RE: Backyard Chickens and Eggs - A Simple Hobby That Pays

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Backyard Chickens and Eggs - A Simple Hobby That Pays

in chickens •  8 years ago 

Right! Yeah, black sex-links are sweeties, and RIRs are assholes. I have a couple of Buff Orpingtons.

Maybe with your hens trying rotating the flock, buy six new ones every year, and sell or give away 6 a year. Then it isn't such a flock. Before we moved to this property I also had space issues. I would sell some hens at the end of each summer, to keep the flock young. :)

I figured out once when I had 12 hens that I would have to rotate at least 3 a year to keep the same number of eggs. Ha ha, mixing a geek with a farmer, I had to do the math! :)

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Good idea. We have thought about it, but I do not know how the older birds will accept the younger. We usually get them a week or so old. As you know chickens have a pecking order. I know the previous Reds and Buffs would not have tolerated younger additions. They could not even get along with themselves. The Black sex links are of different character. Guess we could give it a try. Thanks for the thought.