Virtually every person you know who thinks that, on balance, patriarchy is still a positive thing in the world has at some point in their lives in some small way enabled the sexual abuse of women and children.

in child •  last year 


Most people who in some significant way participate in child sexual abuse are not actually the abusers/predators.

Most people involved are people who enable and cover for abuse and abusers. The reason why prominent right wing people are so transparently and outlandishly projecting about pedophilia and grooming is that they all participate in it, but mostly they just participate by enabling and protecting and defending and apologizing for the people who actually do it.

Like, I don't think there's any evidence or any reason to suspect that Jim Jordan ever r*ped anybody. But he has materially participated in and enabled the sexual abuse of so fucking many kids...

Like, for every person who actually does the stuff that Donald Trump and Dennis hastert and Harvey Weinstein have done, there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people who have enabled them and protected them and basically say, "well, they're good at getting us the things we want so we just don't care"

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