They poison the very air we breathe, yet they deny they are spraying anything in the atmosphere.
They poison our water, and tell us it's good for our teeth.
Rat poison???
They have destroyed our food supply and replaced it with food created in a laboratory.
They allow men like this to fill our minds with their thoughts.
Every aspect of our existence has been engineered to harm us. Why is that pot kills no one and is illegal, but alcohol which takes 88,000 lives per year is perfectly legal?
IF you want to survive, and you want some kind of future for your children, then you must stop pretending that you do not live in a hellscape. If a cheeseburger and coke make it all OK, you just wasted a few minutes reading this. If you want to transform yourself into a person who is constantly vigilant about seeing reality, it is certainly possible. Many people are taking that path and the results are astonishing.
From time to time I will write about the regimen I developed over time to help me survive and thrive. This includes nutrition, exercise and meditation.
Be healthy. Stay Healthy.