Chicago has gone from politically stupid to outright perverse.

in chicago •  last year 


When I lost my job in DC, Chicago was one of the places I was looking at as a landing spot.

I had nothing but good times in that city. The architecture provided an abundance of photo opportunities. Celebrating St. Patrick's Day in Chicago is a different experience.

I was always aware of the notorious crime problem in the city. Still, I didn't have a problem with the prospect of going for a walk in the middle of the night.

That was six or seven years ago though, before the city went from politically stupid to outright perverse.

I don't think that I'll ever willfully return to the city of Chicago until they elect a Republican, and I'm not a Republican. So, that means that I'll never willfully go back there.

Retail theft isn't a victimless crime. It's not just property. This isn't just a lot of desperate Aladins stealing from corporations. Still, the Blue No-matter Who people of Chicago are delusional enough and entitled enough that they've created their own food desert, and the solution is to leach off of the rest of us.

They're bragging about not spending Chicagoians tax dollars on this. Right, they're spending tax dollars coming from the rest of the state, and from the federal government. We're all paying for this bullshit.

It might be time for a mass divorce from the Democratic party. Hell, the last Democrat who I wanted to vote for was Tulsi Gabbard, and she's left the party.

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