For the sake of the kids, the adults should encourage kids to shut up.

in child •  5 months ago 


Now, to clarify that declarative statement -- by "adult" I don't mean "legal adult." I mean a human being with a fully developed brain who has been around the block a few times. Somebody who has gained some wisdom in life. Someone who has been there and done that.

By, "shut up" I don't mean that the kids should just sit there and be preached to by their elders, and take their word as gospel. The kids should express their views. The kids should play around with ideas, and see what they think fits. They should challenge each other and their elders.

What I mean by "shut up" is that kids shouldn't be on stage shouting "How dare you!" at a bunch of people who know a lot more than the kid. I'm saying that kids shouldn't join up with a mob to shout slogans that they don't understand. I'm saying that kids should learn to embrace the heterodox view of the world before they choose the hills upon which they're willing to die.

What I'm also saying is that any adult with a fully developed brain, who has been around the block, and has been there and done that, who is seen propping up a kid into the public eye to champion a cause should be viewed as a child abuser.

Greta Thunberg has been old enough for me to call her an "ignoramus" for three years now without being accused of attacking a child; but, she's still clearly a victim. The adults in her life programmed her to have backward worldviews, which have now extended to participation in an anti-Israel demonstration, which did turn violent against some Jews, and included chants in solidarity with Yahya Sinwar -- the mastermind of the October 7th attacks.

The thing is, she has to take that side because of what her parents and the people at TED did to her. Her team was picked for her before she was legally an adult. If she doesn't toe the leftist, anti-western line, she'll be shunned, demonized, and labeled a turn coat and a traitor. The way leftist politics works, she'd lose her climate cred if she expressed sympathy toward Israel.

Eventually these kids' brains will develop. Some of them might meet a Jew or two who are kind and loving people, and realize that they spent their formative years marching for the Nazis. Eventually they may accidentally stumble on an article by Bjorn Lomborg, and start thinking that marginally slowing climate change isn't worth increasing global starvation for the first time since the industrial revolution.

Some of these kids are going to grow up. A great many of these kids are going to be saddled with a massive paper trail of the mostly dumb, often downright evil shit that they passionately spouted from their gobs, and people are going to find it.

It's the duty of the adults in he room to encourage the kids to shut up.

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