It doesn't get much worse than this. Conspiracy, Murder, Child Abduction and all dished out to one family.

in child-abduction •  6 years ago  (edited)

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At last I have some good news to write about.

Only problem is, you have to do a little reading first. The background to this injustice is very important as this is an extraordinary case of government and police corruption. Social workers, Doctors, Police, Judges, Sheriffs and councilors have all been party to this miscarriage. Unfortunately for them, they had never met Deborah before and now they are all wishing they never had...

Do you remember me writing about Debora Milazzo? Well, maybe you do and maybe you don't, but let me get everyone completely up to speed...

This post will be in 2 parts. The 1st will be to catch up and go through some finer details of the lead-up to Debora having her child abducted by the social services. The 2nd part will be about the dramatic events that have unfolded over the last few weeks

As I have already told part of this story before, PART 1 Will NOT be posted onto the @familyprotection tag.

Part 1 is mainly about the circumstances leading up to the abduction of her child and separating this story will allow me to get straight into part 2, without detailed explanation.

Part 1 will center around the suspicious circumstances around the death of Debora's Step-father, Howard Lew Lewis.

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What you are about to read next, will be 100% fact.

No opinions.

No assumptions.

Just facts.

All documented and all available to see in this post.

I want no doubt to be left in anyone's mind, about the agenda of the social services after they have finished reading this post.

So let me begin...

Part 1

This is the story of Debora Milazzo, who is the step-daughter to Howard Lew Lewis, a famous actor and household name here in the UK. For those of you who live further afield, you may remember Howard from the Hollywood Blockbuster, "Robin Hood, Prince of thieves". Howard played a substantial role in this movie and yes...he was one of the merry men, fighting against the Sheriff of Nottingham(That's where I live).

Although Howard acted in many different roles over his long career, he did eventually come back and rejoin a fresh bunch of merry-men and he became a household name once again.


Long before all this happened to take place, Debora has had her eldest son taken into care, but has since had her son returned home. There WAS NEVER, and HAS NEVER been, ANY physical or mental abuse in this family home.

Debora was struggling to cope after being attacked by an ex-partner. On the day she went round to remove her belongings from his home, Debora received 3rd degree burns from the attack and her mental health suffered as a consequence. Deborah has since made a remarkable recovery and has come back a stronger woman.
She could never have imagined that things could possibly get any worse, but they did. A lot worse...

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Howard Lew Lewis had been diagnosed with the onsets of dementia and had been placed in a community-hospital to recover. Mr Lewis made a decent recovery and believed he was ready to go home. At this point the authorities stepped in and over-ruled the request. After this point, Mr Lewis was being held against his will and the authorities were looking to take control of his life-savings to pay for the costs of his "treatment" and accommodation. Due to Howard's successful career, he had amassed a nice little nest-egg for his retirement and had no intentions of allowing someone to steal it. Howard Lew Lewis, a man the medical board had judged too disabled by Dementia to return home, had enough wits about him to contact his Step-Daughter, Debora Milazzo, and request that she take control of his assets. Debora did just this and also joined her dad in the fight against the authorities.

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Debora and Howard reported the authorities to the police but nothing was done to help them. Debora later discovered that the police officer in charge of looking into this complaint was the Husband of a social worker(She will turn up later on, so take note).

Howard and Debora had no other option, but to go to the UK press for help.

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Police are investigating the death of actor and comedian Howard Lew Lewis after his family claimed he was killed by a drugs overdose administered by NHS medics.
The 76-year-old – who starred in television classics Maid Marian And Her Merry Men, Brush Strokes and Blackadder – died last week at Ellen's Glen House, a community hospital in Edinburgh.
Police have now launched an investigation after his daughter claimed Mr Lewis had been needlessly placed on a regime of high-dose sedatives and maximum-strength opiate painkillers.
Medical experts have also questioned the apparently 'inappropriate' treatment.

Howard Lew Lewis, died on 20/1/2018, at a community hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland. His post-mortem has revealed he dies of cancer, but this is strongly denied by Miss Milazzo.

  • Debora has told me personally, that her father seemed to be getting better and then went down hill quickly, before he passed away.
  • Debora began a GoFundMe campaign to raise the money for an independent postmortem op, to be carried out on her father.
  • Debora has strong suspicions that her father had been over-medicated, by those in-charge of his well-being(And that is putting it lightly!).
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In Debora's own words

"I suspect that they overdosed him, in order to keep him quiet".

Debora never got the evidence she wanted from the 2nd postmortem, but still upholds her claim to this day.

After the death of Mr Lewis, Debora honoured her step-dads name and continued to press for charges to be brought against the people involved in the theft of her fathers property. With the suspicious circumstances in which Howard passed away, Debora was now asking more serious questions and getting some pretty serious answers too.

In a report written by Georgia Edkins, of the Scottish Mail on Sunday, Deborah had this to say:

She said: ‘My fa­ther didn’t have cancer, he didn’t have heart dis­ease. They sud­denly just changed his med­i­ca­tion and it was the new med­i­ca­tion that killed him.’ The for­mer NHS ex­ec­u­tive ex­pressed shock at Mr Lewis’s treat­ment, say­ing: ‘I can­not con­ceive of cir­cum­stances which would ne­ces­si­tate the re­peated ad­min­is­tra­tion of these drugs. I am not in the least sur­prised that the pa­tient died. In a nut­shell, these drugs stop peo­ple breath­ing.
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Big Brother hits back...

The public attacks against the council were starting to get attention and as things were beginning to gain traction, Edinburgh council sent the social worker after Debora and what was left of her family...
And guess which social worker was sent to preside over Miss Milazzo case?... The wife of the Police officer, who was tasked with investigating Debora's original complaint(The one about the council detaining her father against his will, that was immediately dropped)

This is part of an email I received from Deborah, shortly after I first made contact with her to ask if I could help.

I miss my dad and broken over my son. No parental assessment, no home visit. Refusing to allow any of my family to see or speak to a little boy that just wants home. He suffered a bucket fracture to his wrist in care that took 9 days and me really losing the rag to make the carers take him to hospital , I was later informed the injury was new but not fresh, he must have been in such pain but hates a fuss .

Debora had by now reached out to the community around her and I am glad to hear that it was those folk who uphold the UK's COMMON-LAWS who came to her aid.

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Please join me for part 2, which will be posted under the @familyprotection tag and find out how things progressed...

Part 2

Which goes from this...

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To this...

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Pictures sourced from Debora Milazzo's FaceBook page, with permission for me to use.

Other Pictures
Howard Robin Hood 1, 2

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Thank you for sharing this information, it is a lot of hard work to do a post like this. Waiting for part 2. Blessings!

Thanks hope. I don't know how to write small post, so it all good. I have the easy part.
PS. Part 2 is ready and it is a lot more positive than you would think :)

Thank you @article61 You are fighter for truth and decency.
Much of my respect to you!

cc: @familyprotection, @markwhitham, @canadian-coconut

Spot on globo! Thank you very much. Part 2 will be posted either tomorrow or first thing the next day.

Is so sad this, but your work for show us the truth is really nice.
Have a nice day my friend.

Hi Carla :) Yes this is a particularly bad case, but I'll let you in on a sneak preview.... The authorities have dug themselves into a huge hole. Things are certainly turning around, but I do worry about what they may do next. Great to get so much support from everyone here.
Will come check out your page soon and hopefully see something a bit happier :)

I hope that all those problems that you expose are solved in the best way, thanks I hope you find something nice even though I usually write in Spanish.
A big hug!

I am going to have to take up Spanish then, I suppose. Can't be that difficult ;)
Thank you. Big hug back at ya

hehe use the translator LOL

@article61 dude, I was just glancing through some posts on steemit before bed and came across this one and you had me glued to it, I read every word and i think it is disgusting what they have done.
I am looking forward to reading part 2.

Just working on it now buddy. Might have to wait a little longer than expected as I want to make sure to get things in the right order. Thanks for the support matey, hope it don't give you nightmares lol.

not nightmares but gave me something to think about. It is crazy that someone can get treated like that. that is a lot of money for them to take a way from someone. i remember watching him on tv years and years ago.
I didn't know he had died.
My ex neighbour has an anti who got put into care, she had her own house. they were telling me not so long back that the house was sold and every penny had gone to the care home she was in.
I was a little shocked that they were using the money to keep their relation in care.
from what I understand its common practise for a care home to take the money. so I'm guessing you work and work all your life and think something belongs to you but really you don't have anything.

Something else that came up that someone I was talking to was bank cards.
I thought you might think this was interesting,
They have made bank cards over the last few years contactless, why? so this conversation went like this, when you have cash in your hand you know how much money you have on you.
with a contactless card you have money in your account but you cant see it, so when you are out and you see something you want you can swipe the card.
We were talking about how they have made so many people get in trouble because of this service, you might think to your self oh its only a couple of quid but you can soon go into your overdraft and then you owe the fat cats money again..
another form of control don't you think?
another way the poor get poorer and the rich get richer, another way to screw the little guy. the gov really have got us as the little people brain washed.
Power to the people fuck the government.

I've been trying to teach my daughter this very same point! What are we getting in return for this convenient contactless pay method and what are the banks getting out of it.
I've got no money so the banks don't get much service from me, other than charging me when a DD doesn't get paid. They won't give me an overdraft because my credit rating is shot. I wouldn't want an overdraft anyway, can't stand the bank. They are scum and invest in all our misery. Nice topic though. I will try send you a good link that tells the story of banking. It is crazy how lucky they all were.

Oh and thank you for your comments enjoyed the feedback. Plus, you reminded me that I missed a link in my follow up post to this about Dementia fraud. Will have to update that one quickly.

I am in the same boat as you regarding money, I don't have any either just what the government see fit to give me to live off which is ESA, long story (a breakdown in 2014)
But money bounces all the time on my account, lucky for me I am with nationwide and they have a flex basic account that does not charge me for going over drawn or a bounced DD.
I have had problems with other banks and I have in the past been chased by debt collectors, One guy I punched on my door as he grabbed me by the throat just because I wouldn't let him in my house.
I think banks and the government are in each others pockets they seem to take from every body and give nothing in return.
I got my self in to debt a long time ago, I was 19 years old, thought I was in love and moved in with this girl. She got me to take a loan out in my name for £7500 after interest it would be about £10,000 as it was a high interest rate loan.
I spent every penny on doing her house up, I went a way for a weekend with the lads and come back to an empty house and left with a loan to pay back.
I broke down and couldn't work because of the stress, the bank was soon on my case asking for it, and sent it to the collection agents who really came down on me.
It scared me shit-less to be honest so I decided to go missing. For 5 years I went from house to house living with friends, girls I had met in town and even on the street, this ended when I met my misses and we had a kid together.
Finally they caught up with me, they sent a letter to me saying you owe money, I got some legal advice and they said to me that it was statue barred as it was over 6 years old.
Well many years have gone by and in 2016 I got a letter from a court saying that was taken to court and I was given a ccj, for £9,900. now this debt is well over 14 years old.
I have not paid a penny to them, and I wont, but my credit has been shot to pieces because of it and what makes it worse is we were looking at buying a house.
So my point is all these people are in each others pockets, I think they want us to be in debt to us to keep us in check with what they want us to do.
I feel like oliver twist. Please sir can I have some more. haha.

I think I have just done a full blog post in a comment haha sorry dude.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Kidnapping
Our Purpose

Its called money im really sorry that happened is this in the US lol i hope not

No UK. Thanks

Seriously i thought they've got better then that

I wish! The UK seems to be a hub shysters, mate.

Its the politics

because with togetherness despite different places, let us succeed with affection hands just memvoting our colleagues blog @zuhrafriska