ChemTrail Sprayer - 100% proof - filmed up close by AF pilots

in chemtrail •  8 years ago 

Despite denials from our government, military, and scientists, this "planned" geoengineering has already been happening! Career biologists have documented 90% of wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest are dead! Bees, birds, bats, trees, even the ancient Northern California Redwoods 1000's of yrs old are dying of this same biotech/nanotech aerosol DESTROYER!

We measured barium, manganese, aluminum, arsenic, cadnium, thorium, stontnium. chromium, nickel, iron, lead, and many other heavy metals are at extremely toxic levels and treated with nanotechnology. The sulphur option is out. We already have known for years this was a red herring, but we have it now from the horses mouth thanks to one of our scientist friends who went to the Geoengineering conference in San Diego last February and heard it directly from Bill Gates funded Ken Caldeira. BTw, he also worked at Livermore Labs with Edward Teller, which that alone should scare you.

We've had lab tests done of the aerosol particulates that have been being sprayed in our area and all over the globe since 2007, but we've documented this secret testinig started in the deserts of the Southwest and small wooded areas of the Pacific Northwest and Canada. Here are the results of a few of the more toxic and suspect ingredients in this so called "global cooling" project.

Aluminum 39,000 parts per million tested, normal is 2
IRON 17,000 ppm, 0.6 max exposure limit EPA
bARIUM-2100 ppm, 2 max exposure limit EPA
Manganese 487 ppm, 0.1 max exposure limit EPA
Lead- 6.o PPM , .03 max exposure limit EPA
Cadmium 1.70 PPM , .01 max exposure limit EPA 1700 mORE
Chromium 48.0 PPM .01 max exposure limit EPA
Nickel 34.02 PPM.... , 0.2 , max exposure limit EPA
Arsenic 48 ppm, .02 max exposure limit EPA, 2000X above

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Mabie someday we shall know the true reason they hide this!