Chess problem 50 / Schachaufgabe 50steemCreated with Sketch.

in chess •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hi, chess fans! :)
This time I would like to show you a position which recently arose in an online chess game.

I played with black, and it was obvious that I had to find a really good move to finish my attack successfully.

The question is only: which move? Can you answer the question and show me how black could obtain at least a clear advantage?


Hallo Schachfreunde! :)
Dieses Mal möchte ich euch eine Stellung zeigen, die sich kürzlich in einer Online-Schachpartie ergab.

Ich spielte mit Schwarz, und es lag auf der Hand, dass ich nun einen ziemlich guten Zug finden musste, um meinen Angriff erfolgreich vollenden zu können.

Die Frage ist nur: welchen Zug? Könnt ihr sie beantworten und mir zeigen, wie Schwarz zumindest einen klaren Vorteil erzielen konnte?

FEN: r1b3k1/pp3pb1/4r1p1/3Q2P1/2B5/2q1B3/P3KPP1/R6R b - - 0 1

Black to move: / Schwarz am Zug:

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @jaki01. Here my solution:

1.... Rxe3 2.fxe3 Qc2+ 3. Rf1 Be6 and white will lose the bishop

  1. ... Rxe3+
  2. fxe3 Qc2+
  3. Kf3 ?
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

3.. Kf3 Be6 again
If white moves Rac1 (or Rhc1):
4.. Rac1 (or Rhc1) Bxd5+ and then black moves the queen

  1. ... Rxe3+
  2. fxe3 Qc2+
  3. Kf3 Be6
  4. Qxb7 ?
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow, i did not see Qxb7, but white can not make that move because it's checkmate, all moves are forced

  1. ... Rxe3+
  2. fxe3 Qc2+
  3. Kf3 Be6
  4. Qxb7 Qf5+
  5. Ke2 (if 5. Kg3 Be5+ 6. Kh4 Qg4#) Bxc4+
  6. Kd1 (or Ke1 it is indifferent) Qd3+ (Bc3+)
  7. Kc1 (Kd1) Qc3+ (Qd3+)
  8. Kd1 (Kc1) Rd8+ (Qd2+)
  9. Qd7 (Kb1) Rxd7# (Bd3#)

That's it: congrats to the winner of this round! :)

Great and energetic attack, where black had to play very accurate moves (for example not 2. ... Be6? because of 3. Rac1!) to save the victory.

Thanks bro, it was very fun :)

sooo fast

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur 50. Schachaufgabe! Vor allem freue ich mich, dass du so viele Mitspieler gefunden hast. Und die Aufgaben sind immer ziemlich tricky!

Danke, freut mich sehr, dass dir meine Schachaufgaben immer noch gefallen! :)

Ich hatte schon überlegt, die 50. Aufgabe besonders knifflig zu machen, mich dann aber für eine Stellung aus einer 'gewöhnlichen' eigenen Partie entschieden. Ich dachte mir, dass sich künstlich konstruierte Schachprobleme und Stellungen aus 'echten' Partien der Abwechslung halber ungefähr die Waage halten sollten.

Aaargh, bad timing, can't look at this now as 10 day old baby needs looking after
But at first glance I am thinking Re6 x e3, and then after pawn f2 x e3 you can start to maneouvre the white king round to the fgh/34 squares

Need to come back later, but then it will likely be solved...


This one definitely took some thinking. I'm liking the puzzles that are focused on getting a good trade rather than getting a clear-cut checkmate as they're more likely to help during an actual game.

Exultant Article of Chess Game . this is great post.
Upvote Resteem

Thanks for the information of chess problem. this is great post thanks for sharing.

nice one!

Fun challenge! Nowhere close to being a chess pro but I know the rules so I can guess. f7 -> f5?

NOPE! :)

1...Rxe3+ 2.fxe3 Bg4+ 3.Kf1 Qxa1+
This wins a piece and possibly also the other rook, it might not be best though.
It is however the best I can find immediately.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


  1. ... Rxe3+
  2. fxe3 Bg4+

white must play

3 . Kf2. Now 3. ... Qb2+! (protects b7) 4. Kg3 Be6 is also clearly better for black. However, the solution of @juanmi96 is faster (and he found it faster). :)

i can't play chess :D

chess is like very good mind exercise i reply it when i am free todays i am busy

great game

Nice move !!!

You like chess challenges, Nice game & needs brilliant mindset to play.

~Followed & Upvoted

Hello @jaki01,

Extraordinary good article with good chess problem. Wish to see the correct answer for it.


For the answer just check the comments of @juanmi96 above.

@jaki01 - Sir this is a good challenge.... Unfortunately I have no idea how to solve it Sir....
To get more audience, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

I like to play chess..
It completedly a brainy games

chess problem, a master mind can solve ;) impressive work @jaki01


Once again good post on chess , keep on, upvoted

Chess is always a big problem to me :D Actually no idea how to win it and hope someone will provide the winning strategy! I know you are a genius and you can easily solve this too!


It's very good post. @jaki01 Thanks for shearing with us.

Am like chess but not too good in chess, I like ur post, upvoted

Nice chess problem & did you solve it? I think you figure out the way to win the round~

great game!
((((((((( Resteem Service))))))

This is chess play is not idea and great post.
thanks for sharing
100% like and resteem

The chess boss

really super game in the world..great post... like it re-steem

Great Challenger game and very clever problem about chess you ask from steemians. Lot of interesting article @jaki01.

Thanks for your chess article. It is a good . @jaki01
have a great day.

Wow amazing playing for chess . thanks for article useful.

For your post propagation.

Very nice chess contest you arranging @jaki01. Its great challenge and provide brain fro this game. Chess is a wisdom game. I need to time for guess this. Anyway resteem.

chess is a game that sharpens our mindset, thanks for sharing it @jaki01

Great job @jacki01, Chess problem 50 contents.
I cant play chess but I`ll do my best. I was try to learn before. However resteem your post.

Love Chess!! Great content there are many ways to go about this!

I upvoted your comment as an exception because you upvoted my article, too, but in future please only comment if you have something to write which is related to the content of the article.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

good job my friend..

thanks for this great information post