Rd2 - Qc1+
Kf2 - Ne5
Qg5 - ....
Now there are a few options but Nxf3
seems reasonable.
Ideally black would prevent Qe7
which would be possible if he didn't move the queen to the much more attractive looking c1
but to b1
If white manages to Qe7
black will have to invent king moves that prevent both Qxd6+
as well as the even worse Rd6+
In stead of trading the Knight on e5
for the knight on f3
it seems black can move from e5
to c6
but then Qg7
happens and black is forced to Kb6
or he loses the rook with check.
Then Rb2 happens which seems to force Nb4
Its not an exact attack but black has a lot of ways to lose.
The funniest is after Qxd6+ the Ka8 - Qd8+ - Rxd8 - Rxd8
What other ways out are there for black?