UK Chemtrail Diary - Day 6 - Back with a vengance.

in chemtrails •  7 years ago 

So far we have 2 days of spraying and 3 days of cloud-cover, all with a nice sunset in between. This morning I woke up to rays of sunshine heating up the curtains and when I opened them I was honestly shocked at what I saw...

I'm gonna leave the writing here, as I think the videos speak for themselves. The footage below is all from one day(11/08/2018) and I hope it shows how relentless it is.

Sound the alarm! Zie Germans are coming!!!

Day 6 - vid 1 - Streaky morning

Day 6 - vid 2 - Got one!!

Day 6 - vid 3 - And another...

Day 6 - vid 4 - And they just keep on coming

Day 6 - vid 5 - Lost for words

And after all of the spraying, which I am taking a guess at being sprayed by at least 50 planes, or 10 planes just doing laps, we were left with this;



Fell free to comment and drop any links or photos/videos in the comments section.

Written and recorded by Rebel-Dan.

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They do the same here over Victoria BC Canada. They make us sick!

Thanks for the input. I am looking at collecting as much data as possible, so any pics or vids from where you are would be very helpful. Love Victoria, btw. Went there for a wedding at the castle they used in x-men films. Beautiful country, nice folk too :D

Today the whole sky is full with chemtrails. It is incomprehensible. It is obviously that something unnatural happens on the sky.



jesus, that ain't nice to look at, it's the same here today.

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There you are, I forgot to follow you on my daughters account, along with many other people, rectified now. :-)

Hey good on you for attempting to sort it out, my list is a mess and I did try a while back, but it didn't go very far. Thanks for the follow, will see you around.

Cheers broskie, hows the united condom of rain?

The rain is the best bit ;)

Maybe following facts could be interesting for you:
In the end of June 2016 the CIA-Director John Brennan admits plans of Aerosol Spraying (Chemtrails).
I quote:

Another example is the array of technologies—often referred to collectively as geoengineering—that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.

I recommend you to look the source.

Not sure if you're implying I'm giving out false data, but I'll assume otherwise. Thanks for the links, always welcome new info and I'll certainly take a look. My opinion is that this is done for that very reason, or it is reported that way, I am not certain yet. Energy companies are amongst a few who could profit from weather manipulation(not saying they are), but i'm open to all ideas on this enigmatic business. There is obviously a lot of money invested and normally this generates a huge trail of info, but not with this subject... I find that the strangest thing of all.

I find that very strange too. Nobody talks about chemtrails altough sometimes the whole sky is full with outspread chemicales which are not ordinary contrails.
I could imagine that some people (maybe the military or the deep state) want own the weather that they can use it as a weapon. I think behind it is a evil plan; thats why mainstream-media don't report about this.

wheres there's smoke there's fire.