NEW ARTICLE "Weather Derivatives, Temperature Modification and CHEMTRAILS : The Smoking Guns”

in chemtrails •  5 years ago 

Chemtrails over Columbia MO.jpg
Your intrepid author has finally done it. When we first started investigating the weather derivatives market, we speculated that a weather control operation such as the New Manhattan Project might be involved. After extensive digging, the connections between the weather derivatives market, weather modification, and chemtrails are now CONFIRMED. Here is the link to my new article “Weather Derivatives, Temperature Modification and CHEMTRAILS : The Smoking Guns:”

Welcome to the first article in a series commemorating the release of the author’s new, greatly revised and expanded second edition of his book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project - available now exclusively from

“Weather Derivatives, Temperature Modification and CHEMTRAILS : The Smoking Guns” proves that the weather derivatives market was created as part of operations that can influence the value of market contracts. It proves that the weather derivatives market was built for FRAUD. A fraud that involves the open air spraying of particulate matter WRECKING OUR HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT. This is a matter that should be formally investigated by official government agencies or a federal grand jury, or both.

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