RE: Chickens... oh Chickens...

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Chickens... oh Chickens...

in chickens •  7 years ago 

We have a dozen chickens and do enjoy having them especially the eggs but there is some work involved. We live along a major highway and I do get concerned for them when "free ranging".

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We're in a tiny town without much traffic. I have neighbors... but not really 24/7 neighbors. The one house is only used for storage, and they show up to burn their garbage in the burn barrel there. He burns plastic. Gag. The other neighbor is a church --but he expressed a desire for my chickens to not be running all over his property at the church and I will respect that. I have two more neighbors a little further out that have a lot of dogs... so.... I've decided to fence off a good portion of my yard for them to 'free range' in. It's a decent sized yard so they'll be happy.