign as leader was short lived... He claimed later his twitter was hacked.

Last I looked 2 people were fighting over the microphone for leadership.

What those of us who have already been trying to build something in a decentralized manner know.. When no one is in charge EVERYONE thinks they are in charge, leading to a huge never ending fight for control.

I wish these kids luck, I think as time goes on the situation will become more dangerous and not less. I don't want anything bad to happen to them.

Yet, I also can acknowledge and understand those who think they need to be removed and quickly.

In anycase, CHAZ is entertaining, interesting and lesson in how quickly civil order can be dismantled.

Best of luck everyone we suddenly live in new rules that no one understands.

So how, it feels over due and scary at the same time.

@whatsup Reporting from the New USA, where no one knows the rules and they change every day, also.. the money is made up!

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I think we have learned a lot about decentralization through the microcosm of this blockchain. It's amazing how similar people are throughout the world. They fight for justice, earnestly believing that they will change things only to become that which they just "defeated". People are the problem. At best, I fear we can only hope for small periods of time in which the power of leaders are limited in their ability to inflict damage.

They fight for justice.

Or some semblance of it. That would be up for debate.

Yeah I think it is interesting how people fight things to later do the same. I guess something about having power. You know, it corrupts.

I will add while some are actually fighting for what they believe, whether rooted in truth or otherwise, many others are just there for opportunities to exploit. I imagine many want to gain clout and other things.

It's a real shitshow we are watching but sure lots of us are hoping and/or praying that the show doesn't come to our neighborhood. It's a sobering prospect tbh

I came here to say you can't make this shit up and noticed your tag. Yup.

Watching a few YT videos and tbh the vibe I caught was basically a street party.

They seem to say it isn't particularly violent but I wouldn't get too comfortable if I were in the area and had opposing viewpoints.

I'm really surprised there wasn't more pushback. Wonder how this would play out in a red state city.

I don't really see a group of people taking over the San Antonio RiverWalk but don't think we ought to be complacent as something like that would be very bad for our local economy. (Lots of tourist dollars in the area)

In not saying Texans should use force to prevent such a thing but, at the same time, don't think we should sit idly by either.

It sure is some wild times we are living in.