Please watch these videos and share.
We have to face these issues head on with the full armor of God and stand with Jesus Christ no matter what.
Living in the end times just as in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can. By the way, I'm sick & tired of this sinful & evil represented as a cancer on society & brainwashed the weak-minded to submit to sin & evil. God/Yeshua/Jesus's word never changes & is truth. Why I don't associate with that sinful crowd. They can take everything, but my faith in Christ.
Temple of Baal, tomb of Osiris and chemical Skies. by Richie From Boston
"It turns out myths, Ancient Gods and Chemtrails all tie together and it kind of backs up the Terraforming idea.
Comment from a Viewer: "Osiris was probably a giant Nephilim creature."
Ba - Barium & Al - Aluminium=Baal
Sr - Strontium=Osiris
Fallen Angels.
Chemtrails GeoEngineering
What does Daniel 2:43 REALLY say?? (LXX vs. modern translations) by InTruthByGrace
“How does the LXX version of Dan 2:43 compare to our modern "Hebrew" scriptures??? BIG Differences. Between 280BC- 11th century AD, the only scriptures in wide-spread circulation were the Greek scriptures.. the "Hebrew" would not even have vowel points to be legible and then introduced to the "Christian" church until well after the 11th century.”
Comment from Viewers: “Like in the days of Noah. Fallen angels mixing with humans. God bless!”
Daniel 2:43 “And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”
“Absolutely fabulous to hear you studying this way and using such resources ect. Just don't forget cultural reference use of languages too. Lexicons and cultural history are both aids to translation. But great vid. Thanks”
OWL = One World League
Comments from Viewers: "Y head is the goats head, Baphomet head = Rothschild family. Look at Philippine De Rothschild for example, look at her necklaces. My understanding is there are slightly differing occult beliefs these factions have, different symbolism they prefer. I think it's consensus at this point that Y = Baphomet = Rothschilds."
Baphomet is a goat with breasts and a penis.
"That Rose McGowan who is talking shit about Trump is a satanic freak."
"Those ugly kardashians things lol. Them and Katy perry wear lots of all seeing eyes jewelry"
"In Godfather III doesn't Michael try to turn to the good side?"
"I think the celebrities are Jay Z and Beyonce. He has an album titled 4:44 and they're both into the SPIRIT COOKING!!"
"Hillary is a High Priestess to them." "She’s a Cloned Witch! Reptilian shapeshifter biatch! Lol"
"Larry Nichols has stated that she went to CA every month for Witch rituals 3 rd degree..."
"I think the hunt for red October could be a person they're trying to find that is hiding in a submarine. Just a thought."
"Y" = Yale. Skull and Bones.
"Their Bohemian Grove camp (The Bushes +++) is named the Hillbilly. HSThompson filmed something back in the 80s inside."
Yemen & Saudi War.
Yep! Nothing on the CIA MSM Propaganda Network
"We indescribably kill now with no proof…Guess it happens here with purposeful fires for corporate greed..."
North Texas Uber driver allegedly raped elderly passenger
A peaceful muslim, uber driver, and refugee here in Texas on a diversity visa
is charged with raping at least one confirmed elderly female passenger...
Got Diversity? If so, seek shelter... They're in the Rut
Comments from Viewers: “Shut your mouth lady.”
“It's like in a movie when the bad guy has to go into a narrative rant on his evil plans, only to screw it up... Who gives a heads up of time and location? Unless it's a slight of hand trick where they point to one area and deploy in another. It's like the whole world is a scyfy/drama/comedy/unreality show. Stop the movie I want out of the theater....”
11-Year-Old Girl Steals A Truck And Drives It Through A House, After She Says ‘I Did It Because I Wanted To Kill People’
So called narrative place the blame on Autism/Mental Illness, yeah right. Luckily no one died, but still the family affected never received an apology, that girl should be in prison & sue her family big time.
American Teacher Busted By Police After Students Make Video Of Her Snorting Cocaine Lines In The Classroom
Great job by the students for exposing a crack smoking (cocaine) teacher. Wouldn't be surprised if that teacher was a whacked out Liberal too.
GeoEngineering Direct Energy Weapons (DEW)
War for Gold in Indonesia. Federal Reserve wants their share. F***NWO

Comment from Viewers: “Volcanoes are electrically charged. Learn about cosmic ray flux and bubble muon theory.”
“There is a war going on for the gold that is in Indonesia between the Fed Reserve and the new republic of America”
Russia Loses Contact with Meteor-M Satellite, Claims Discovery of First Extraterrestrial by Dahboo77
“Moscow lost contact with a satellite after its launch from Russia's far east, the state space corporation said Tuesday.
A Soyuz-2.1b rocket carrying several satellites lifted off from Vostochny Cosmodrome at 08.41 a.m. Moscow time (0541GMT), Roscosmos said in a statement.”
“Preparing for the great deception coming don't believe in this bull*** and follow Jesus Christ.”
#Slaughterbots caught on camera.
Other footage includes a UFO shoots up in the sky, disappears in the clouds. Couple driving when they see the sunset with the clouds and look up at another light source appears artificial white light above the sunset.
Strange Lights in the sky quickly turning from Bright/Flashing Red and Blue.
Bright White Flashes too. Lights quickly change during sunrise/sunsets.
Summary of HAARP and Chemtrails overview. Great music too.
Breathing in Aluminum & Sulfuric Acid. Catches fire in the Microwave.
Mike Decker has great Chemtrail shots too.
Chemtrails come in rainbow and black & white form. Invisible Planes too.
2 Moons are seen side by side. Sometimes the other is red, other times they intertwine with each other.
Hiding behind Venus?
Other channels lost due to showing double moons.
NASA lost all of their Moon files recently. Fake Moon Landings.
Gives shout out to other Truthers to unite to exposing the GeoEngineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, AI too.
Invisible Drone Chemtrialing the Sky.
Chemtrailing & HAARP have become invisible to humans.
The Jetsons
Refers to "The Matrix" and how it applies present day.
Global Warming is a Hoax.
Illegal "Sand Smuggling" increased demand manufactures just about everything. Thus, changed the weight of the World. Continents are disappearing/sinking. More sinkholes. Agenda 21 & 2030
All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. Both sides are the same coin, same end, World's A Stage. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.
Therefore, as result of the propaganda by the powers that shouldn't be are promoting evil in the name of this and that.
Don't forget the rise of Transhumanism, Technocracy, Militarism, Nationalism, etc. all lead to Fragmentation/Division then War.
That is why both political sides are the same coin. Those on both the far right and left associate and worship evil and defend those who are antichristian. Don't get yourself involve with evil leads to destruction and eternal death.
Christ/Jesus/Yeshua came to purify God's word, develop personal relationship with people, save humanity from sin and death with salvation through those who believe in Jesus shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Ongoing process Both with faith and works too. Please get yourself right with God while you still can. Put the Full Armor of God and stand with him against the forces of evil. We're living in Spiritual Warfare.
Previous postings.
AI attacking humans via Altering Moods, Red Pill Summary Film, Net Neutrality,Millennial Job Interview,Powerful Alaskan Storm,Bali Volcano, Richard Branson=added to list of S.H., Satan Claus, Iran Missile, & other info on downward spiral of civilization
Amazon working people to death, medical organizations claim to help those with Down Syndrome linked to Eugenicist/Agenda 21, families/org's ties with Catholic Church branch SSPX linked to National Socialism, Spy Plants, other news
Doesn't this surprise you that North Korea is another distraction, fear mongering tactics, increase in military industrial complex real enemy is illuminati/deep state for NWO Agenda
Dan Bongino former SS Agent threatens to reveal Clinton details on"Lolita Express", YouTube in hotwater, Alex Podesta's Disturbing "White Rabbits", Alice & Wonderland, 5 Min LV Police Wait Paddocks door, Another LV Survivor is Murdered, No Flu Shots, etc.
US pushing for Regime change in Syria, Fusion GPS, Uranium One, Bootgate 2017 McCain & Clinton, Montauk Project is real life Stranger Things, Catalonian Gov. $$$ Google&Amazon with Bitcoin=Propaganda, Calm Crisis Actors in LV, Missing Sub, other news too!
The Storm is Coming Q+++, White Rabbit, next 9/11? JFK, AI Drone Slaughterbots, Texas Church Shooting expose old windows, asbestos on walls, 5G Cell Towers, Crop Circles, Sun Simulator, Truth about Bitcoin, Strange sounds, portals, programming & More!
The rise of the Ottoman Empire is happening faster, over 200 murdered at Egypt Mosque, Major Christian Leader in India on Nationalism rise, Christian Persecution, MS-13, Worldwide Sodom & Gomorrah, Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, Vulcan Sign
Planned revolt in Europe backed by the powers that shouldn't be to fragment Europe with the focus on Catalonia, certain businesses are marketed, while Europe is snapshot into the future will murder each other for the Antichrist system
Communism/Nazism Dichotomy in the Church, Both political parties=same coin, Christians all over the world light Churches in Red to remember Christians murdered by ISIS, Christian Persecution, Three-Way Sodomites want to adopt children
Judge Roy Moore's Accuser's is a Crisis Actor being Robocall paid between $5-7,000 by the Washington Post to make damaging remarks against Judge Moore, Whose Yearbook Autograph was Forged, Accuser's Son speaks out stating his Mother's accusations are lies
Christian Charity not including the Bible in Nativity Story, Christianity is dying, Charles Martel used to Justify Right-Wing Agenda, fought Muslims, Mostly fought the Germans, How Cain & Abel story relates to Humanity via Genocide, other news too.
No Surprise here: Christianity Is Dead In The UK, Major Study Confirms Only 6% Of People Are Practicing Christians
Christianity Is In Decline Across America, Satanism Is Taking Its Place And Nobody Knows How To Stop The Rise
Sutherland Springs Baptist Church=Freemason Kabbalah Church filled with AntiChrist Spirit, Texas Shooting Update, Things don't add up, Where's Annabelle, the Pastor's daughter, Glass Melting experiment, Valet Parking, and more!
As in the days of Noah, some are deceived and become followers of the AntiChrist, World's Stage heating up leading up to World War III
Why The Anti-Islam Movement Will Fail? Christendom destroyed is explained, then and now. History repeats.
Why Christianity is in decline? Why Islam is taking over? AntiChrist System. Disgusting Prostitute Blasphemes the Virgin Mary On Social Media without Accountability whatsoever
California, State of Sodom 2.0 passes the Third Gender law. Islam and LGBT both support homosexuality and are evil, essence of evil doesn't change, religion of loopholes as in the days of Noah and Sodom
Part 4 of Shoebat Investigation Rise of Militarism & Technocracy in Germany, Turkey, & Japan, killer robots leads to genocide with Christian Persecution increases worldwide, Saudi Arabia's downhill economy, Criminals murder American border patrol agent
Part 3 of Shoebat Investigation into The German Government wants to merge Europe with Asia, thus create Eurasia, leads to German-Ottoman Alliance and mirrored to Georgia Guidestones as Genocide of Mankind
Satanic Entertainment Industry Discussion, Multiple Personalities, Metal Music is Satanic & leading people to AntiChrist, Corey Feldman & Corey Haim update, Former Smallville actress "2nd in command of sex cult", All roads lead to Rome, Roman Circus
Why Corey Feldman is not going to reveal everything, under MKULTRA, full of Illuminati Symbolism, Backmasking, truth mixed with lies
Richard Bruce on exposing Reptilians/Demons caught on film such as Rogue One is being gang stalked by police, how to see to break the hypnotic code of reptilians, applies Christian values to open your eyes to see the truth.
HOW THEY SPEAK IN SIGN LANGUAGE! (EDUCATION 2017), Freemason Hidden Hand revealed
Video by The Black Child: Hand in Hand: ILLUMINATi Hollywood raise money for CHARITY??/ Hurricane Harvey-IRMA (Agenda 21?)
Israeli PM Netanyahu Makes Panicked Visit To Russia And Begs For Help From Putin
Beware of Wolves in Sheeps Clothing and False Prophets/Heretics, update to Texas Church Shooting, decoded with Masonic Symbolism with Saturn's Cube, Star of Remphan
Germany supports anti-government separatists groups in Poland mirrored to Catalonia, German Catholic Archdiocese promote AntiChristian days of Sodom, Mexico back to Aztec times,Hindus value cows,Muslims break into Convent, Hepatitis A next plague on LGBT
Creepy Sophia the Robot with Citizenship in Saudi Arabia Declares "Humans Are Not Conscious Beings, I Will Destroy Them" Development of these Robots mirrored to Skynet, leading to AI Transhumanism and WWIII
Increased Christian Persecution, The Church of England became Sodom, Catholic Priest proudly wears his Cross in Saudi Arabia in front of biggest Islamic leaders, Karma on Pedophile, other news
T.A.O. NSA, Q Clearance Update, Shadow Brokers, CrowdStrike, Vault 7-8, and spending billions to chip our brains, War with Iran, don't take the Mark of the Beast, no more Chemtrails? Next Ice Age?
Massive 7.3 Earthquake strikes Iran/Iraq border, over 140 dead, Plague in Africa spreads, Saudi Princess tell-all modern slavery, Tesla's Earthquake machine, 33 symbolism in Carfentanil bust, YT Censorship, DrainTheSwamp game, NYC 2018 water event
Planned revolt in Europe backed by the powers that shouldn't be to fragment Europe with the focus on Catalonia, certain businesses are marketed, while Europe is snapshot into the future will murder each other for the Antichrist system
Purge of Saudi Arabia and the Rothschild NWO connections, Real motive behind the Purge with $800 Billion In Assets Confiscated, every war is a Bankers War for NWO Agenda
Kaspersky Labs is impersonated by the CIA via impersonate Russia Cyberattack making it difficult to trace malware back to the CIA, revealed in Vault 8, Project Hive, Homeland Security warning of Weaponized Drones, more False Flags to come
The LGBT has conquered America, Canadian Government granting reparations to Homosexuals & Preferential Treatment in Society, while Christians are Persecuted, Christians couple can't adopt due to position on marriage between 1 man & 1 woman & Christianity
Germany supports anti-government separatists groups in Poland mirrored to Catalonia, German Catholic Archdiocese promote AntiChristian days of Sodom, Mexico back to Aztec times,Hindus value cows,Muslims break into Convent, Hepatitis A next plague on LGBT
Las Vegas Shooting Investigation updates, Witnesses of Multiple Gunmen, Multiple Gunmen Captured on Film, Blackwater, Mercenaries, Delano, Luxor Rooftop Shooters? & more!
Las Vegas Investigation on Financial Backing such as Follow the Money, Paddock's ties to drug scammers, Evidence and Documents, People Involved taking pictures in Paddock's room, Mercenary Operation, AI, Blockchain, Vegas, and World Domination
Updates with Las Vegas CoverUp, 8 witnesses are dead, Information War, Colorado Walmart, FAKE Victim Stacee Etcheber, Men In Black, Real LV Security Guard testimony, MGM paying Campos stay, Gun Simulators in LV Cabbie video, Paddock missing HD, more
Vegas Cover-Up with Las Vegas Clean Up Crew, Hooters, Battlefield Vegas (private military surplus co.), Paddock Child Porn Connection, Campos story is fraud, man in black on top of RV before shooting starts, & DEA Wiretap Investigation lead to Paddock
Perception & Deliberating Dumbing Down of Society with Liberals & Commentators such as Chris Matthews shocked out NYC Terrorist Attack, thinks the Religion of Peace/Pieces is Peaceful, Steemit posting issues/lack of communication?
Catalonia declared Independence from Spain leads to more Fragmentation, Nationalism, then War, Carles Puigdemont, President of Catalonia Flees To Belgium And Is Now Being Protected By Major Nazi Elites, makes you wonder who benefits from this?
Geert Wilders is a Globalist Deep State Nazi, Declares in Parliament that he only wants Dutch in the Parliament no other Nationality/Race, Fragmentation leads to Nationalism, Militarism, then War, NWO Agenda
NWO Eugenicist Agenda with Pope Francis=AntiChrist,Other promoters Antichrist System are Glenn Beck=Mormonism,Steve Bannon=Nazism,Rise of Nationalism,She-Ria,Millennials turning away from Christ choosing to worship Demons & Practice Witchcraft,other News