in cheeful •  7 years ago 

The scriptures says..

"every man according as he purposeth in his heart,so let him give,not grudgingly or of necessity; for God love a cheerful give.
Whenever the creator or anybody asks you for something you cherish as seed,b
Someone may unwisely wants to hold on to that thing and struggle with whether or not to give it ; but come to think of it;
Can anyone out- give the creator/ God ? He only tells you to give out,and by doing that you are launching yourself into the next level of your prosperity in Him.
Another main reason you must always be prompt to give is that your financial seeds to God could be sometimes serves as ransom for your life against evil; according to Proverbs 13 vs 8 " He is a rebel,who always seek to snare God's people;Therefore, do not just give him a chance in your personal life.

Giving special offerings is one sure way to silence him and cancelled every obstacles He places on your footpath.
Alot of testimonies abound of people who were cured of fatal illness after they gave an offering; that offering became a ransome for their lives!
Do not hold on doggedly to anything God asks you to give,for He promise the Giver in Luke 6:38 "Give and it shall be given unto you"
You place a limit on God's ability to provide for you when you are not willing to give.Do not limit God in your mind!
Stop thinking you will lose for being a Giver,for no one is ever a daft for faith.

Nothing should be much for you to give God your creator ; be it your time,talents,funds and skills.The most aesthetic thing is whatever you give him in faith He will surely multiply them back to you in millions time over!

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Good posts and very true. Thank you for writing!