Parental values.

in child •  last year 


Travel woke my child's mind up. Raised on a small country farm on the northern coast of Maine, looking back, aside from the dysfunctionality inside my family abode, probably not so unusual during that time, where emotional needs were usurped by the very consequences of physical survival, I definitely had it better than many have it today.

Leaving home as soon as I could was never a question, it was expected. In my particular case, I had no direction, no ambition, except to just leave home, away from the rules and regulations, just to be free.

Well, that turned out to be quite an adventure over the years, many potholes along the roads I travelled, and broken bridges ahead.

But, now as I look back, I appreciate the values my parents instilled in me, even when way back then, I didn't feel they were with me, because, in retrospect, life was hard, and they couldn't always be.

Just a shout out to Mom and Dad, now in the ethers. Thanks!

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