Almost Lost this game, until I found a brilliant solution

in chess •  7 years ago 

This was a little game I played online at lichess, I almost thought I had blown the game, but more on that in the commentary.

1.e4 b6

B00 Owen Defense This is funky way to play the opening black resigns the center to white for the moment, but plans to strike at it later, I have played this in a real rated game a couple of times.

2.d4 Bb7 3.Bd3

White wants to play the most complicated line here, that line occurs after 3...f5 there is lines where black survives with a rook up, and then there are some variations where black get checkmated.

3...d6 4.f3

This looks suspicious to say the least.

4...Nd7 5.b3 Ngf6 6.Bb2 e6 7.Ne2 Be7

This is the setup I play for white black, though this is mostly my bullet system.

8.Nd2 a6

This is a little move that prepares an expansion on the queen site.

9.c3 Rc8 10.Qc2 c5 11.Rc1 O-O

This might not be a necessary, although it should be a good move.

12.Qb1 b5 13.O-O Re8 14.c4 b4

This might have been a rather suspicious move, I did miss what happened here, although I had a rather "clever" solution to the problems presented.

15.e5 dxe5 16.dxe5 Nh5 17.Bxh7+

This is a rather silly move, it does in fact change nothing about the upcoming "solution"

17...Kh8 18.g4

This is "the problem"


This is "the solution"

19.Ne4 Be3+

Although in reality this might be more of a solution.

20.Nf2 Nf4 21.Nxf4 Bxf4 22.Rce1 Qh4

White resigns.

No real way to defend this position.


I would like to spend some more time on the position I had

Before I played 14.-b4.
I think I could have played this position better, but it happened that I had no idea that I was facing a tough move in 15.e5!
I might still have played 14.-b4 if I had realized the entire position, but I did not realize any of it, but I then stumbled on a nice solution to my own laziness.
Although had I seen the move 15.-Bg5 I would have probably played the whole sequence anyway, I like it that much.

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