The game was mine since the beginning but I made a blunder when I thought my opponent would make the obvious move instead of something weird that I didn't anticipate and thus, didn't protect myself from that and lost the Queen; that was lack of focus and attention because I lost it in the most stupid way preparing to checkmate my opponent around turn 10. Even though I lost my Queen very early on I managed to recover from the big loss instead of whining like most players do and then resign the game, and after that, I won the game in a rather prepared but rocky way.
Here are the moves we both made.
And then here's the graph of how the game went in terms of point advantage:
If you noticed, it is as I said, I was already preparing to mate him when I made that huge mistake and then the graph went from giving White the advantage by a lot of points, to black by a lot of points. This comeback felt amazing for me.
Now for the key moments and mistakes on my side:
What I did | What I should've done |
Now here's what I talked about my Queen. See he should've gone to F2 to force me to take the bishop with my Queen and save her by sacrificing my rook, but instead he moved to g3 taking me completely unprepared and I didn't even check where he moved, I just assumed he did the correct move, not that blunder where I could've taken his knight without any effort, so I moved my Queen as I was planning and took his bishop and then he took my Queen. Stupid, I know, I should've though of that but this was a 3 minute game and I just didn't think he would blunder like that.
What I did | What I should've done |
After that, I was always the underdog until I found a plan to crown a pawn of mine and at the same time take one of his rooks, preparing for the kill, all at the same time.