Things that matter #2 Lines in the Sky

in chemtrails •  7 years ago  (edited)

Most people have a though time talking about this subject as their cognitive dissonance is to strong to let them think clearly for a second and can't see the obvious. If you try explaining it to them they will jump you like a hyena, defending their conditioning and what they were thought to think long ago.

Without even noticing it or knowing the reason why, they have developed a specific opinion a reasonable person can not understand. They stand by it at any cost and will defend that belief system as if you were attacking them on a personal level.

Most are trapped in their daily problems/routine, can't stop for a second and use their head for some common reasoning. Looking up at the sky that is clearly bombarded by trails and not seeing anything wrong with it. Going straight back to their Ephones (enslavement phones) to check their latest updates on social acceptance from people they don't care about.


Do you know what is shown in this image? Contrails or chemtrails?

If you think they are contrails it's no coincidence as you've been conditioned to think so. In the past couple of decades an insane amount of money is spent on Tv series, shows, movies, cartoons, reality series to shape public opinion and condition the masses, especially kids into thinking chemtrails are a normal occurrence. Take a look at what I'm talking about and to what extent this is happening.

Here Marge actually says:

Looks like the flu season is coming.

This are just a couple examples of how they try to manipulate public opinion through subliminal messaging and missinformations. There are thousands more and many are being made/shown to you each day as we are constantly being pushed to watch this and without even knowing about it they are easily making us believe this is normal.

If you say the lie a thousand times it becomes a truth

And the mindless sheep of today are proving this good old saying to be very true.

See more conditioning in cartoons, movies, ads and games here
[CHEMTRAILS CONDITIONING - Subliminal Messages in Cartoons, Ads, Movies, Games(


I'm here to give you a chance to break the spell of the Propaganda Machine. You have a choice now. Take the red and keep reading to discover the truth or take the blue pill, leave and never come back.

What do you say? Which one is it going to be? Do you want to wake up from the dream world you were made to think was real or would you like to know the truth?

Great decision! Welcome to the other side.

Let's forget for a minute about what the mainstream is trying to push us to believe and look at some facts. I wont go into much detail as this post would get too long but I will provide enough information for anyone to understand this issue and links for articles/books/videos that you can further investigate on your own.


Are a normal occurence and happen when water vapor left by airplanes freezes because of low temperatures at high altitudes. Contrails quickly disappear as the plane flies away. Usually within a minute or two.

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Are unusually big contrails that linger slowly up in the sky for hours, only to spread out and create "clouds". I used quotation marks as they aren't really clouds and anyone with a bit of common sense can see that there is something wrong with them as they usually look like a sunscreen to block out the sun.

At least you won't need sunscreen any more

You can even look straight at the sun without hurting your eyes!


Are used for weather modification but many have been conditioned to think otherwise and I don't blame them. A lot of work is being put into demonizing anyone who speaks truth about this and in spreading propaganda to mislead people into thinking chemtrails are contrails.

giphy-downsized-large (1).gif

One of many concerns with this is that

A sunblock like this deprives each and every one of us of the essential vitamin D. A vitamin we can naturally only get through sun exposure.

Your body must have vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. Too little vitamin D results in soft bones in children (rickets) and fragile, misshapen bones in adults (osteomalacia). You also need vitamin D for other important body functions

Vitamin D deficiency is a major public health problem worldwide in all age groups, even in those residing in countries with low latitude, where it was generally assumed that UV radiation was adequate enough to prevent this deficiency, and in industrialized countries, where vitamin D fortification has been implemented now for years.

Is vitamin D deficiency a major global public health problem?

You don't have to believe me I'm just a random guy on Steemit. Take a look and see for yourselves.

This is a great example of the geoengineering that has been taking place over the past couple of decades. If you look up every once in a while you will most likely see the same thing. I literally don't know a place on earth where this isn't happening.

If you do feel free to inform me so I can relocate there :)

Learn the facts and stop beieiving everything you see on TV

Climate change is happening. Its impacts and costs will be
large, serious, and unevenly spread.

the climate
Science, governance and uncertainty

Read the full study
the climate

Operation Popeye The Secret Weather Manipulation Program of the Vietnam War

Was probably the first time weather modification was used in a war. Cloud seeding produced rain that flooded the rivers in an attempt to gain a tactical advantage.

Read more here and/or watch this video

A Recommended National Program In Weather Modification - NASA weather modification program from 1966

This document goes in depth to the extend weather modification was happening and how it was evolving in the early 1966. Kind of makes you think about what they can do now in terms of controlling the weather if the program has been in action for so long. Doesn't it?

Read more
A Recommended National Program In Weather Modification

Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare NASA 2001

Written by Dennis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center this document is full of information about solutions and ideas for future warfare. One of which is micro dust weaponry which has already been unleashed upon the population a long time ago.

Read full document
Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare

This is a very interesting page from the same study where it's clearly stated that population growth is a major concern. Something the informed amongst us have already heard so many times before. Agenda 21, the depopulation plan, Georgia guidestones and even Bill Gates himself stating that depopulation shall be achieved through healthcare, vaccination and education.

See the clip here

This should be enough for anyone to understand and I wont go any further as this post isn't about weather modification but rather to clear things up about Chemtrails VS Contrails and Truth VS Propaganda.

I will go more in depth about weather modification in future Things that matter posts as this is a subject I could write about for days and this post would be terribly long and most probably wouldn't read it.

Until then I urge you to do your own research and stop believing everything you learned in school or seen on TV because most of the times it's straight up lies.

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I live in the middle of nowhere. There are no major flight patterns over my corner of the sky. Most days see a few private small aricraft, and perhaps a jet or two high overhead. Most days the skies are empty, for the most part. Then on any random day, here come the jets. Dozens and dozens, all day long. Three or four in the sky at once, and all leaving "persistant contrails." :) RIGHT.....
People want to argue whether or not they are contrails, I am all done arguing. I KNOW what goes on here, and there is NO excuse except that they are spraying us on those days. It is not that some days jets leave trails and other days they don't, it is that there are NO JETS when there are no trails, and DOZENS of jets ALL leaving trails on the days they do. FOR TEN YEARS NOW.

I live in Jerome Arizona and pretty much the same applies here. Even over Sedona more and more I see.
Seems to come in waves. Meaning day after day for a few days then nothing for several days or a week. Then day after day again ....

I feel bad for you but it only seems like it's getting worse. Where they spray us like bugs every other day.

There is no reasoning and common sense when talking to a sheep, they have to come to this conclusions on their own.

Thank you very much for sharing these facts which so many people either dont know at all or they seem to know but turn a blind eye. Its all a part of the Matrix, where we are just being treated as puppets whether its in the living form or dead. I was not aware of all these till a few years back when my son started educating me on this. I used to not believe it but now the evidences are coming out strongly.

I'm glad you are awake :) My parents can't and don't want to understand this kind of subjects and it's a bit frustrating even trying to talk to them about it.

I guess when they see some impacts and validations of what you are telling them it would be easier for them to accept. After all our generation comes from a different thought process.
You may be interested in reading this one out

Great article @runicar! This is definitely something that needs to be known by the masses. When I try to tell people about this they think I'm insane.

I'm feeling for you as the same is happening to me when I'm trying to talk to some people. Those who will turn you down are close minded and will stay that way until something changes. I was the same. And didn't understand anything.

But then something amazing happened. I had a shift of consciousness and woke up only to discover everything is much different than we have been thought to think.

They think you are insane because that's how we are portrayed in the media and the sheep mindlessly believe it.

Keep on doing what you do man! One day all people on earth will face their own conscience.

Will do, thanks! It's always nice to meet like-minded people.

Everyone will face consequences for their ignorance. We aren't excluded for knowing the problem.

Very informative video I especially liked your comment, "Going straight back to their Ephones (enslavement phones) to check their latest updates on social acceptance from people they don't care about." It is sad to see the change in humanity since that technology came about. Upvoted and resteemed!

It's the change they wanted. Most can't separate from their phone for a day any more. It's like a drug or a bad habbit. You just can't get rid of it, even if you wanted to because you need it. Also added a couple of gifs as I felt like it lacked more clarification and interactivness.
Have a great day and thanks for the support!

I'm not much of a resteemer but this post @runicar is not only focused on an important issue but is so well constructed and does such a top job of holding the readers' hand through the social construct surrounding chemtrails that I am definitely resteeming this one.

Thanks for the obvious effort that went into it!

Thanks a lot. I'm glad that you appreciate my work and enjoyed reading on the subject. I'll cover many more important issues in Things that matter series in a similar fashion. I'm sure you will like them :)

I'm sure I will too 😊

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh my goodness..reading all of it was just like a davinci code were being revealed to me..
I should learn to make post like u..


Resteemed,nice post man :)
Share your views with us more often.


Extremely well written and informative post. Great work, keep it up. It saddens and maddens me when I see these invade our beautiful fresh air...we have been given no choice!

But but the government says it’s safe

😆 the government lies to us folks!
They are doing way more then we know! Before trying to discredit this maybe do research people !

Nice post.. it appears like a nice science fiction film idea

Good good good

I am choked ! were are manipulated by media and we don't now that!! also nature was manipulated by them !!

Your words will protect this precious belief system as you have attacked them on their personal level

My 15 year old niece asked me “do you believe in chemtrails?” I was shocked to consider someone might not “believe”. They are right there. Everywhere. “Have you seen them?” Yes I told her. She was relieved. My sister has taught her children the truth. How can so many people not remember when they were kids and there were no chemtrails ever. They are so dumbed down and distracted. The kids don’t stand a chance.

I'm a mechanical engineer and I love everything about flying ،thanks ! :)

Great post @runicar it's very informative can I get your permission to resteem this post?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you @runicar for this post. It's informative and concise. I have been very interested in conspiracy theories and also read a lot about Chemtrails conspiracy. And authorities call them Contrails. I with most doubtful mind doesn't come to accept either side. I believe we who discover these theories, advocate of humanity above classes and colour. And we want world of our imagination with no boundaries. It is a beautiful dream and idealistic one. But I can't accept this idea that each and every authority is a Satan. I believe things are not back and white.

Very good information.
Followed, upvoted and Resteemed
Thank you

nice great post excellent
